Hey everyone, I am considering trying WoW and was wondering what class would be best to try and create a tough, fist weapon oriented brawler kinda character. Warrior seems like it would work as they can use any weapon, and do Duel Wield Spec, but rouge also would work as they can actually specialize in fist weapons. So which class would you recomend for my role play/character concept?
Also, just how much more fragile, with maxed passive defense/dodge skills, are rouges compared to warriors? Im sure its considerable in PvE, but can rouges at least take a few hits in my primary concern, PvP?
One more question: can rouges and warriors both become equally profiecent with thrown weapons?
I am not very familiar with the game. Is there any way that I might not know about to customize/develop/specialize your character towards a certain area that a total newb might not know about?
Thanks for any help, Sam.
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Both warrior and rogue are solid options for starting the game, fist weapons and thrown weapons in WoW are sadly lacking compared to other weapons (you won't find a fist weapon before level 30 even).
warriors are more "in your face" type of character, you walk up to your opponent and punch his lights out with those big weapons of yours, and you can soak damage nicely while doing so, rogues are more of a "get behind your foe and cut his throat out" (while you can spec your rogue to be an in front fighter, they're less able to stand up there and take the beating)
all in all i'd say go for a warrior, but then again just level up a bit, and if by level 15 you're feeling "that's not the right class for me" switch over
MMORPG addict since 1995.
I agree with randprin, if you're going for a brawler type of guy for your RP-fun, I suggest trying out a warrior first.. As rogues do it from behind more often, and well, I don't think many tavernbrawlers like taking out opponents that way, they're more upfront and very personal..
Also, you won't find any fist weps till lvl 30ish at all, and they're quite rare after that, so don't count on those..
ex-WoW addict looking for a new home..
If you want to try wow, and be a melee guy, Rogue and Warrior are both great options.
Warrior is the in your face, I'm charging in, everyone else back me up kinda guy. Heavy armor, big weapons (two hander, shield and weapon or dual wield), lots of hit points.
Rogue is the sneaky, do it from behind, with a sharp pointy object guy. Leather armor, fast sharp weapons, usually dual wield, stealthy and poisons.
WOW and ranged combat, thrown weapons are used for whats called pulling or the first shot, they don't do much damage, and are not going to be your main damage in a fight. If you want a ranged combat person try the Hunter (Bows, Guns and Crossbows), they also get to tame a pet and train it, and can melee okay as well.
(I'm sticking to the non magic guys here as you seam like the beat it up without magic kinda guy)
I would suggest a hunter... at least, until the talent revamps.
If you know how to play a hunter, you can destroy anyone.
If you know how to play a rogue, you can destroy anyone.
If you know how to play a mage, you can destroy anyone.
If you know how to play a warlock, you can destroy anyone.
If you know how to play a shaman, you can destroy anyone.
If you know how to play a paladin, you can destroy anyone.
If you know how to play a priest, you can destroy anyone.
If you know how to play a druid, you can destroy anyone.