But EVE was originally released in a box. What I think happend was that some video game store owner had abunch of Boxes left over and decided to break them open and start selling the key codes. Either that, or the guy selling them bought abunch of them from some video game store owner.
The guy selling them has a huge rating and it's 100% pos for the last 12 months. Total he only had like 5 negative ratings, which is pretty damn good for someone with over 250,000 EBay ratings. (don't quote me on the numbers though)
Why spread bullshit like this ? I can state that a 8 million sp character did beat the crap out of my 30 million sp character... sure, he can't reach my skillpoints but that did not stop him from beating my ship. Furthermore, my corp have had several frigatefights... now you would belive I would win them all right ? .. wrong I have not won any yet... sure I have killed a few frigs but still.. in the end I lost.
I can state that I am a 4.5mil SP Char and I beat the living shit out of 30mil SP chars ALL-THE-TIME.
But Uruleyevil actually tells the truth. Weak players do die out like flies. Because they simply don't know how to use their skill points effectivly. Weak is a relative term.
Well true that new players will die alot, but it is not because of the skill system, or that you can't catch up skillwise but because they don't learn and adapt!!! ..
Skillsystem is great, it gives players a choise to actually take some time off without falling back too much ... skills only means you can be more competitive or fly more stuff or use more equipment.
As a missionrunner I know for fact that if I tank for Serpentis you can be damn sure that some pirate that show up deals just the opposite damage!!! because they know I won't tank that type of damage. Or.. atleast think that I won't :-)
Oh .. to this day I still own him skillwise... apart from Missiles, he can use tech 2 torpedoes and cruisemissiles where I can't.. he have specialised in Caldari so far :-) where I have been more a Jack of all trades... mining, industry, gallente (T2 guns and battleship lvl 5), actually can fly all battleships... and working towards capital ships.
Lots of long-time players have posted, and we've had one healthy dose of sour grapes. I figured maybe you'd like to hear from someone who has only been playing not-quite-3-weeks and who isn't into PvP. (Granted, this is my 3rd round of EVE - I beta tested, I played a trial almost 3 years ago, and now I'm back again. This may have increased our rate of assimilation for all the info you're bombarded with when youstart.)
Backstory is that my huband and I are both avid gamers, but the way things fell out recently we weren't playing the same games, and we missed that (I got some beta invites he didn't, neener neener ). When, a few weeks back, he said "Hey, what's this EVE game? Didn't you try this out before?" I replied that yes, I had, and though I remembered enjoying it, back then I'd been put off by not being able to get out of my ship. Not being quite so avatar-dependent these days, and wanting something we could at least play at the same time, we downloaded the trial.
Here's what we've been up to in not-quite-3-weeks. Note that we are not in a large corp, don't intend to be in a large corp just yet (if ever), and don't have dreams of owning 0.0 space. Actually I think *he* does, but he'll be doing that part without me.
The spousal unit bimbles around everywhere except in 0.0 with his frigate, mostly doing kill missions. He doesn't PvP much but he *did* almost take out a gate camper's 100 mill ship with his own 0.2 mill ship -- he didn't win, of course, but even I (die-easy non-PvPer) had to cheer when I saw how much damage he did before the other guy podded him. He's interested in R&D and spreading his skills around a bit to that end (takes some working up to).
Me, I've been mining, running courier missions when I can be bothered, and dabbling in the market side of things - I don't haul (much), I mostly produce. Yes, even with less than a month under my belt. Granted it's not gajillions just yet, but one has to start somewhere and I make a steady flow of cash for very little outlay. I figured out what blueprints I could afford and what sells regularly in the systems we frequent, and now I'm manufacturing a bunch of little bits and pieces which sell steadily. From little acorns - and best of all it gets made without any input from me other than to initiate the manufacturing job.
Together, we've probably made about 20-50 million ISK so far; hard to tell exactly, because I tend to forget the cost of skillbooks and other stuff like that. We've bought the next ship he wants -- our biggest single purchase to date -- at 7.5 mill and haven't felt the pinch - he can't fly it yet, but he was glad to buy it all the same. Slowly but surely we're building up, and we're doing it without the benefit of a large corp because we like to do it that way - no dissing corps at all, we just like to play in our own sandbox at the start, make our own mistakes. We're not all about the uber-efficiency, in skill points or anything else. And it's a viable playstyle (provided you don't intend to go up against the uber-efficient killers).
