I dont get it, besides a few repatble missions for agents and some mining, is there any other PVE in this game? I'm trying to get into the game but so far it's looking like it's been taken over by little punks flying around trying to gank people, what the dilio? o_O
First Eve is a PVP game. From the start when they designed the game they didn't even npcs as part of the design.
So yes pve is eve is limited but there are options to missions. So called Complexes. They are eves version of dungeouns. Rated for difficulty from 1/10 to 10/10 (1/10 is the training complex you enter as part of the tutorial, 10/10 are in deep 0.0 space and requiers a large group to complete).
"Memories are meant to fade. They're designed that way for a reason."
You also have COSMOS agents for each faction and high end NPC in 0.0 space.
I don't see how Eve PvE is any worse than any other game.
Go to x, kill y, collect z and return and repeat. They all do it.
Well you always have rathunting in 0.8 system and below... where from 0.4 you start to encounter cruisers and battlecruisers in 0.3 I think it was and below.. to battleships in 0.0
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Yeah right....You need to play more games dude...PvP in Eve-online is the most ill thought out thing I have ever in my 46 years ran accross.
Well back in the days when this game came out...there were no missions...at least not all this get rich quick crap that Eve has now. The PvE aspect in Eve on line is minning, refining, research, manufacture, and hauling. This is how we made our ISK way back when.
Some hardcore PvP players will say all of the above is also PvP. Maybe some of it is. But for a year or so. This is what we did, and never had as many problems as the game has now.
These missions suck donkey pizzle. They should never have been introduced to the game.
I respectfully disagree. I've gotten to lvl 4 agents in my chosen NPC corporation (Freedom Extension) and I find missions to be challenging (sometimes frustratingly so) and more often than not enjoyable.
The rewards could be a bit better, and I'm taking a break, but I do plan to start up again.
But if you're looking for an MMORPG which is centered around questing and pve then EVE isn't for you.
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