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The US Declaration of Independence says that all men are created equal. And we all know that throughout the years that the term "equality" is used very loosely. Especially since there is a very strong tension between equality and opportunity.
Well, imagine in the future, that everyone is finally equal. The government even has very strict determination to make sure everyone is equal.
Imagine that each person that has a more than average intelligence would have to wear an earpiece 24/7, required by law, that will produce a loud noise every 20 seconds to scatter that person's thoughts.
Imagine that each person that is more athletic than average will have to wear bags with lead-balls, each person carrying a different weight, depending on how athletic they are.
Imagine that each person that is more good-looking than average will have to wear a mask 24/7 to cover their beauty.
Would you want to live in a world with REAL equality?
By the way, I just thought I'd ask you guys this after I read Harrison Bergeron.
This siggy is CGI that my cousin made in 4 hours.
When all men were created equal was written, there was slavery, and only europeans could immigrate here legally.
That sends a clear cut message.
Zerogenum - MixMatched BH Carbineer Template of the Gods, Kettemoor PRE CU SWG.
<me hopes you caught the suttle joke>
What's your Wu Name?
Donovan --> Wu Name = Violent Knight
Methane47 --> Wu Name = Thunderous Leader
"Some people call me the walking plank, 'cuz any where you go... Death is right behind you.."
Je mettrai l'amour sur dos de moi.
Well, I haven't been on in awhile. So, first of all, I hardly even know who Zero is. And since he already has 300+ posts in these few days that he's signed up, it's already giving me some sort of impression of him.
And most people on here know that I don't get into political debates, so I had no intentions to make this a political debate. I was just basically asking what would you do if the future was like that?
*sigh* This place will never change. Except modjoe's "goat" thread.
This siggy is CGI that my cousin made in 4 hours.
"Speaking haygywaygy or some other gibberish with your mum doesn't make you foreign."
But thats not what it meant in the constitution, it says all people are created equal, that doesn't mean they have to be the same. .. I see the world coming to something of this sort, with all the "political correctness" and education being standardized throughout the country... It's getting there.
When they wrote the Declaration of Independence, they were never saying that people were equal, but rather were guaranteed the same rights no matter what.
Justice - Poor man murders someone - Executed. Rich man murders someone - Executed.
That kind of equality.
All you have to do is evaluate the world around you, and you'll know that there is absolutely no equality. Truth is, some individuals are just better than others.
"Fear not death; for the sooner we die, the longer shall we be immortal."
When life is so diverse and each person has a unique view on perspective and interpretations, when can we just be human beings and just work towards a common goal, and stop our petty bickerings?
But then again, we're human beings, and human beings are best at doing inhumane things...
(Smart readers will have seen that I've contradicted myself several times...accckkk, politics...)
* Want to see how dumb you are? Click here to take the dumb test!
I mean, yeah, they're dead anyway. Look how far it got them. Go chase girls and play video games while you still have telomeres in your cells. You're dying!
Besides, you can't discuss politics and ethics, much less distributive justice, unless you start at the Beginning. It's not so much that it's the right place to start (or really even the first place), but no one will know what the hell you're talking about without having a common pool of ideas to draw upon.
"Speaking haygywaygy or some other gibberish with your mum doesn't make you foreign."
"If everything was equal, then we as we know it would be corrupt."
I don't know if you took it much thought DaE, but if we all were equal, things would be pretty borring. Equal to what extent you say? What if we ALL was like Paris Hilton? Would it matter to you? If we all was like Einstien, would it matter? In the Declaration, don't don't mean it that way. That all men are created equal. What it means (in my a sort of way) is that we all are born equal but as we grow we will have our strength and weakness. If we all were the same then it would be pretty curroupted. What if all countries had an equal ammount of warheads. Then if one person tried to be different then everyone would take blame for it, thus increasing tenion and thus causing trouble. Causing maybe all the countries to use warheads on a simple little mastake.
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
Listen Asmodeeus, seven years ago, Ultima Online didn't even have those pathetic "quests" that you refer to or those "professions" of ninja, samurai, necromancer, and paladin. Nor did it have any of the neon crap, or bug mounts. It didn't even have any "combat moves." You turned on attack and jousted with simplistic swings. It was a better game then. if you can't guess why then just uninstall the thing and move along. - Crabby
It's better be hated for who you are, than loved for who you aren't.
Sorry. I type super fast and I make errors when I do. So I forgot to correct it. At least you understood the whore.
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
Equality means me being able to be ME, just as you have the equal right to be YOU. Therefore anybody who is a bigot is unamerican.
Flame on!
"When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
-cheer leading, flag waving American
Hate to burst your bubble you godless ignorant hippies (always wanted to say that), but it'll never happen.
There will always be someone who wants to feel like they're better than you.
Welcome to reality. Your textbook ideals and cries of anguish may be fine behind your computer screen, but they just don't work in the real world, which is what alot of you have yet to figure out.
"Because it's easier to nitpick something than to be constructive." -roach5000