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I Started back in june 2005, and since then i've subscribed and de-subscribe again several times, and once more i'am wondering about starting again.
What i want you to do is to list some things that you like and don't like about eq2.
Recently installed EQ2 again, and i just need a little push in the back before i subscribe.
If you mean i should not play eq2, why? and why do you think i should play?
Thanks in advance
It's funny most people i know have subbed and desubbed many times to this game I just say one thing:
"If you canceled before you'll only resub to find out why you canceled again"
The basic game doesn't change you'll love it or hate it.
Don't click here...no2
Wise words there Scara....
Thanks for the reply.
And to answere, i'am not really sure why i have resubbed and desubbed so many times, it may be because i never got to know ppl and never have gotten a guild, so i was thinking that this time i'll try to find myself a guild and get to know ppl faster, that may help, because i love to have someone to talk to.
Well with me i'm in my stage when i resubbed again, i just can't help myself even though i know i don't truely like it.
For me it's the world that i don't like, it's not seemless and it just doesn't feel right.
Don't click here...no2
Thanks for all the replys, haven't been able to think of this matter the past couple of days so i have still not decided.
In my opinion EQ2 is one of the best MMO's out on the market so far, i really have no clue why i have quitted and started again so many times, only resones i can think of my be because of RL or that i haven't had any guild while i have been playing.
I am considering coming back too.
Rumours of another expansion in November involving playable fairys
I might come back and start another character in the evil side of town as I have never played there I can treat it like a whole new game
I used to visit this site a lot however in recent years it has become the home of negative forum posts, illogical opinions and tantrums so I visit less often.
Played or Beta'd: UO / DAOC / Horizons / EQ2 / DDO / EVE / Archlord / PirateKingsOnline / Tabula Rasa / LOTRO / AOC / Champions / Darkfall / Mortal Online / DCUO / Rift / STO / SWTOR / TSW
Yeah I'm back in EQ2 again. The reason I left the last time is because I got into CoV, and it didn't make a lot of sense to keep EQ2 open.
I had fun last time. Its the sort of game you can get into solo, or with a group.
"Its sad when people use religion to feel superior, its even worse to see people using a video game to do it."
"...when it comes to pimping EVE I have little restraints."
--Hellmar, CEO of CCP.
"It's like they took a gun, put it to their nugget sack and pulled the trigger over and over again, each time telling us how great it was that they were shooting themselves in the balls."
--Exar_Kun on SWG's NGE
The latest updates have made many things better, and increased xp gain for solo players.
And spending a few dollers on trying it out again is worth it.
Just figured that I would contribute abit to this thread...
Started playing at launch together with my old DAoC guild. After only a couple of month I had to quit due to work and to much RL stuff. After that I have been trying to find an oppertunity to return, which is exactly what I did a couple of months ago.
There are many ways to play EQII and I have found a way which I enjoy very much. Been duoing together with a RL friend who has played since launch. The tempo is perfect (almost a little to fast) and thanks to his experience of the game I don´t miss out on the "important" quests and the exciting and fun zones which I proberbly would have missed some on my own.
So, what worked for me was:
What are you waiting for? oh,...and as soon as you feel forced to play - just simply turn it off and quit...
Btw, we play a Bruiser and Fury.
Playing: Rogue
Played: AO, CoH, DAoC, EQII, Horizons, Planetside, SWG
Tested: AC2, Lineage II, Vanguard, WoW...and more
Haven't had the chance to give the game a new try yet, opned up my Ryzom account for a month, but the last few days i haven't logged on to ryzom, and i think its time to try another game.
So atm, i'am looking into CoV/CoH or Everquest 2, it is two very diffrent games i know.
Anyway, if i should give eq2 a try again, what do you ppl recommend doing, so that i can enjoy the game for a bit longer time, and maybe get past lvl 20? :P
I know that some of the resones i've quitted before is because of the dead towns, hard to get any groups to play with at lower lvls, the lvling is a bit to slow for me.
I know that i may help for me getting myself a nice guild and find someone to play with.
But is there anything else?
Thanks in advance
I say play.
