Phantasy Star Universe launches today and's Garrett Fuller gives you his impressions from the game's PC beta test. PSU will also be available for the PS2 and XBOX360.
Phantasy Star Universe launches for PC today. The beta has come to a close and I was lucky enough to get a good look at the game before launch. Phantasy Star was a popular game that continues its evolution through different game systems and generations. This Phantasy Star has a lot to offer players who love the story and setting. However, from an MMO stand point, much of the game is instanced and built around a small group dynamic. There is very little open world to explore other than the major cities on different planets. The rest of the game takes you through various missions with your party to explore and fight it out with alien monsters.
There are two modes of play. The Story Mode and the Network Mode, obviously the Network mode allows you to link up with other players. Given this website's focus I did not go through the story mode. I jumped right into the network and started a character online. The beginning tutorial is very helpful in getting you started and showing you where everything is. Also, the NPC who helps you out in the beginning comes along on your early missions to give you a hand. |
The whole article is here.
Dana Massey
Formerly of
Currently Lead Designer for Bit Trap Studios
So basically, this is another Guild Wars.. in others words it's not really a mmorpg. It definately looks good and could be fun for the kids that already play Guild Wars.
Rites of the Four Horsemen
Rites of the Four Horsemen
found my own answer.
A GUARDIANS License is a monthly subscription service that allows you to go online to play Phantasy Star Universe. It costs $9.99/month (in US Dollars). Your credit card will be billed automatically every month on the same day as when you registered.
Rites of the Four Horsemen
Rites of the Four Horsemen
Even if it's completely different, that doesnt mean I won't have
fun. Nobody enjoys only 'one' time of game, same for mmorpgs,
there's no "only this type!" for me anyway!
Looking forward to the review!
~Veris Mitsu
PSU cannot be further away from Guild Wars, you are not smart and failed x3
anyone get to try to game yet? I loved PSO:BB, waiting to here from the fanboys
The point is this is another game that follows the trend of small group instancing.
Thats not MMORPG. A lobby doesnt qualify for MMORPG, if that was the case then Diablo was a MMORPG. DnD did it, GW did it, now this. And to some extent even the larger games do it. I understand instancing is easier on the system, but thats not what playing a MMORPG is susposed to be.
EQ and UO started it right by the fact everyone in the world was in the same world, and if you went somewhere, others might be there, and it might lead to conflict or to cooperation. Interaction.
Explorer 73% Achiever 53% Socializer 53% Killer 20%
Phantasy Star never followed, Phantasy Star has always been the leader. If there was no Pstar the rpg genre as we know would not exist.
Your lack of knowledge shows your age (WoW just stay there)
EQ and UO were technical achievements. But its time for a change. Its time to focus on quality and not quantity. Its about building a GASP FUN game. Its about gamers PLAYING a game and not an interface. To be honest, the people on these forums make me rather sick. They just want the same old trash, they just want to sit there like a drone and click hot keys and watch cool downs all day.
The mods on this forum are not equipped to review this game and they should not. They will simply blow through content with there 6 man statics and complain about petty BS.
Rites of the Four Horsemen
Crafting is easy.
Give the plan for the item (the board) to your MAG*.
Put the items in your MAG's store.
Ask the MAG to create the item.
Take the item and use it or sell it.
*Old PSO term for the wee robot which resides in your apartment cant remember its PSU name.
BTW the MAG will come with when it reaches a certain level, fighting with you and upping your stats in the process.
Can people stop using Eve as the bar for mmorpgs, As far as Im concerned any program that forces you to wait real-time for content is not a game, its a money sink. Its a pitty too as the graphics are amazing and I miss them but the movement system, obscene over zoning to avoid instancing and levelling system really ruin the game. Im not the hugest fan of WoW & EQ2 but they are the best examples of typical mmos - 100,000s of players in a huge environment.
If instancing is keeping the game off this site then you might want to remove EQ2, City of Heroes & Villains, Guild Wars and Matrix Online - as they all use instancing. To be frank, that leaves Wow a few asian grindfests and the niche games so think twice before riding the anti instancing train.
Note: PlayNC will refuse to allow you access to your account if you forget your password and can't provide a scanned image of the product key for the first product you purchased..... LOL
AH! Fellow Trash80 worker. I wrote Defender(old coin-op) on the Trash80. Damn...I'm old.
I'm not far behind ya. I wrote Missile Command for QBasic
On topic: I'm waiting for this game for XBox360. Just in time too, I'm almost done with all the Oblivion content. Now if Bethesda would release the X360 expansion on freakin' CD