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Before You Enlist



  • SnaKeySnaKey Member Posts: 3,386

    Originally posted by outfctrl
    Back in the 70's and early 80's I was geting like 225.00 per month to go to college. Back then it was like 11.00 a credit and I graduated with 66 credits for AS degree in Construction. The money was getting thru the GI Bill was full benefits because I was in during war. If there is no war, I think you get like 75% or something.

    Right now I get:
    $308 for montgomery GI Bill.
    $200 GI Bill Kicker
    $450 ROTC Stipend
    $250 Drill Pay
    $625 VA Work Study (which is being paid to STUDY. I don't actually do any work)

    My friends who have been to iraq get $800/mo GIBill + Kicker. They say if they woulda stayed 2 more months then they would get $1200, but they got fucked on that. lol. They wouldn't even let them volunteer to stay if they had school.
    A Work in Progress.
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  • outfctrloutfctrl Member UncommonPosts: 3,619
    My Brother is an E-9 (Master Chief) in the Navy.  He was a recruiter for many years.  Some of the stories he has told me are hilarious. 


  • SnaKeySnaKey Member Posts: 3,386

    Originally posted by outfctrl
    My Brother is an E-9 (Master Chief) in the Navy. He was a recruiter for many years. Some of the stories he has told me are hilarious.

    My grandpa was a recruiter for the AF in the early 80s. He's told me some pretty funny stories too.

    Like this one black guy who had like a Master's Degree and got something like a 40th percentile on his ASVAB claimed the test was racist, but the same day he had another black kid from the projects make a 94th percentile.
    A Work in Progress.
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  • GorukhaGorukha Member Posts: 1,441

    Originally posted by outfctrl
    My Brother is an E-9 (Master Chief) in the Navy.  He was a recruiter for many years.  Some of the stories he has told me are hilarious. 
      do share :)

    It's better be hated for who you are, than loved for who you aren't.

  • outfctrloutfctrl Member UncommonPosts: 3,619

    Originally posted by SnaKey

    Right now I get:
    $308 for montgomery GI Bill.
    $200 GI Bill Kicker
    $450 ROTC Stipend
    $250 Drill Pay
    $625 VA Work Study (which is being paid to STUDY. I don't actually do any work)

    My friends who have been to iraq get $800/mo GIBill + Kicker. They say if they woulda stayed 2 more months then they would get $1200, but they got fucked on that. lol. They wouldn't even let them volunteer to stay if they had school.

    OMG...thats allot!!  Very nice.  You guys deserve that though.  I was working as a carpenter when I was getting mine, making like 6.00-8.00 and hour back in 1980


  • SnaKeySnaKey Member Posts: 3,386

    Oh. My unit is going to Iraq in Novemeber '08 but there are talks about pushing it to be sooner.

    I will not go. I am ROTC and undeployable.

    The people complaining are the people who didnt' do any research and are just.... well.... tbch.... Morons.

    Also, before I contracted with ROTC and my unit got activated for Border Patrol in NM. Guess what? General sent out a letter saying that NOBODY currently enrolled in school qualified to be activated.
    A Work in Progress.
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  • outfctrloutfctrl Member UncommonPosts: 3,619

    Cant remeber any one story, but the stuff he would tell me that he told them was pretty funny.

    Like shipboard life and how the food was delicious and bootcamp was easy.

    I remember when I joined, I asked the recruiter if they will shave my head.( I had long, long hair)  He told me not much of it will come off,  it will look good.  First day there, I had 1/8 of an inch left, almost bald.  I was pissed.




  • SnaKeySnaKey Member Posts: 3,386

    Originally posted by outfctrl
    Cant remeber any one story, but the stuff he would tell me that he told them was pretty funny.
    Like shipboard life and how the food was delicious and bootcamp was easy.
    I remember when I joined, I asked the recruiter if they will shave my head.( I had long, long hair) He told me not much of it will come off, it will look good. First day there, I had 1/8 of an inch left, almost bald. I was pissed.


    In basic we had one dude with an Afro who didn't think they would cut all his hair off.

    They don't even give you 1/8th of an Inch in the army. You're as bald as the day you were born.
    A Work in Progress.
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  • HerkmeckHerkmeck Member Posts: 206

    Well what the hell did they think they were doing when they signed up?  Going to teach kindergarten?

    About the only two people in that video I respect is the old guy from vietnam and the one that "Its your life son, not mine."

    All those others....well they aint worth the shit off of my boots....


  • SlickinfinitSlickinfinit Member UncommonPosts: 1,094
    The soldiers in the US army are just pawns being used in a really stupid war atm and the rich people manipulating the world economy are making billions off it from all their defense contract investments. 911 was an inside job to make you think there is a terror threat but its all created and controlled by "Illumunati", "Bilderberg group", Tri-latteral commission and the  commitee of foreign relations who all answer to one unknown secret group. If ya think I am nuts just do some research on the subject and see where it takes you!

