2.5 years of EQ it was great! Its what got me and alot of others hooked on the mmorpg genre of games and it seemed like a natural progression to move on to DAoC for the next 2+ years. In EQ I learned community and guilds and grouping and epic encounters, DAoC took it a step further and gave me what i was missing..some class indiviuality so that at least not every warrior was just like me it made me realize that i could play for 8 hours and not send 2 of it on corpse retrieval or camping an item and even gave me some solo ability where i could play by myself and feel it was worthwhile when i was only gonna be on for an hour or so and ofcourse the PVP or called RVR ..i could test my mettle and my char development decisions against like classes or others in my realm in duels and fight another person in RVR combat. Both games were immersive and could be played without worrying about the user interface moving and fighting spellcasting became second nature which added to the immersion into the game. Even though Mythic has made some bad decisions while trying to please everyone(which noone can do) ..their mistakes were still done out of an attempt to make the game better. Now for me I'm looking for the next good mmorpg that will feel like a natural progression and not a step backwards....Anyone else in this same type of boat and if so , what's the next "big thing" in your opinion?
EQ2, WoW, L2, CoH, DnL, UXO, GW... take ur pick
i myself would be going to WoW but i've gotten hooked on L2 so thats where im gonna b spending my time ^^
I notice Dragon Empires never seems to make these lists and was curious why? To me it looks like it will be one of the better games and I am very excited about it. Maybe I'm expecting too much though or do you guys know something I don't?
Realms of Torrent also looks like a good one and does get some recognition but DE I never even hear mentioned.
I'm kind of in the same boat. However I have to say that I'm going to be very disappointed. Most of the new games that I've seen do not have the one feature that I find to be the most important. And that is the PvP system. I don't want all PvP all of the time, and I don't want all PvE all of the time either. This may sound silly but I don't want to be fighting other clans that look just like me. I don't want to be fighting other toons that have the same moves, weapons or spells. I want it to be a blood feud. When I look at them I want to know instantly that they are the bad guys.
Beyond this I can pretty much adapt to anything with in reason.
PS. If anyone knows of another mmorpg that has the above attributes please enlighten me.
Yep,waiting for the next great game. Later in the year Dark and Light and perhaps Dragon Empires (if they have any sort of way clans can target cities for takeover). Near term I like Saga of Ryzom.
I am looking for strategic purposeful PvP without the ganking. The PvP purpose can be a mix of roleplay and economic motivations. The later means the game must have a good player based economy. Only with a player driven game landscape driven by a slowly changing PvE storyline can any game be kept truly fresh and interesting.
Personally i found waiting for a mmorpg is not only futile but stupid.
Most of the time you will be dissapointed.I quit EQ in early 2002 and DAoC few months later to "wait" for the new uber games coming out.
AC2 came out was excited dropped in under 3 months.Dissapointed.SB came out dropped in less then 1 month same story,SWG came out same story,horizons came out same story,FFXI same story.
All this games I list had a real hype level and in some cases even more then WoW or EQ.So I see no reason to believe upcoming games like WoW will be any better then those.If it is sure I will buy them anyhow on release and try them but certainly not gonna sit here for months staring at the screen hoping for beta or whatever.
So recently I decided to go back to a tried and test mmorpg.Choice was EQ or DAoC.I liked EQ slightly better so went there but found it very hard to adjust back and found myself so out of date in gear wise(char is lvl 60 now there is lvl65 and AA points) that it would take me quite a few months to regear and relevel myself.So I dropped it,
Went to DAoC and was amazed how good the comeback factor was.Was able to farm enough gold to buy top end gear in a few weeks.Then I decided to use the /level command and try another realm.Best decidsion I made.Everything looked new,strange and fresh for me on hiberian lands that was a new adventure.
I only log into albion now when i feel like pvp otherwise having a great time in hibs with all the quests and hunting.
So my suggestion is pick up DAoC and go to a realm you hardly played before and build a character there.This should give you a few months of fun and hopefully by time you get bored EQ2 or WoW will be out and pray they are good.
Otherwise you can do like someone said above keep watching this spot for months and wait for EQ2 or WoW and heaven help you if they are bad games because you are in for another 1 year of staring.So if you like staring for months thats the best option for you ,if you want to have fun and actually play a mmorpg then head over to a new realm in DAoC and play!
AS for me I am thru with hyping unreleased games and sitting for months playing nothing,now having loads of fun playing.
Very good points. I quit DAOC pre-Shrouded Isles and have only been back on a friends account for a few weeks. I did a lvl 20 command and made a toon for the battlegrounds. I really did have a whole lot of fun but didn;t have much time. No money or armor made it tough but it was still fun.
There is a whole lot of content that I haven't seen so I'm sure it will almost be like a new game. It's going to be a few weeks because this system is going overseas today to my son and then I have to build a new one. ( better faster and upgradeable) No more off the shelf systems.
So until then, keep the coffee warm and your case cool. Oh and one last bit of advice, showers are a good thing once in a while
Wow I dont feel alone now......
I was in the L2 beta(jap) but with the Ip problem I cant log on anymore and dont feel like going thru a laggy proxy. I went thru my CD's and installed DAoC again and made a character on mordred took 2 sittings to get to lvl11 and start pvp-ing. It was great I had a ball! I think I'll play for a few more months till i can find something ...maybe try some open betas for CoH and RYL and cross my fingers on WoW and EQ2 we'll see what happens
Yeah I died a lot till I found out you can actually get free armor/weapon for a /level char from npc.Not best stuff but even con and will hold you in any group as you pick more stuff.
First char i made was a bard and went into the dungeons in group naked and kept dying with no one telling me I could get free stuff.
Then saw some guy naked but /level next thing he got armor/weapon!I asked him if he transferred cash then he showed me where to get it.So ask in the respective realm you are were to get it from.
If you wait to do something until the last minute, your more efficient since it will only take 1 minute.
If you wait to do something until the last minute, your more efficient since it will only take 1 minute.
I am basically in the same boat also. EQ player for 3 years, retired from MMORPGs for a couple months then picked up DAoC which I loved. But the last expansion for Camelot ruined the game for me so I gave my account to a friend and have been MMORPG free for like 6 months now which sucks
I think World of Warcraft will be the next great MMO game, at release it looks like it will be 80% PvE and 20% PvP, but I bet they release more and more PvP elements through patches and expansions until it rivals DAoC in PvP combat. The only bad thing is it has a June release date which means it will be at least September maybe August before it hits the shelves. Until then I'm looking forward to City of Heroes, there is no PvP element in it but the concept and the gameplay look like a lot of fun and it should keep me occupied until WoW is released. Another game thats being released near the end of the year that I'm really looking forward to is The Matrix Online, though it could be a bad sign that Ubisoft (which IMO is one of the better gaming companies) pulled out of the project, I'm still very curious to see exactly what it's all about and how it plays.
Well hopefully developers view fan boards like this.
In recent times I noticed there been a growing nostalgia among older players to bring back the good old days.
Maybe we are just getting fed up of the constant pile of junk coming out in the last 2 years.