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Well, i played SWG from 2004 'til the NGE as i didn't find it any fun at all and i've found myself wanting to try it again.
I've heard that they have reintroduced (spelling?) auto-attack and all, is it true?
And are the servers still dead or has there come back much people?
Its deader than the prick on the guy i met at the sports bar last nite....
A triple shot of Viagra couldnt help this loser.....either one.........
Damn, I gotta quit gettin into the whiskey before noon....
"The man who exchanges Liberty for Iconic classes is a fool deserving of neither." - Me and Ben Franklin
DAKSHA - the Weaponsmith
proud member of KDS
SWG- DAKSHA, Quietus, Decebal, Deceneu -retired
EVE - Daksha - retired
WOW - Daksha - retired
COV - Daksha - retired
EQ2- Daksha - retired
SOR- Daksha - retired
Vanguard - Daksha - retired
LOTRO - Daksha - retired
AOC - Daksha - retired
Warhammer - Daksha - retired
Aion - Daksha -almost retired
Waiting for SWTOR
"The man who exchanges Liberty for Iconic classes is a fool deserving of neither." - Me and Ben Franklin
Now we know who you are.
Lets say it like this, Bria has some population, not much though.
Then there is some other servers to that has some.
Still Mos Eisly is the only town people is in, all other towns and planets feels kinda dead : /
Starwars Galaxies, An Empier Diveded, That's what it says on my box anyway.
As for targetting.. It might be possible to get things back to the way they were before. I followed the guides, but I could never get it to work too well. And, hell, even if you do get it working, combat's bugged to hell and back. You're better off not being able to target them.
A** Still Raw From Your Last SWG Subscription? Come join us at
As for targetting.. It might be possible to get things back to the way they were before. I followed the guides, but I could never get it to work too well. And, hell, even if you do get it working, combat's bugged to hell and back. You're better off not being able to target them.
Bugged to hell? Elaborate...
Even when it had problems there at least was a community and we made fun, now its a waste of time and money,
Plus, people are actually Rping, trading and stuff...
Can't say anything about the other Realms, Farstar was - at least everytime I played so far - population-flagged as "Medium"... I CAN say though that I met a lot of new players on tatooine, more than I expected actually...
It is NOT the same combat as your thinking, nor is the auto targeting. It is a very very thin rip-off of that idea.
This is called, "Slight of hand" --- give them what they want (or they think it is) then give them somthing not quite the same...
Also, they tend to still drop the ball inthe means of feel, animations, combat smoothness and of course that SIM feel is now replaced with a twitchy bad FPS on a engine that it was not meant for.
BUT HEY, I like to think the game speaks for itself in populations, awards, reviews, gamer reviews and let's not forget input from your local game store sales...
I mean gosh, if it was so successful, people would not question how bad it really is.
I usually picture the Career builder commercial with the room full of monkeys and upside down sales chart when thinking about the SOE/SWG decision making process.....
SOE's John Blakely and Todd Fiala issued a warning: "Don't make our mistakes." Ref NGE
Winner of the worst MMOS goes to.... the NGE and SWG..!!!
It used to be that when a person is no longer breathing that they were considered dead.
Then they refined it to heartbeat.
Later they added neurological response.
These days it takes some 8 or 10 tests to proclaim someone dead.
SWG would score pretty high, but not perfect if it were subjected to same criteria. So, no heartbeat, still breathing, reflexes still working, but no neurological activity.
You can get a trial... you will just need a new SOE login. I'm still subscribe to SWG (i don`t play much though) and it's working pretty well now i must say. It`s way better then it was a couple months ago that is for sure. You can basicly have the pre-cu feel if you use mods and remap the keyboard and use specials with the keyboard.
As for targetting.. It might be possible to get things back to the way they were before. I followed the guides, but I could never get it to work too well. And, hell, even if you do get it working, combat's bugged to hell and back. You're better off not being able to target them.
Bugged to hell? Elaborate...
Not sure what Bissrok is referring to but for me, whether it was a "bug," working the way it was suppose to, or something I had set up wrong, if I had a something/someone targeted I couldn't simply click on another target to change targets, I had to hit esc to get rid of the first target...made a mess of doing emotes (because I was so use to being able to click on new target that I had many times where the target of the emote was wrong) and an even bigger mess in combat.
It's called "NGE" now.
$OE lies list
And I don't want to hear anything about "I don't believe in vampires" because *I* don't believe in vampires, but I believe in my own two eyes, and what *I* saw is ******* vampires! "
S.uck "O" E.ntertainment company
This makes absolutely no sense at all. WTF are you playing a game you dislike for roughly a year or two?!?!?! If you don't enjoy it, TRY SOMETHING ELSE!!!!!! That, or run off the cliff with the other lemmings.
Obraik probably already answered.
All 4 NGE fans say they're not dead, every other player says they are very dead indeed although there are a few (very few) reports of slight population increases, probably just players logging onto accounts they haven't actively been on for months to check out the expertise trees.
SWG Veteran and Refugee, Intrepid server
NGE free as of Nov. 22, 2005
Now Playing: World of Warcrack
Forum Terrorist
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
This is the deadest I've ever seen it yet. Last two days on Ahazi have been so quiet, I've hardly seen anybody. Very little activity even in the hotspots.
I'm not trying to slander the NGE or take sides or anything. But the number of players online has got to be at it's lowest around now. I've been around since vehicles were first introduced. Back in those days, there were more people in a single cantina or starport than there is the entire server now during peak hours. This game isn't in good shape right now.
This makes absolutely no sense at all. WTF are you playing a game you dislike for roughly a year or two?!?!?! If you don't enjoy it, TRY SOMETHING ELSE!!!!!! That, or run off the cliff with the other lemmings.
Obraik probably already answered.
All 4 NGE fans say they're not dead, every other player says they are very dead indeed although there are a few (very few) reports of slight population increases, probably just players logging onto accounts they haven't actively been on for months to check out the expertise trees.
I think he was saying , He didn't find NGE any fun at all early on .
I wouldn't consider myself an NGE fan , But I can say that some servers are not dead . Some are but most people who come back after playing ,makiing such claims . Base such opinions off citys like theed or coronet .Other's base it off their friend lists . My FL maybe had 3 people on it OL in the entire time I played during CU . And there are hundreds of people on it . This hasn't changed one bit NGE .
I was dedicated to two guilds in my entire SWG life , The first died way way back in mid-late 04 . The second shortly after CU .
So going back in I could easily come to the conclusion that my community is dead . But that is exactly the point my community is dead . Yes there are a few individual members of that community left , And it was nice chatting with them again . But as a whole they are long gone , Never to return .
The only way I was able to enjoy the time I played , During NGE or CU . Was to let go of that past , I have plenty of fond memories of that time . And I am sure every member of those guilds remembers it all, as clearly as I do .
As a marine-brat I am well accustomed to moving on and leaving old friends behind . It is how I grew up , I am sure such a thought seems cold to some people . But unless you have lived such a life , You really have no clue how hard it really is . After years of living this way , Maybe such a transition was a little easier for me . I also had RL friends to hang with to in galaxies, and a big part of going back they were .
Back on topic , The vet community is dead . There are no if's and's or but's about it .
But is SWG in a closing down state sub wise ? NO .
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson