DMKano said:
To see the awesomeness - just watch this guide - yes chase IS that good:
Thanks for this.
Blader/Plum does look like a class I would really, really enjoy :awesome:
blueturtle13 said:
Are there any plans to add the possibility to steal goods from Carts?
There already is a theft interaction with NPCs, and we are planning to implement a similar function with wagons. Since stealing trade goods from an …
Holy s**t, only 3?
Hmm. Let's see.. Not in any particular order
1) Legend of the Dragoon
2) Xenogears
3) FF Tactics
Hon. Mentions
1) Wild Arms
3) Suikoden 2
4) Vagrant Story
5) Breath of Fire III
I could go on and on but I (as well as …
Shouldn't the second on down from the top be "I will try NOT to use it unless I really need"?
If so, that will be me.
A pet or two definitely and bag/storage slot as/if needed.
Never was that person who bought costumes, always preferred to craft …
Lostar said:
ArChWind said:
I like game before computers. err.. well?
Well I'm glad OP covered his tracks and used the term MMO. ...but me too. D&D campains all night long!
Does Tonka Trucks, dirt, and 7-8 neighborho…
CavemanBE said:
Avanah said:
I have a GTX 980ti.
BDO is terrible.
Waiting for The Division.
Playing FO4 atm.
Lol runs fine on my Gtx 770 :surprised:
GTX 970 OC
Haven't had any problems.
People will always be…
This game has a ton of stuff to do IF you take in everything it has to offer.
I will admit, It has been awhile since I was a little overwhelmed with a game in the first 3-6 hrs especially when reading up on it as I play.
CavemanBE said:
spikers14 said:
Generally, the folks over here know their hardware better. Currently running a GTX 750 Ti OC, which was fairly "meh" for BDO. It did ok, nothing spectacular. So figured I'd ask for recommendations for a …
Waterlily said:
Jakdstripper said:
1.9 GB ?!!!
wtf is this?....i'm not downloading 2 GB to know if my PC is vr ready? like....what could possibly require that much space?
They should be able to determine from the specs, w…
I can't say a 2mo sub in WoW justifies I played WoW. I entered the MMO scene with EQ and FFXI (2001?) and since most of my friends played FFXI at the time, guess you can say that was my first true MMO.
I do like BDO, as do my friends/guild I been w…
BizkitNL said:
Wait for Pascal. Seriously.
Agreed, but if you can't wait, Find a gtx 970/980 on a discount as Svar suggested.
Personally, I would really stress holding out for Pascal in April?
DirtyDozen said:
Khaoslight said:
People will just circumvent it with VPN, already a topic on fan sites and youtube vid explaining how.
Well unless I'm missing something, you will have to pay a monthly fee for a quality VPN to…
Benjola said:
Distopia said:
I really don't care I'm interested in finding people who roleplay and play the open ended PVP game this could be, if other people are "winning" that doesn't have much impact on my fun...
If that's r…