So is this another Korean grindfest? if so anyone know if its like archlord were you click the mouse and it auto kills the mob with no real skill involved.... sorry for bashing Archlord....
Ok all I have to say is almost every MMO I have played has had a grind of SOME sort weither it be Korean or other. I hate LEVEL caps thats pointless in a way. I can tell you this though I have been playing SUN on a trial run in the KOB..basiclly I know some korean ...and the GRIND that people seem to have an issue with is not as bad as Lineage 2, archlord and other MMO's that are out. My personal pet PEV is the complaining about Grind fest It's a MMO leveling is a nesscessary part of the character development if there is a long Grind all I got to say is woopty-doo . I mean come on so you have a fast leveling charater in a MMO get to max level in 1 week or a month then guess what its OVER. Time to make another! and repeat. I would think a moderate grind is always nice to have in a MMO to give you a feel of that achievment. But for those who seem to want to rush a character in levels this one is not so bad..ATM waiting to test out AION looks pretty nice and sounds good to . SUN looks to be a fun MMO to play also in the up comming 2007 MMORPG's.