You have the game, you probally have some free days on the account. And the game has never been easier.
If you have a fairly high level toon 30 free days is all ya need to get everything done and not have to pay for the next month.
Don't know about the free days, but its only about 4-6 months since i last played.
@lillin: what do you mean about"30 free days is all ya need to get everything done and not have to pay for the next month."?
If you have been gone for over say 4 months, usually after a big change they reward accounts with free play time of 30 days to try and hook you back in.
If you have say a char that is level 50, you can get up to 70 within probally two weeks not even trying hard like the pvpers that went from 1 to 70 in a month. Gear to have now is no longer crafted, so that kills all the time in finding rares and such, just gotta do the xp groups in the zones you need stuff in, so can level and get your legendary drops at same time.
after this you will have one quest you will want to do for your hooloh hat. this can be done fairly quickly and since most the servers are at the end game you will have no problem gettin a group to run through these lil zones real fast.
well ya still got about 2 weeks left to burn of freedays. You can now start raiding once you hit 70. you can either do pickup raids for trash relic farming i think every so many hours from lock out or can join a raid guild that farms mobs 24/7. There isnt that much in the way of different styles of gear so you will quickly learn what is best for your class and go after it. Either way in that two of playing maybe 3 hours a day for the raids, you could be suited up nicely then go on to do what the rest of the poplation does, farm instances for cash or reroll.
Don’t pay to much attention to lillin. He’s one of those people who trolls the forums trying to scare people away from a game because he didn’t fit it.
I’ve played EQ2 since release and have played CoH off and on since release, and you are right they are two very different games. The thing they have in common with all MMO’s is that they are what you make of them. Find a guild, make some friends and go from there. If you don’t, you will probably not enjoy either game.
Overall EQ2 has a lot more to do then CoH, which really only offers leveling, tinkering with your costume and badge collection. Generally EQ2 groups tend to pick up once you hit level 20. Before that new people are exploring, getting their feet on the ground and so on while the veterans playing alts just want to get to the level 20 dungeons where the real action begins. The early quests have been streamlined to help prevent the quest overload that many new players suffered from.
Any game with a fairly ridged group structure is going to have some people waiting around for the right classes to show up. Healers get snapped up pretty quick, while tanks usually do best starting their own groups since all they need to do to be viable is recruit a healer. DPS classes normally end up waiting for a tank & healer to get a group going, they can start their own but since they need two classes it’s a little tougher.
If you make some friends that work well as a cohesive group, get a guild, explore, complete quests, dabble in crafting delve through all the dungeons looking for loot to use/sell and maybe dabble a bit in crafting and you should have a good time. If you set yourself to grind mode, especially solo grinding, you will miss out on a lot of locations quests and experiences and probably not have that much fun.
Since CoH/CoV (especially CoV) is less dependant on a set group structure and leveling is gets quicker the larger your group is people tend to actively recruit just about anyone who isn’t already in one.
The quality of these pick up groups can very greatly though, and while the combat engine itself is fun play can get a repetitive since all the action occurs on similar looking instanced maps. You also have to go out of your way to even follow what the mission is about so most people end up missing the story which makes the missions seem rather generic kill all, kill x and his guards, click on X, Y and Z. This can contribute to repetitive feel.
Just like EQ2, if you don’t find a good group of friends to play with, and if all you do is try to grind to 50 then I doubt you will have much fun at all. Anyway, I hope that helps.
@Lomiller: Great reply you made, really appricated it.
I really can't say anything else than i agree with you, and i know that eq2 have a lot more pve content than coh/cov, but the thing is, coh/cov is and superhero game, which there isn't any? other of, eq2 is a fantasy game, which there is 100's off, if you catch my drift.
But i know that both cox and eq2 is great games, and thats makes it hard for me to choose.
Lets get a record straight here so to not mislead people.
Look at lomiller's posts ......... all of them within this forum of everquest2. It has been said many times all games have thier pluses and minuses ............ how is it even possible that lomiller has only pluses in all his post?
So far his reply to coh/cov is negative while sales pitching eq2 at every turn ........ astonishing. The problem with brown nosing is every one catches the scent of bs on you lomiller.