Regarding mining - sadly, it really *is* tedious and repetitive after a while, though I'm not chewing my own arms off yet. For me, it's a choice - do I want to do kill missions (which I dislike, especially alone), or shall I make the same amount of money, in about the same time, mining? Especially in high-sec space, mining is a pretty secure thing to do, and that suits me. The rewards are smaller since the risk is almost nonexistent -- point is, however, that *I* have that choice. I can mine where I want, go where I want, and generall do whatever I find comfortable (or exciting). Nobody is going to stop me. If I get my dumb ass killed -- and I have, several times -- then it was in the knowledge that such an outcome was likely. Trust me, I won't be doing courier missions through 0.0 space again anytime soon.
If I had one thing to do differently, I'd probably get us both to join EVE-Uni right away. We may still do that, though I think we may just try setting up our own corp just because, again, we like to do that kind of thing. Still, EVE-Uni seems like an invaluable starting resource and it's a shame we didn't hear about it till just recently.
As for the other posters - please guys, don't tell me I'm a wuss (already known) or that I'm missing out on the POINT of EVE. The point of EVE is that you can do what you like, when you like, with varying degrees of risk (physical or economic). It's mind-boggling at first, I find it both fascinating and attractive. I'm past the point where I want a game to spoonfeed me.
Well here is a short review from a 6 month old guy. Ok first of all you only really get into eve and its posssabilitys at about this time. The apst 6 months i consider training time, learning the ropes where to go who to see etc. Because there are so cool after 2 months i chose to specilise in Battlecruisers.
Battlecruisers are like baby battleships and they are relitivly cheap too compared to the real thing. So losing a Battlecruiser is aot easier than losing a battleship id imagine. So lets review the profesions i ahve tried ill try to be as honest and objective as i can be. I shall list them in order i tried them in.
MINING :- This profecion can be very repetative if you are on your own. It basically entails that you find a suitable asteropid get within 10 km if you are using mining lasers then you target the asteroid and activate the mining lasers till your cargo hold is full then you return to base dump the ore in the hangar then begine again. Alternativly you could drop a jettison can and fill it up then use a hauling ship to carry the ore away. It gets less boring if you mine in a groupe tho.
MISSION RUNNING :- To start with finding the right agent isant easy its a complex menue system and there are differnet types of agent to find. First of all i tried a security agent this provided me with lots of kill missions that involved fly to point A kill those rats then return to agent. Then i tried [on someones recomendation] A hauling agent working in a distribution section. These involved clollect this item drop it here for reward, Most of these were done in 1 trip in a shuttle And i got them done so fast that in 5 da ys i was doing level 4 agents and was 1 billion richer within a month. How you ask simple because i got those courier missions done fast i got lots of storyline missions with those lovely level 4 impants as rewards.
TRADING :- Thanls to the full set of level 4 implants in my head and all those exxess i sold off i couold afford a freighter and with 2 billion exess cash the apst month i have been trying out Trading. This involves largly serching the amrkets for a cheap good and finding a place that buys that good at a higher price. Then i fill up with 10 million units oif the stuff costing 120 isk per unit amking a grand total off 1.2 billion in cost. Then i fly 6 jumps to sell at 135 isk per unit giving me a profit off 150 million. Thats enough for a battleship and some modules . Of course you can amke a lot more than this in 1 trip you just have to find it for your self and rememner the price difference may just be 15 isk but when you times it by missilns it soon adds up.
Well this is what i ahve done in my first 6 months i hope its informative and inspiring to you all.
As for the other posters - please guys, don't tell me I'm a wuss (already known) or that I'm missing out on the POINT of EVE. The point of EVE is that you can do what you like, when you like, with varying degrees of risk (physical or economic). It's mind-boggling at first, I find it both fascinating and attractive. I'm past the point where I want a game to spoonfeed me.
I feel that gets right to the point of it- enough so, that it's worth saying twice. The point is that you can do what you like, when you like, with varying degrees of risk.
Even EVE University, located entirely in Empire space and possessing a strict no-piracy policy, gets war declared on it every once in awhile. You can get right in the middle of it, you can help build frigates for those people who get right in the middle of it, you can run kill missions and donate ISK to the corp's war effort, you can mine the ore used to build the ships/mods, or you can even find a quiet part of the galaxy and do your own thing there while all the hostility plays itself out. There's no "right" thing to do at any time, with the possible exception of corporations with very specific goals. However, even joining such a corporation is entirely up to you. This isn't a game about "have to," it's a game about "want to." Join a corp, start a corp, mine ore, become an ore thief, produce, trade, invest- do what you love, the money will follow. Will it be easy? Probably not, but "simple" and "satisfying" are rarely words that appear in the same sentence.
