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Hi guys,
I downloaded and installed the game and was [playing for about 45 minutes when i was disconnected.
Now when i try to reconnect it says.
No connection to e-games could be established. You may not be connected to the internet or experianceing lag...etc..
I tried editing my launcher timeout setting but that did not help at all. I also tried opening up my router's DMZ so all my ports are open.
Any other ideas? I did not see where there was any downtime scheduled or where there is a place to check server status.
The servers a really unstable right now, there probably down because I cannot connect either.
Yeah ..i adjusted my launcer timeout to like 3 miutes and i eventually connect to the login server but when i enter my information in it times out again. So there is some major server traffic.
I was having alot of fun
You dont have to adjust anything, it does this to everyone. You just have to wait a few minutes. E-games login for this game SUCKSSSSSSSS! Once they open the new server on the 10th things will hopefully be better.
If its true that when you drop a cat it lands on its feet or if you drop toast it lands butter-side down... what happens if you strap toast to a cats back and drop it?
Well it cant get any worst if you cant play game.
If anyone knows a trick to get loged on please let the rest of us know.
Its beta, and its free. Lets not start complaining.
If its true that when you drop a cat it lands on its feet or if you drop toast it lands butter-side down... what happens if you strap toast to a cats back and drop it?