I haven't really been spending too much time on these forums this week for one reason. Early Tuesday morning one of my close friends committed suicide by shooting himself in the face. He was only 16 years old.
No one, and I do mean no one saw it coming. He was absolutely not the type anyone expected to do this. He was always so happy, always laughing, always smiling. He never said anything to anyone that would make you think he would even consider it, and no one has any clue what led him down this path. The fact that he didn't even leave a note only makes things even more confusing.
His funeral is tomorrow, and needless to say it hasn't exactly been an easy couple of days for his friends and family. I wont give his last name out of respect for the family, but his first name was Jay. He was a very devout Catholic, and although I am not Catholic myself, I'm asking those of you reading this who may be to please pray for him and his family. I know none of you even know who he is, but it would really mean a lot. This may only be a gaming message board, but every little bit helps.
Schutzbar - Human Warrior - Windrunner Alliance - World of Warcraft
Nihilanth - Kerra Paladin - Blackburrow - EverQuest II
XBL Gamertag - Eagle15GT
i really hate to say this but according to catholism suicide is still a deadly sin, i however a disvowed catholic.
strictly according to catholic rules they cant give a catholic funeral to him, but the american catholic church is much less strict on dogma.
so ill pray for your friend in my own way, but i wouldn't even consider religion into this and think of your friend as the person you knew him and the good person you knew him to be.
catholicism is not a kind religion to anyone who doesn't die a completely natural death if you strictly read the dogma.
so for your sake don't even consider manmade religions, and just think of your friend.
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
i really hate to say this but according to catholism suicide is still a deadly sin, i however a disvowed catholic.
strictly according to catholic rules they cant give a catholic funeral to him, but the american catholic church is much less strict on dogma.
so ill pray for your friend in my own way, but i wouldn't even consider religion into this and think of your friend as the person you knew him and the good person you knew him to be.
catholicism is not a kind religion to anyone who doesn't die a completely natural death if you strictly read the dogma.
so for your sake don't even consider manmade religions, and just think of your friend.
He will receive a Catholic funeral. Same thing happened to a good friend of mine in my senior year of high school. He had a Catholic funeral and burial .
And the Catholic church is alot more forgiving on the subjest of suicide than in the past. Noone is condemned to hell for killing themself.
My thoughts go out to you. Just wait a few weeks and everything will be back to normal for the most part.
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I'm very sorry.
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
--When you resubscribe to SWG, an 18 yearold Stripper finds Jesus, gives up stripping, and moves with a rolex reverend to Hawaii.
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Oh yeah sure, lets tell the guy his freinds going to hell and theres no ifs ands or buts about it, thatl make him feel better.
To the OP: I lost my faith years ago, mostly due to exactly the kind of attitude in the above post, but I will respect your freind in my own way.
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
Sorry for your loss.
I think it's the objective of your past self to make you cringe.
As for his soul. He now knows the mystery of life and what truly lurks behind the shadow of the human mind. In a way, he is lucky. He is now experiencing something incredible. Sure, it sucks for us because we lost him. But maybe someday we can see him again. I'm not a religous man. I don't even beleive in a God or Gods. Though, in my own head I beleive there is something out there, something after life. Unfortunatly, we will not know until we pass and we all know that there is no coming back nor can we take anything with us.
Cant really pray for ur friend since im not really religious but i sure can give him a tought.. who knows maby thay counts for somting. Lost a friend in suicides also and several others in OD:s so i feel whit u.
Which FF Character Are You?
Smoth man. Cant even start guessing where u lerned to be so mindfull of others feelings.
To the OP: If there is a heaven and a hell im sure they u are gudged by how ur lived ur life not how u end it.
Islam taught him that, from what I gather.
To the OP: Many of us lose someone near and dear at this age, it seems. I myself lost my two best friends the summer before twelfth grade, one was murdered, the other comitted suicide only weeks later. Its an experience which changed me irreversably, and I think I can say with certainty that I understand the pain and confusion you must feel. I'll pray for your friend, and I will also pray for you and all the people who knew and loved him, so that you may all find the strength and the courage to prevail through this time of suffering. I am deeply sorry for your loss.
"Speaking haygywaygy or some other gibberish with your mum doesn't make you foreign."
My deepest condolences to you, his friends and his family. It's such a sad event I doubt anything I can say would be appropriate or worthy.
I'm not Catholic, although I respect the religion immensly, but whatever little prayers I do say will go out to all of you.