And all of this from someone who's not really the target demographic of the game. I'm really not a PvPer, and I never have been. This game hasn't changed my mind about that, but it has proven to me that PvPers aren't the devils I believed them to be after reading gaming forums for years. On the contrary, while I find the PvE elements of the game to be rather monotonous and uninspired, I've found the community to be worth the price of admission. I may not find kill missions or mining to be terribly satisfying on their own, but I do enjoy donating the proceeds of those activities to a corporation full of people I like and respect, knowing they'll be put to good use. If a carebunny like me can feel at home in EVE, I think most people can. It just takes a little bit of patience to realize what it is you're looking for; once you do, finding it is the easy part.
Originally posted by Lann555 I recently quit my WoW-account, when it suddenly hit me how much the game sucked and how I actually didn't enjoy playing it. However, this leaves quite a few hours of free-time and Im looking for some new MMORPG action. Now there are some good MMO's coming out next year, but I need something to fill the time till then.
I checked out EVE and it seems exetremely interesting. Love the freedom and player-driven economy. However, the game has been out for quite a while now and I wonder if it's gonne be a good idea to start so late. Will I be hopelessy behind the whole universe and always be a sitting duck? Will it be hard to find others to play with as a newbie? For me an MMO is mainly about playing with others and starting a game so late can sometimes make that diffucult. Either people don't care for newbies or you get stuck with the true idiots.
Well...hope anyone can give me some advice. I guess my only alternative is perhaps trying out Guildwars till the next wave of MMO hit the market.
Yes, you will be behind everyone, directly proportional to time played, You:Opponent. The Fanboys will deny reality, don't listen to them.
Originally posted by Nerf09 Originally posted by Lann555 I recently quit my WoW-account, when it suddenly hit me how much the game sucked and how I actually didn't enjoy playing it. However, this leaves quite a few hours of free-time and Im looking for some new MMORPG action. Now there are some good MMO's coming out next year, but I need something to fill the time till then.
I checked out EVE and it seems exetremely interesting. Love the freedom and player-driven economy. However, the game has been out for quite a while now and I wonder if it's gonne be a good idea to start so late. Will I be hopelessy behind the whole universe and always be a sitting duck? Will it be hard to find others to play with as a newbie? For me an MMO is mainly about playing with others and starting a game so late can sometimes make that diffucult. Either people don't care for newbies or you get stuck with the true idiots.
Well...hope anyone can give me some advice. I guess my only alternative is perhaps trying out Guildwars till the next wave of MMO hit the market.
Yes, you will be behind everyone, directly proportional to time played, You:Opponent. The Fanboys will deny reality, don't listen to them. I see school let out early today. There some reason you're necroing threads?
"A ship-of-war is the best ambassador." - Oliver Cromwell
I created Fringe Financial. First thing was.. I made a toon that could mine and fight.. but mining at the time was top priority. I then recruited a few people from the corp chat. I also brought in a few people from various other game I had played.. Skilled up some leadership and social skills as me and my buds continued to pound the rock. and on my 4th day FRING was created. I decided new players would get hauler duties and we started going deeper and deeper into space. Shinzor Prime was put on the back burner so I could create Novax as the rat attacks were getting out of hand and no one with the ability to fend them off.. so in a week of starting FRING I had a pilot in a MOA (nothing special about the load out) and I was able to defend our ops from rats.. not to mention we were able to train other people into mining and hauling and put out our cannisters and soon.. it became an everyother night affair.. how I would split the money was miners recieved 30 percent of the take.. point men would recieve 10 percent and of course the loot.. and haulers would get 10%.. the other 50% went into the corp wallet. It also turned out that using the hauler system previously installed was not working too well so we upped the mining/hauling to 25% of the take and let defenders just keep the loot or reprocess it as they felt the need..
within a month FRING had its first barge and mining in .2 space with a pirate corp lookin out for us we also mined thier ice for thier POS which kept us safe.. the wallet standing was just over 100 million with each and every one of my 20 members outfitted to the max
Now FRING is 50+ strong worth a mint.. and still thrives.. I gave the reigns to a friend and decided it was pirate life for me
Originally posted by Mcgreag Never too late to start. For example there is a huge alliance in eve called GoonSwarm that consist of mainly newer players (but with experienced leadership) that are currently helping to swing the tide in one of the major wars in the south (Red Alliance vs Lotka Volterra and friends). There is also Eve University that is a player made organization that is setup to help new players learn the ropes and many established pvp corps either recruit a limited number of noobs or have an academy sister corp which they use to teach newer players how to pvp so they might become good potential members later.
