hey, i was kinda thining of playing swg again, cuz i heard they made a few changes and it looks really fun, so i was wondering if a few people who play it right now could give their input. I quit swg about 2 months after nge hit, and i tried a few other mmo's and i still had the most fun w/ swg. so ty very much
After playing it for the past few days I have to take back SOME of the negative things ive said. Combat isnt all that much different from Pre-cu once you setup the auto-fire, chase camera, strafing keys, and turn on "fire specials from toolbar" so you dont have to assign a special then use right click. Ive been playing an Officer and its preety decent, the suck-ass part is only BH and Jedi have the Specilization's right now.
Ive been playing on Shadowfire, my origional home, and its somewhat lively, espically in Mos Eisley infront of the starport, and inside and right outside the cantina. Went to Restuss earlier today, and I saw anywhere between 25-40 people running around. Ive checked the bazzar vendor search, whole galaxy. There appears to be every single craftable piece of armor and weapon on a vendor somewhere, one vendor on Dantooine had like 25 of each weapon, was like 35 pages or something.
"There's no star system Slave I can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the Galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now."
Boba Fett
To be expected on Shadowfire, it was always a crafter heavy server with a fabulous history of having numerous cities full of stocked vendors. This would mean more to me if you said Ahazi or somewhere else. Been on any other servers where this is true? Just curious, not flaming.
I realize I said I quit. I never said it was forever
To be expected on Shadowfire, it was always a crafter heavy server with a fabulous history of having numerous cities full of stocked vendors. This would mean more to me if you said Ahazi or somewhere else. Been on any other servers where this is true? Just curious, not flaming.
It's true for Chilastra.
Sorry, I'm a little tired of ranting about this subject at the moment. See my other post for a more detailed description on what sucks and why:
Click Me
A** Still Raw From Your Last SWG Subscription? Come join us at RLMMO.com
To be expected on Shadowfire, it was always a crafter heavy server with a fabulous history of having numerous cities full of stocked vendors. This would mean more to me if you said Ahazi or somewhere else. Been on any other servers where this is true? Just curious, not flaming.
I have a mate on Ahazi, he says it is more active then it has been. Bring it on down now.
Damn byotch dat aint no friggn moon fool, dat be a friggn space station byotch.
"If we don't attack them, they will attack us first. So we'd better retaliate before they have a chance to strike"
SWG is actually getting better and better with each of the new chapter updates.
I thought for sure that the game was dead and ready to be burried after the NGE, but suddenly they decided to implement some of the "features" from the past and completely new features, and now people are coming back.
The game has gotten more fun to play - The new expertise system is the way to step out of the crowd and personalize yourself (It works a lot like WoW) - Servers are becoming more populated - Graphics have been updated, so all models will eventuelly look a lot more realistic, though for now its only the Humans, Zabrak, and Twi'leks, but later on everybody will have new appereances which look great by the way - Smugglers can now be hunted down and killed by player Bounty Hunters.
And there is so much more coming in the next chapters which are getting published pretty quickly so if i where you i would go back and give the game a shot again. I just did and i am surprised.
And to those who Keep on complaining and writing unusefull comments like "The game sux" - Go find some place else to be a troll, because its getting so tiresom to read really and it doesn´t sound like you´ve even remotely touched the game in a long time.
SOE has admitted they have made mistakes and are now determined to correct them. Which they are doing. Maybe not in the greatest pace or maybe not they way you like it - But they are doing something about it!
But thats just me - But i think its equal to WoW!
Anyways at least something is being done to the game..
Good to hear this .If they can sort out the expertise system,fix more bugs and bring back crafting back to its glory days i might actually give it a shot.
Tbh,if they can sort those things out it might be better then pre-CU even.At least one thing they did that i liked in nge was finally scale down the jedi .This is a mmorpg .In mmorpg the rule of balance says do not make superclasses .So took a while for SoE/LA to realise that.
Shayde - SWG (dead)
Proud member of the Cabal.
It sounds great, so great in fact, I pitty those who canceled - Some deluded SWG fanboi who pities me.
I don't like it when you say things. - A Vanguard fan who does too.
I dont play anymore, i've seen the changes but i still dont like the game.
The howle swg concept isnt build to look like wow. And still they are trying to?
It just looks like shit, and It is Shit, It will alwyas be shit with the NGE.
SWG is shit.
for the 100 time i say this, Fuck swg.
Starwars Galaxies, An Empier Diveded, That's what it says on my box anyway.
Ask the company, the producers themselves what they think of the NGE.
Or just do some reading, or research. You will find that answer from them...(Or what they think)
I usually picture the Career builder commercial with the room full of monkeys and upside down sales chart when thinking about the SOE/SWG decision making process.....
SOE's John Blakely and Todd Fiala issued a warning: "Don't make our mistakes." Ref NGE
Winner of the worst MMOS goes to.... the NGE and SWG..!!! http://www.mmorpg.com/showFeature.cfm?loadFeature=1034&bhcp=1