With all the class changes I've been reading about I was thinking about trying to get back into DAOC again. I'm basically up in the air in regards to which realm I'm going to play. I do plan on running two accounts at once on a TOA enabled server. I would like one class to be a melee class,preferably using a sword and maybe some utility so it wouldn't be boring during keep seiges. The other account I was thinking of some type of nuker. I could make a buffbot but I'd rather play both accounts. I would like one of the classes to be decent at farming also. I was just hoping someone experiened with the game could offer me a few suggestions based on what I'm looking for. Thanks for any suggestions you may have.
Valkyries can rez and insta DD people a little bit.
For nukes I like runemaster personally, or eldritch in hibernia. Wizards are pretty powerful after the boost they got some patch ago, but albion is still the utility caster realm with other casters that are more fun to play.