OK, I agree with you on that one, it shouldnt be bringed to game. It could be just some corp with nuber 4 and a letter, but some dumb idiot petitioned it.
I bet there are 80 % of corps that are linked to RL, wanna ban them all??? would you still b…
U seam to be loosing the point here:
NOBODY own a coat of arms of an country... NOBODY own a flag of an country, and NOBODY own a slogan that is being used by serbian people for ages. Some bunch of people somewhere haid insignia's on their sholder…
Let me just clarify some facts to you...
4S name hase been changed to EVEcorp 895895 after a petition from some guy that found it offensive, and some younger GM banned a name without contacting anyone from 4S corp, or making a pre-note of the name…