First off this is NOT a troll but simply an observation. I will be getting the game and playing it. I look forward to it, but something that strikes me. This game is suppose to be the next gen mmorpg. With ANY video I look at, I swear I am looking at DAOC. The character models while wearing there cloaks are identical. Correct me if I am wrong?
Former GM and associate game designer for SOE and Square Enix. (2001-2008)
I wouldnt worry to much, the game is still in BETA ..... I am sure they are taking care of bigger problems than cloaks, but i am sure they will get to that
so because they have the same type of cloaks you think it looks like Daoc? because other than that i don't see any similarities, unless i am missing something?
edit: post #420 WOOOHOO!!
plus DAOC has severely dated graphics compared even to the beta version of vanguard, not to say that graphics make a game at all.
-Just My Thoughts-
Currently playing: Nothing
Starwars Galaxies, An Empier Diveded, That's what it says on my box anyway.