This winter, after all the new years and christmas, my and my sons birthday. This game will release.
My best guess would be in the middle or end of february. But that doesnt mather, 2 weaks here and there will be nothing compared to how much time im most likely going to spend inside this world.
Are you unsure or nervous that this game wont meet youre expectations?
Im pretty calm about all this. It's certainly one of the worlds
absolutly most experienced mmorpg game creators. With a passion not
only to make games. But to make mmorpg games in a fantasy world.
The Game Will Grow
It might not meet everyones specific needs at release, But the money we spend each month on this mmorpg's will add to It's continued evolvement, adding new adventures and content.
If you are thinking, this might be a good game. Just hang on to that feeling and read everything "official" that you can about this game until release. Try it and if you like it, stick around. The game will grow with you, And it will grow with developers that has already made alot of the first time misstakes. Remember that this is as much an adventure to them as it is to you.
Another way to see it is,
if you forget about the money and the developers and all that. Imagine that this game is like a book. You cant start to read a book when youre in a realy bad mood, or if you knew that you dislike the writer of the book. Then youre first time experience will be clouded by things that hasent got anything to do with youre ingame/book experience.
Let's all just welcome this game with open arms!
It's our timespace in life. Let's try to make the best of it!
I think you're going a little over the top here, I mean wether it flops and is binned after 6 months or is a massive success your post seems a bit disturbing in my opinion.
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience"
CS Lewis
If this post disturbes you. What do you think youres do?
I try to keep peoples spirit up about a game. Youre bitching on people trying to be possitive.
I didnt understand this guy's post. Why did he post it. So i had to look what kind of poster he is, and he is accualy bitching on me becouse (what i think) he dislike in others, or otherthings.
In otherword. He is taking out on me, what he dislike about this game, and the developers.
This is a few or mr Agricola1's previous comments.
Brad is worshipped like a minor eastern Pacific Island deity because he
makes a decent MMO then after 6 months takes the money an runs.
In my opinion Brad = a bail out early artists.
VANGUARD: Sold Out Halfprice
Hardcore PvPer = Someone who plays to PvP, everything he/she does in the game is directed to improving their PvP ability.
Carebear = A PvPer that whines because the fight wasn't fair.
Why don't more people take pride in being a hardcore PvEer? Or hardcore scammer?
I too used to play the evil that is known as SWG, and suffered the liesof SOE. Believe me from one SOE hater to another CCP are a very good
company. They've never lied to me nor cheated me out of my money, or
stabbed me in the back and changed the game to get more money. I've
played EVE for over 18 months now and CCP have treated me like I'm a
customer, not like a number on a balance sheet.
1: SWG: I felt like I'd been mugged in a dark alley and had all my cash stolen by the time I'd canceled.
2: AO: You call that SCI-FI? I spent half the time killing unicorns with daggers, everywhere else was deserted!
3: EQ: Bah!
Agricola1 Hates SOE, he dislike killing unicorns with dagger and other fantasy style games apperantly. And he refers to pve'ers as whiners.
So ofcourse i he has to come here and complain about me, accualy talking good about a game he hates
So, in other word
Agricola1 Hates SOE, he dislike killing unicorns with dagger and other fantasy style games apperantly. And he refers to pve'ers as whiners.
So ofcourse i he has to come here and complain about me, accualy talking good about a game he hates
I mostly agree with your summary, although I didn't refer to PVE'ers as whiners at any point although they do their fair share I suppose.
I'm not complaining about you talking about a game I hate, I've never played Vanguard so have no idea what it's like. I believe I've never said that Vanguard is going to be either good or bad, though you might prove me wrong
All I was saying is that I found your post rather disturbing, considering you've never played Vanguard either it seems very over the top. I simply felt you were being more than positive, a little over zealous considering you haven't played it and have only seen some screen shots. I apologise if it seemed I was complaining about the game or being over critical of you personnaly but this wasn't my intention, and am sorry if I left you with that impression.
And BTW CCP is the next best thing to Meg Ryan in my opinion! (if you found that disturbing imagine if I'd got Meg Ryan an CCP the wrong way around!)
