Hey All,
If you can find Massive Magazine they have a code in it that allows you to Beta Test Gods and Heroes when the Devs are ready. The mag is a good read even without the beta code.
Here is the Mag's Web site:
http://www.massive-magazine.com/ I found my copy at Barnes and Noble so it should be "around".
Posted By: Binky
Created in: Forum: Game Discussion
Posted: Aug 22, 2006 2:18 PM
Hello, welcome to the Gods & Heroes: Rome Rising forums.
Please read this message for the latest information on any news regarding Beta.
- At this point there is no public Beta, nor have we announced a date for the Public Beta
- A few sites have been given Beta codes as prizes for a phase of Beta to be announced later
- Massive Magazine (Street Date August 23) has a Beta code in each issue which will get you priority access. That does not mean you will actually be guaranteed access to the beta, but you are more likely to be selected with one of these codes than with any other way.
- Having an account (Create HERE ) on this site will also give you a chance at being selected.
- FilePlanet will be offering Beta Codes once we get to the later phases of Beta.
- No, we have not announced any dates for the Beta.
I hope this helps answer some of your questions concerning the Beta for Gods & Heroes: Rome Rising . If your question is not answered here, please, ask in the forums!
- Massive Magazine (Street Date August 23) has a Beta code in each issue which will get you priority access. That does not mean you will actually be guaranteed access to the beta, but you are more likely to be selected with one of these codes than with any other way.
It says
Game: Gods & Heroes August Beta
You are not subscribed to this game <---- ?
You can play the game until: 10/18/2007 11:11 AM CDT
I know it's in closed beta right now, but I cant find the client.
and that message that was posted was poated last monthh o.O
MMO Vet since AOL Neverwinter Nights circa 1992. My MMO beat up your MMO. =S
but there is a difference between alpha and closed.
and this sire, under news, says it's under closed testing.
and I kow thats a VIP key, but why did it say I can play through 10/18/2007? o.O
MMO Vet since AOL Neverwinter Nights circa 1992. My MMO beat up your MMO. =S
The game still has to be stress tested
Last wave of testers have been notified last week. However I dont know if we will have stress testers. We might
just release a lot more beta spots over time
So really, im not telling you anything!! :P
Did anybody buy the digital version of the magazine?
How is it obtained the code?
Hmm, tried our Barnes and Noble, no luck.
But, thats Kansas, it sucks.
I am hoping it's worth the wait. The game has alot of potential and dev's seem to have their stuff together.
Feb/march gives me plenty of time to Play Legend of Zelda : Twilight Princess on WII and to own some folks on Star Trek Legacy if I dont get into beta.
If their community communication stays like it is on their website upto and after release this game will dominate all others......They should start classes for other companies and teach them how PR and Devs should work with a community. I can think of one that could use a lot of that extra training....*coughs* SoE.