    {(RIP)} SWG

  • GorukhaGorukha Member Posts: 1,441

    Originally posted by Slickinfinit
    The soldiers in the US army are just pawns being used in a really stupid war atm and the rich people manipulating the world economy are making billions off it from all their defense contract investments. 911 was an inside job to make you think there is a terror threat but its all created and controlled by "Illumunati", "Bilderberg group", Tri-latteral commission and the  commitee of foreign relations who all answer to one unknown secret group. If ya think I am nuts just do some research on the subject and see where it takes you!
       I think to anyone that knows a lil bit of human history would say "Business as Usual" as far as whats going on today.  Realistcally and historically its been Pax Romana since WW2 ended.  All the wars were fought on the fringes of the empire so to speak, nothing major as far as world impact goes.

    It's better be hated for who you are, than loved for who you aren't.

  • BlurrBlurr Member UncommonPosts: 2,155

    outfctrl has it right again on this one.

    The video is mostly stupid people whining about this and that.

    First of all, recruiters don't even have to lie. Most people go in there and they don't use their brains when they're signing the forms. Then they freak out when they find out what they really did. Most people who haven't lived in or around the military have this image in their mind of what military life is like, and generally it's whatever they saw in a movie. They think that's what they're signing up for when they put their name on the dotted line. Recruiters play into that and it's the persons own fault for being a doorknob about reality in the first place. I mean, a buddy of mine was at a gun club where he was approached by a recruiter. This friend came back and was convinced that he was going to join up and the recruiter would be putting him directly into sniper school. The recruiter had actually said "If you're a good shot you could always end up with a sniper rifle in your hands.", people hear what they want to hear.

    Onto the video itself, one of the first things I hear is "He was only 19 when he enlisted, he couldn't know what he was getting into." Hello? Was your son mentally retarded in some way? If you're 19 and you don't know what the army does, and what might happen if you sign a contract with them, then you have bigger problems. Like lock up the household chemicals so he doesn't drink the drain-o problems.

    Then I hear people complaining about money for college. It's free money for college, and they are complaining because it's not enough. Boo-fuckin-hoo. Some people actually have to pay their own full way through college. Others complain about what they learned in the army. Another group of winners. If you join the infantry, guess what you're going to learn? If you join as say, a helicopter mechanic, you'll learn an entirely different set of things. I guess they expected being a grunt to get them a job as a lawyer, right?

    Regarding women in the military, it's all subjective. If you're a woman that wants to be in the infantry, that's totally different than a woman being a mechanic or something. For the record, my mother was in the Navy (Canadian) as a communications officer for a number of years, and never got treated badly.

    "Because it's easier to nitpick something than to be constructive." -roach5000

  • seabass2003seabass2003 Member Posts: 4,144

    Originally posted by modjoe86

    If I sign up for 4 years, and they hold me for 6, I think I have every right in the world to whine.

    No you don't have the right to whine. If you sign up for 4 years, in reality you signed up for 4 years active duty PLUS 4 years active reserve after your intitial time is up. Which means they can bring you back in anytime after your initial time was up. So when you sign up just know that you are signing for 8 years.

    Read the damn papers before you sign them.

    In America I have bad teeth. If I lived in England my teeth would be perfect.

  • tetsultetsul Member Posts: 1,020

    Originally posted by Slickinfinit
    911 was an inside job to make you think there is a terror threat but its all created and controlled by "Illumunati", "Bilderberg group", Tri-latteral commission and the  commitee of foreign relations who all answer to one unknown secret group.

    .................... Zoinks


  • LilithIshtarLilithIshtar Member Posts: 667

    Originally posted by outfctrl
    Cant remeber any one story, but the stuff he would tell me that he told them was pretty funny. Like shipboard life and how the food was delicious and bootcamp was easy. I remember when I joined, I asked the recruiter if they will shave my head.( I had long, long hair)  He told me not much of it will come off,  it will look good.  First day there, I had 1/8 of an inch left, almost bald.  I was pissed.    

    Im 17 going onto 18 here soon, and I wish to go into the Military ( but not for collage, fuck that. ) Once I graduate High School.

    And can't decide between Navy, or AirForce. I wish to be a Linguist. And here's what I've been looking at for months now..

    Now a Linguist can make alot of money if they are good, I already know this. I can speak Japanese pretty well, but Im also more than willing to learn another language that they may want me to learn, like Chinese or even Arabic, or whatever they want me to learn, doesn't bother me.

    We have a Navy guy come into my RTOC class last Wensday as well. He wasn't really trying to recruit us, but he was just showing us what he gets to do and all the benefits. So it got me leaning more towards Navy.

    Also, any idea on how many years? I wouldn't mind staying the full 20 an than retiring. I can still find work as a Linguist once I'm out, such as being a translator and etc.

    Idea's would be great.


    Oh sorry, I watched the video.

    It's pretty much people complaining. It's the military, duh. As a girl myself, I of course wouldn't even think about going army. And I already know there are risks of that happening to me in Navy or Airforce as well of course.