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience"
CS Lewis
The reson why i lift the game to the sky's is that alot of people are talking bad about the game. There is so many good things to look at. And a few movies aswell if you realy look for them.
Ahwell, im glad you posted in a friendly manner...
No problem, sorry if I came over nasty although as you know I do have my opinions on SOE and Brad. SOE I've had very bad experiences with and although I don't like fantasy I was displeased to see them publish Vanguard. I know that everyone says that the buck stops with Sigil, so you'll have to forgive me for my prejudice there. Although I know it's prejudice I just refuse to believe otherwise, not because I don't believe Sigil but because I could never trust SOE. As for Brad I know he's very good at making an MMORPG, but he still needs to prove that he can see it out after it's gone live in my opinion and Vanguard will be a test of that.
I think the biggest hurdle for Vanguard will be the competition though, looking at all the other releases about the same time it'll be tough for Sigil. Perhaps this is one reason they chose SOE, as despite my blind hatred for them I must admit they're very good at advertising and selling a product.
I wouldn't worry about people talking bad about Vanguard right now, my question would be how will it stand up to the competition on release? If Vanguard is released when it's ready then it'll get a head start, as I'm certain some of those new titles will be rushed out early and bomb (it's the law of averages with MMO's). Leaving those other fantasy gamers to migrate to Vanguard.
I do hate the fantasy genre but I don't hate a good game or company that made it, I might not like GW because it's fantasy but it doesn't mean I think the game is bad.
Well goodluck with Vanguard and I hope it lives up to your expectations (it'd be nice to see Sigil buyout SOE and publish it themselves at somepoint, then I might try it!)
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience"
CS Lewis
Nah, if it doesn't have a raid-free server at launch, I am not buying it. Raid-free server doesn't needs to be fully operational and polished, yet it has to be "working" at launch. I can wait a few more months before they fix such issues, such as giving all raid-loot (including these in expansions at their release) in a grouping/merchant way.
If it get a raid-free server later, it will depend what competitors offer, but if a competitor offer a raid-free server at their launch, it ain't looking good at all. If the raid-free server is chronically behind the regulars as to update, it might also make me leave, yet at launch, such a thing is acceptable temporarily.
As simple as that. I am not buying this game without raid-free server.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
lol why do you want a raiding server, thats so boring.
I group, and I welcome any non-raiding activity. That is basically why. Raiding is boring IMO, I have no problems about what happen on other servers, yet in my courtyard, I do, and raiding won't be enforced on me, never again.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
Raiding is what make casuals leave and never come back. And other players such as me.
Having satisfied customers is more important than whatever meager thing raiding give in the SHORT TERM, it is extremely damaging in the long run. Raiding is to a MMO what cocaine is to humans.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
Starwars Galaxies, An Empier Diveded, That's what it says on my box anyway.
/sigh don't get him started....i am begging you
and ik many that enjoy it also
It's not that he doesn't like raiding, from his past posts it seems clear he doesn't like the fact that they get rewards exclusive to raiders.
If you don't like raiding then don't do it, PVE and if you want that special item buy it with your hard earned cash. I doubt Vanguard would be launched with a raid free server, probably just PvP and Non-PvP servers at most, until there is a demand otherwise.
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience"
CS Lewis
Raiding on the other hand is a gap filler at best, gets you to endlessly run the same dungeon over and over in the hope of getting that one drop and winning the roll, or whatever system is in place for loot distribution. It also starts the endless arguements within guilds of who gets what, when and what class is best suited to it.
You have looked to much on wow my friend, theres alot of other different things to do in the so called "end game". vanguard has for example housing, good crafting etc, lots of content citys bla bla.
You pick it.
Starwars Galaxies, An Empier Diveded, That's what it says on my box anyway.
Which is why I will only buy the game if there is a raid-free server that award this loot in any non-raiding way, grouping preferably, but anything honestly, even the dreaded and evil PvP.
I know more peoples who dislike or plainly hate raiding than peoples accepting to raid...
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
Topic is... Byond...