I never watch this damn show, but I was flipping through and it just reinforced my thoughts on how much it sucks. I didn't see the whole episode, but feel free to correct me.
The douchebag kid starts feeling depressed about his 'bad decisions.'
Kimber, the hot chick, gives him a Scientology-style auditing
Douchebag kid then joins Scientology.
Show takes a turn to show that Scientology is not a bad thing
WTF?!!!?! Haha, I can't believe these retarded hollywood assholes promoting cults. I guarantee the CoS gave them money for that episode or something. What does everyone else thing about scientology/hollywood douchebags/tom cruise/nip tuck?
Edit: Kid's dad is pissed about Scientology, but show still reinforces that the trendy/independent kid fits in perfectly.
Zerogenum - MixMatched BH Carbineer Template of the Gods, Kettemoor PRE CU SWG.
Sadly it looks like its gonna become a mainstream religion one day because americans are too dumb not to buy into it.
It's better be hated for who you are, than loved for who you aren't.
It's worse than most. We are talking modern times and I dont wanna hear about the Crusades again
The crap these guys do is insane. You have to hear the reports about how they treat their lower ranking members, not pay attention to tom cruise spouting some looney BS. It's a giant gang. They basically prey on people with any money, and go to work from there. They dig up dirt on you in case you want to quit also. They are spreading all over the globe btw. There have been cases of really destroying people's lives here in Poland just because they wanted to quit the religion .
They have these "therapy" sessiions, which they record. They basically record everything you do. They hold these session where they use mind games and serious brainwashing techniques to get you to "confess" to things or problems that dont really exist. Just so they can have ammo on you in case you ever turn agaisnt them. They have been known to talk people into beleiveing eventually that their problems stem from early child abuse where in reality the person had a perfect childhood.
Yes all religions have their problems, but this crappy group seems more sinister than most if you ask me.
It's better be hated for who you are, than loved for who you aren't.
Scientology is one of the best money-making ventures ever: It's like a RL MMORPG where you grind with your income, getting farther in level as you go along; however this MMORPG is like Lineage and the attainment of max level requires more money than you'll make in three life times.
This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.
I shoot for the curve... anything above that is gravy.