Neocron is a real MMOFPS because its a MMORPG too, every new games that name themselves MMOFPS are just FPS multiplayer ... defiance, ts2, firefall, apb, global agenda etc are just like battlefield 3 and no more.
Sometime they got one aspect of the…
remember me when i started NC almost years ago... i was fascinated by this world, it took me several months to learn how to play but was so enjoyable (no tech haven site for helping ^^)
with a clan its awesome the war for conquering OP's give an u…
I played 3 years Neocron that was my best MMORPG experience and now i feel sad to see that devs need help to survive
check it out :
I played a lot of MMO after necron and NC1 is my favorite... i think we'll never find a new game like it. Agree with what you said all.
I'm really disaponted by what made KK, we had french server with an amazing communauty and great staff, they ma…