Now why do i speak so negativily? Am I? wow, see im telling what i see and expirience through out the game. Want credibility I assume, go look up lillin on eq2 forums, or go look up my toons on kithicor or vox server ........... Leah my main at level 70 with pretty nice gear ........... must of played her pretty damn well .... well hell go on kithicor and ask of my toons. People know i dont beat around the bush and give snow job presentations of what this game really is. Most players there will say the same.
You know i was ban from the forums for A) trying to help the games solo gameplay and calling out casters realm employees for treating eq2 customers like idiots. Yep i honestly was banned for trying to give ideas to make the game funner and community more pleasant. Heres another one for ya to ponder over, how come the name Lillin was ban on eq2 forums yet she didnt get the title changed to banned? Becuase alot of people aggreed with what i was saying, appreciated me fighting the problem and those trying to shut others up. EQ2 moderators were too fearful to put the ban title on my name becuase they knew it would start up a bunch of trouble for them.
SO lomiller, we all know you can talk, good lord you can talk, but what results do you show? What have you accomplished? What are your toons, how many quest have ya done, how do you help the community or further the evolution of the game? Does anyone respect your toons, or even the real life you? I can see through your bs, as well as many others ............... quit talking and show results, then maybe you can say something to me with out looking like an idiot kiss up of SOE that has nothing to show but a sales pitch.
So after all that, what i said in the previous post to nitrius, can be done. Its what you will most likely end up doing and after the fact will be doing the same thing over again very shortly with another toon. I guess i must be pretty close to right, i mean 20 servers being merged and what now, over 350,000 canceled accounts cant be wrong.
@Lillin: Just wonder, do you still play EQ2? or not? if so, can you list he positive and negative sides of the game? your opinion.
This is a little off topic but just want to ask.
Also have you tried Coh/Cov? if so, if you where to compare eq2 with cox what would you have said?
Take your own advice and look at your posts. Most of which are trash talking SoE or EQ... so I dunno how valid your replies are to be considered if you think his should be dismissed for the same reasons.
Your claim of 350k cancelled accounts, where does that come from? Please point to something other than a site that admits it makes up numbers when it doesn't have real data.
5 million wow players must be right if we're using that logic eh? What about the billions served at Mc Donald's.
I fail to see any logic in your posts regarding EQ or trying to dismiss his opinions.
CoH and CoV are fun games, I found them entertaining for a month or so but it became very repetitive after a while... I mean you can only have so many missions until they all start looking familiar. They also don't have "items" though you can get enhancements that boost your powers that are a "loot" of sorts. Now and then I will turn on CoH and play for a few weeks and then turn if back off. I wish it was more like Guild Wars so you didn't have to pay a monthly fee.
350,000 cancelled accounts and.. er.. 20 servers being merged?
what the hell is he talking about? lol
"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a robot foot stomping on a human face -- forever."
Let us forget the Cox vs eq2 thingy a bit.
So i just want to ask again if anyone could give there opinion of the game.
What do you find positive and what do you find negative about the game?
I love the game. It's interesting and fun. I've never been bored, the changes are generally (though not always) good ones made to the system (unlike what happened with Star Wars). There's always something to do and the community is great. I've even had people apologize for accidentally started to harvest a node I was already harvesting because they didn't realize it (I hadn't said anything. I can always find another node after all). And I don't even PvP and have no intention of doing so. The rest of the game just holds my attention so well.
The biggest problem I see is the zoning. Incredibly annoying. It takes up massive amounts of memory. If I've played for three or four hours, I simply HAVE to reboot because all the zoning has taken up my RAM.
I also wish they had more quests 55+ so you could solo/duo to level 70 purely on quests.
On the upside I've had really good luck finding good players to play with. I play WoW also and frankly grouping in that game is a crime most times =( The only time I group in WoW anymore is with friends.
The advancement pace is much better now in EQ2 as well (used to be a drag) and the changes to tradeskills make them far less tedious.
Game seems to be more about "fun" than tedium... though there are times in any game where things seem to be slow.