I think that's really cool that the community helps each other that way. Been looking at picking up this game myself.
Taram is right, but i have just noticed it today and i'd very much like to hear how Lann555 is getting on in Eve if he did decide to join the game.
I hope you created a character with charisma a bit lower than the other attributes. As far as i can tell, it's still less effective/useful to have than all the other atts.
I'm sure they work, I haven't tried mine yet.
But EVE was originally released in a box. What I think happend was that some video game store owner had abunch of Boxes left over and decided to break them open and start selling the key codes. Either that, or the guy selling them bought abunch of them from some video game store owner.
The guy selling them has a huge rating and it's 100% pos for the last 12 months. Total he only had like 5 negative ratings, which is pretty damn good for someone with over 250,000 EBay ratings. (don't quote me on the numbers though)
A Work in Progress.
Add Me
I can state that I am a 4.5mil SP Char and I beat the living shit out of 30mil SP chars ALL-THE-TIME.
But Uruleyevil actually tells the truth. Weak players do die out like flies. Because they simply don't know how to use their skill points effectivly. Weak is a relative term.
Well true that new players will die alot, but it is not because of the skill system, or that you can't catch up skillwise but because they don't learn and adapt!!! ..
Skillsystem is great, it gives players a choise to actually take some time off without falling back too much ... skills only means you can be more competitive or fly more stuff or use more equipment.
As a missionrunner I know for fact that if I tank for Serpentis you can be damn sure that some pirate that show up deals just the opposite damage!!! because they know I won't tank that type of damage.
Or.. atleast think that I won't :-)
Oh .. to this day I still own him skillwise... apart from Missiles, he can use tech 2 torpedoes and cruisemissiles where I can't.. he have specialised in Caldari so far :-) where I have been more a Jack of all trades... mining, industry, gallente (T2 guns and battleship lvl 5), actually can fly all battleships... and working towards capital ships.
Lots of long-time players have posted, and we've had one healthy dose of sour grapes. I figured maybe you'd like to hear from someone who has only been playing not-quite-3-weeks and who isn't into PvP. (Granted, this is my 3rd round of EVE - I beta tested, I played a trial almost 3 years ago, and now I'm back again. This may have increased our rate of assimilation for all the info you're bombarded with when youstart.)
Backstory is that my huband and I are both avid gamers, but the way things fell out recently we weren't playing the same games, and we missed that (I got some beta invites he didn't, neener neener ). When, a few weeks back, he said "Hey, what's this EVE game? Didn't you try this out before?" I replied that yes, I had, and though I remembered enjoying it, back then I'd been put off by not being able to get out of my ship. Not being quite so avatar-dependent these days, and wanting something we could at least play at the same time, we downloaded the trial.
Here's what we've been up to in not-quite-3-weeks. Note that we are not in a large corp, don't intend to be in a large corp just yet (if ever), and don't have dreams of owning 0.0 space. Actually I think *he* does, but he'll be doing that part without me.
The spousal unit bimbles around everywhere except in 0.0 with his frigate, mostly doing kill missions. He doesn't PvP much but he *did* almost take out a gate camper's 100 mill ship with his own 0.2 mill ship -- he didn't win, of course, but even I (die-easy non-PvPer) had to cheer when I saw how much damage he did before the other guy podded him. He's interested in R&D and spreading his skills around a bit to that end (takes some working up to).
Me, I've been mining, running courier missions when I can be bothered, and dabbling in the market side of things - I don't haul (much), I mostly produce. Yes, even with less than a month under my belt. Granted it's not gajillions just yet, but one has to start somewhere and I make a steady flow of cash for very little outlay. I figured out what blueprints I could afford and what sells regularly in the systems we frequent, and now I'm manufacturing a bunch of little bits and pieces which sell steadily. From little acorns - and best of all it gets made without any input from me other than to initiate the manufacturing job.
