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Carolyn Koh, Staff Writer, spoke to the folks at K2 Network about their company, business model and games.
K2Network provides community services for online games including partnering for localizing, customer service, billing and technical support, provision of GMs, and local producers and developers to create in game events.
With a motto of Gamers First and two Free to Play MMOs in their stable of games, I met up with Bob Drobish, VP of Operations to find out more about the K2 and the MMOs they supported. |
You can read the article here.
Dana Massey
Formerly of
Currently Lead Designer for Bit Trap Studios
I wish what Bob Drobish says were what K2 Network practices in reality. The truth is, Knight Online is poorly managed. The GM's are generally not active in the game. K2 Network published a Terms of Service policy and End User License Agreement that is at best, are selectively enforced and at worst not enforced at all. The issue of "griefers" was discussed with K2 and the response given by the Customer Service Representative was: "Knight Online was written by griefers for griefers. If you pay attention you will notice that the game caters to griefers." An article about "griefers" can be found here:,,1797198,00.html and this article was shared with K2 Network. A personal visit was made by me to K2 Network and I met with Bob Drobish to discuss the "Community" that he mentions. He asked me if I were willing to work with them in developing a system to improve the "community" and I agreed to do exactly that. Upon my return home, the issue was all but ignored. Several attempts to follow were put off till later and eventually I came to understand that it was important only while I was present in person to talk about it.
Knight Online has the potential for an awesome gaming experience. If only those that publish it were willing to produce what they claim with regards to the "Community" and "Gamers First" attitudes. Players are losing their accounts with such regularity that one can expect to lose everything they worked for once achieving a certain level. This article:;jsessionid=FYZQOYMIM5EGCQSNDLPCKH0CJUNN2JVN?articleID=192700321 discusses the issues of security and efforts that K2 Networks claims to be making with regard to safeguarding player data. In the Article, among other countries Turkey is blamed for security issues. It is somewhat noteworthy that earlier this year, the CEO Joshua Hong visited Turkey to meet with these very people and discuss game issues with them and how to better support them. I feel it is safe to say that the "Community" suspects K2's motto and the general concensus is: "Cheaters and Scammers first as long as it continues to be financially lucrative for K2 Network Inc." would be a more accurate description of their approach to publishing and managing Knight Online.
K2 Network maintains a forum for the players that until recently was moderated by a player that spent more time covering up any evidence that challenged his integrity and credibility than he did moderating the information flow and fostering good player relations. While the forums are fairly organized in an effort to create the impression that issues can be identified and dealt with, employees (with the possible exception of one) rarely if ever visit these forums. Sections for each of their servers were created for the purpose of identifying rules violators. The appearance is that these sections are there for the appeasment of the player but the information placed there is ignored by the GM's and staff of K2.
Of course these are just my opinions based on my experience both in the game and my personal visit to K2 Network Inc. earlier this year.
I recently started playing games that are published by Netgame. I must say that the people there take a more serious approach to in game management and player relations.