Hi, just found out bout this game. I was wondering if this is a good game. What I understand is this is a point and click game and is client based opposed to web based. It is also in open beta. This game sounds interesting and it would be much appreciated if some people who played this game would describe it a bit more. For example if it is PVP, if the quests are good, the community is friendly, there are plenty of events, the gms are active and such. I would also appreciate it if there was no flaming. I understand posts like this can be annoying. Thank You.
Someone HElp
MMorpg games for life~
Either or, you may want to uninstall and run a friendly registry cleaner like CCleaner. Then try to reinstall the game again with a differnt download, from a differnt source. Perhaps, one of the different servers available.
A little more information would help next time, instead of crazy shouting.