    Know the bloody risks!! -.-

    Now I can understand if your complaining about being held back longer than you signed on for. But everything else......Bah.


    Independant, Shinto, Lesbian, and Proud!

  • MajorBiggsMajorBiggs Member UncommonPosts: 709

    Originally posted by Slickinfinit
    The soldiers in the US army are just pawns being used in a really stupid war atm and the rich people manipulating the world economy are making billions off it from all their defense contract investments. 911 was an inside job to make you think there is a terror threat but its all created and controlled by "Illumunati", "Bilderberg group", Tri-latteral commission and the  commitee of foreign relations who all answer to one unknown secret group. If ya think I am nuts just do some research on the subject and see where it takes you!

    You're a special person. Read world history much?

    But you're still entitled to your opinion and you voiced it. I respect that image

  • daeandordaeandor Member UncommonPosts: 2,695
    People joining the military and being disappointed with what they get out of it is a regular occurance, in peace and war.  I used to watch these kids go through my unit without a clue.  You try to help and explain, but they don't listen, just as they probably didn't listen when their parents told them they were not ready for that kind of commitment.

    The bottom line with your time in the military is that you have to use your brain.  Not only just to stay alive, but also to have something for when you get out.  The GI Bill and other benefits require that you sign the right papers at the right place and the right time.  If you don't, you miss your chance or get reduced benefits.  Sadly eighteen year olds don't listen when their Sergeants and Lieutenants tell them to pay attention.  Many times I watched as my soldiers pissed away their access to benefits.  Heck, even I lost out on some minor benefits because I got signed into them too late.  Unfortunately, when some of the information is being passed in front of new soldiers, they are preoccupied, and the Sergeants aren't allowed to walk over and force them to sign.

  •     Best 9 years of my life were in the Marines. I even went to the Middle East for 14 months. Iraq and Afghanistan. If I had to do it again, I would.

        Like everything in life, there will always be some bad. It's what you make of it. If those individuals didn't have a great time in the military, fine so be it. It's easy to skate right on through. It's called following directions, knowing your stuff, and get promoted. Obviously they didn't.

        I miss my buddies and I miss traveling the world. I should make a video about what I think about civilians.

  • BlazinBladesBlazinBlades Member Posts: 1,214

    Most people when they enlist in the military are enlisting with unrealistic ideas and or for unrealistic reasons, such as serving ones country or for College. Before you enlist you have to seriously think about why you are enlisting and what you will get out of it and most importantly, how your life is going to be used and for what reason. Bring it on down now.

    Damn byotch dat aint no friggn moon fool, dat be a friggn space station byotch.

  •     How are those reasons unrealistic?

        My reason was, my parents weren't paying my way through college, I was told to move out when I finished High School, and I wanted to travel.

  • BlazinBladesBlazinBlades Member Posts: 1,214

    Originally posted by nakedone

        How are those reasons unrealistic?
        My reason was, my parents weren't paying my way through college, I was told to move out when I finished High School, and I wanted to travel.

    Simple is going to college worth being shot in the head, is traveling around the world worth having your legs blown off. If they are worth that, then by all means enlist. Bring it on down now

    Damn byotch dat aint no friggn moon fool, dat be a friggn space station byotch.

  • J0kerr1J0kerr1 Member Posts: 248


    Simple is going to college worth being shot in the head, is traveling around the world worth having your legs blown off. If they are worth that, then by all means enlist. Bring it on down now

    I was not aware that physical harm happens to 100% of the poeple that enlist in the military services to protect your freedoms. Hmm....Maybe you are not worth it.
  • olddaddyolddaddy Member Posts: 3,356

    You would be surprised what people think when they enlist. I have seen officers drunk on their ass, without a clue in the dark about small unit tactics. My first company commander was one such, a real asshole. On day we were on a battalion road march, and got a good dose of "hurry up and wait". I gave my people a 15 minute break, and had them up to practice small unit tactics sweeping a hilltop. A major came along to see what the hold up was, and sees my CO sitting on his ass along with the rest of his platoons. The major exploded on my CO, why was his company sitting on their ass while one platoon was practicing overwatch tactics. Needless to say, I didn't get along real well with my company commander (lol). No big deal, battalion liked me, thought my CO was unqualified.

    Anyway, alot of these people really don't understand that the President can pick up the phone anytime and send their asses off to fight. And when they get to the fight, they better have some idea what they are doing, cause if the other side knows the job better, they are in for a world of hurt. I explained this to my people, and eventually they could see that the rest of the company didn't have a clue. So, who'd you rather go into combat with, people who knew the job, or people who were just passing through?


  • BoozbazBoozbaz Member Posts: 1,918

    Originally posted by olddaddy

    I'd want to go into combat under your leadership.


  • AwakenedAwakened Member UncommonPosts: 595
    Recruiters have no shame, we know this, wait...  you didn't?

    What greater tribute to free will than the power to question the highest of authority? What greater display of loyalty than blind faith? What greater gift than free will? What greater love than loyalty?

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