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I mourn your friends loss. I pray you find comfort in what you have. Remember him and take strength in what he did good. Lol perhaps one day your both laugh about this at some unforseen point for reason neither of you understand at this point. The future is infinite. Grasp onto it and live
To Nihilanth, I'm sorry for your loss, and though I'm an atheist , times like these make me want to believe in god.
I hope some day we can all put aside our racisms and prejudices and just laugh at people
I think it's the objective of your past self to make you cringe.
B. Do your research you damn troll. There are actually numerous well known christian religions that dropped the notion that suicide is a ticket to hell long ago. I guess Islam hasn't, and you felt the need to damn someone to hell once again.
I dont normally see eye to eye with Joe, but this time right with him on this.
God is the parent of all humanity, and what parent desires harm for their own children? Suicide is a sin to Catholics because God does not want His children to hurt themselves needlessly. God did not want your friend to die, but understands human pain. The Church believes that understanding is the entire point of Christ's life on earth. Do not listen to the fanatics and the hateful, the true Catholic worships a God of love and mercy. According to your friend's faith, he has gone before the God of love and mercy to receive love and mercy.
I know you didn't see this coming, so many of us don't. I am concerned that you or someone who knew your friend blames themselves for not seeing a sign, for not knowing. You or they must accept that your friend was resovled on this course, and that ulimately each person's fate is their own. If your friend truly wanted this then you might stop him once, or several times, but there is only one person who could have saved him. It was his path, not yours.
You will feel alot of things towards your friend in the coming months, among them anger and disbelief. It does get easier, and the wounds will heal. You will always have the scar, and you will never forget, but this is good, it makes you human and means that your friend meant something.
Above all, remember your friend for his life, not his death. Everyone will die someday, but we were not born just to die. We were born to live, and you have time to remember him by.
I hate not being able to respond with an anti-religious post. Still, I've made enough... Instead, I'd like to say that, while I'm sorry for your loss, death happens. Suicide, I think, is like different than any other action, except... you can't turn back from it.
I've thought it over before, and all it is is a moment. An action within a brief period of time... Haven't thought how it would affect those around the one commiting it, though. At least, not at length. I suppose, though, that it all depends on how much you depended on them. Even without knowing it, people depend on their friends, and indeed, all they know. Strange...
Humanity puzzles me. I cannot say that I understand how you feel, but I do not believe in "souls" or the like, so I can only say that it's probably best to just get on with your life. If it was indeed suicide, he wouldn't have wanted to ruin your life as well...
I know that most of my post was jibberish, but... words are not coming as easily any more. Please forgive my rambling.
Did he say he commited adultury? No, you just assumed
In any case, read his post again, that is not the message he is attempting to convey.
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
That is why most Muslims are so dangerous.
Who are you to judge? That kind of arrogance is disparaged in Islam and Christianity alike.
The worst thing you did on this thread, however, was not showing compassion to somebody that had lost something. Even if your prayers do nothing, you should still pray.
This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.
To everyone who gave their sympathies, thank you for your support. It really does mean a lot. The funeral today went pretty well, as well as a funeral can go. I don't exactly live in the world's largest town, so the death of a child or teen hits pretty hard. Four hundred people showed up for Jay's funeral, if not for the actual burial at least for the mass. The support from the community has been absolutely tremendous, and it's really helped. I honestly can't describe to you how far someone saying they're sorry for your loss and things will get better can go.
To those of you who wondered about how the church handled it, they did give him a funeral. There was a special mass and prayers for mercy from God (this may be standard at a Catholic funeral, I don't know), but at least they gave him one. He was very active in VBS and the church's youth group, so I don't know if that may have anything to do with it.
Again, thanks guys. It really does mean a lot.
Schutzbar - Human Warrior - Windrunner Alliance - World of Warcraft
Nihilanth - Kerra Paladin - Blackburrow - EverQuest II
XBL Gamertag - Eagle15GT
QFT. Onemuslim AKA Ob1sr (when are the mods going to ban him for breaking the RoC blatantly?) has gone from my shit-list to my I-want-to-meet-you-in-a-dark-alley list.
I won't bother reporting Onemuslim as he tends to do everytime he is attacked, as I am not a piece of shit like he is, but mods, when are you going to ban him for having 2 active accounts? I got banned after my first thread for having a second account...and I wasn't spewing diarreah in the form of propanda every chance I got. Do something about this please.
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Please don't quote trolls. It takes ages to clean out a thread where I want to remove the initial quote that started the flaming.
And to the original poster, I'm sorry for your loss. Although I'm not religious myself, I'll pray for him as you asked. I know what it's like to lose a friend.