Together, we've probably made about 20-50 million ISK so far; hard to tell exactly, because I tend to forget the cost of skillbooks and other stuff like that. We've bought the next ship he wants -- our biggest single purchase to date -- at 7.5 mill and haven't felt the pinch - he can't fly it yet, but he was glad to buy it all the same. Slowly but surely we're building up, and we're doing it without the benefit of a large corp because we like to do it that way - no dissing corps at all, we just like to play in our own sandbox at the start, make our own mistakes. We're not all about the uber-efficiency, in skill points or anything else. And it's a viable playstyle (provided you don't intend to go up against the uber-efficient killers).
Regarding mining - sadly, it really *is* tedious and repetitive after a while, though I'm not chewing my own arms off yet. For me, it's a choice - do I want to do kill missions (which I dislike, especially alone), or shall I make the same amount of money, in about the same time, mining? Especially in high-sec space, mining is a pretty secure thing to do, and that suits me. The rewards are smaller since the risk is almost nonexistent -- point is, however, that *I* have that choice. I can mine where I want, go where I want, and generall do whatever I find comfortable (or exciting). Nobody is going to stop me. If I get my dumb ass killed -- and I have, several times -- then it was in the knowledge that such an outcome was likely. Trust me, I won't be doing courier missions through 0.0 space again anytime soon.
If I had one thing to do differently, I'd probably get us both to join EVE-Uni right away. We may still do that, though I think we may just try setting up our own corp just because, again, we like to do that kind of thing. Still, EVE-Uni seems like an invaluable starting resource and it's a shame we didn't hear about it till just recently.
As for the other posters - please guys, don't tell me I'm a wuss (already known) or that I'm missing out on the POINT of EVE. The point of EVE is that you can do what you like, when you like, with varying degrees of risk (physical or economic). It's mind-boggling at first, I find it both fascinating and attractive. I'm past the point where I want a game to spoonfeed me.
Well here is a short review from a 6 month old guy. Ok first of all you only really get into eve and its posssabilitys at about this time. The apst 6 months i consider training time, learning the ropes where to go who to see etc. Because there are so cool after 2 months i chose to specilise in Battlecruisers.
Battlecruisers are like baby battleships and they are relitivly cheap too compared to the real thing. So losing a Battlecruiser is aot easier than losing a battleship id imagine. So lets review the profesions i ahve tried ill try to be as honest and objective as i can be. I shall list them in order i tried them in.
MINING :- This profecion can be very repetative if you are on your own. It basically entails that you find a suitable asteropid get within 10 km if you are using mining lasers then you target the asteroid and activate the mining lasers till your cargo hold is full then you return to base dump the ore in the hangar then begine again. Alternativly you could drop a jettison can and fill it up then use a hauling ship to carry the ore away. It gets less boring if you mine in a groupe tho.
MISSION RUNNING :- To start with finding the right agent isant easy its a complex menue system and there are differnet types of agent to find. First of all i tried a security agent this provided me with lots of kill missions that involved fly to point A kill those rats then return to agent. Then i tried [on someones recomendation] A hauling agent working in a distribution section. These involved clollect this item drop it here for reward, Most of these were done in 1 trip in a shuttle And i got them done so fast that in 5 da ys i was doing level 4 agents and was 1 billion richer within a month. How you ask simple because i got those courier missions done fast i got lots of storyline missions with those lovely level 4 impants as rewards.
TRADING :- Thanls to the full set of level 4 implants in my head and all those exxess i sold off i couold afford a freighter and with 2 billion exess cash the apst month i have been trying out Trading. This involves largly serching the amrkets for a cheap good and finding a place that buys that good at a higher price. Then i fill up with 10 million units oif the stuff costing 120 isk per unit amking a grand total off 1.2 billion in cost. Then i fly 6 jumps to sell at 135 isk per unit giving me a profit off 150 million. Thats enough for a battleship and some modules . Of course you can amke a lot more than this in 1 trip you just have to find it for your self and rememner the price difference may just be 15 isk but when you times it by missilns it soon adds up.
Well this is what i ahve done in my first 6 months i hope its informative and inspiring to you all.
Even EVE University, located entirely in Empire space and possessing a strict no-piracy policy, gets war declared on it every once in awhile. You can get right in the middle of it, you can help build frigates for those people who get right in the middle of it, you can run kill missions and donate ISK to the corp's war effort, you can mine the ore used to build the ships/mods, or you can even find a quiet part of the galaxy and do your own thing there while all the hostility plays itself out. There's no "right" thing to do at any time, with the possible exception of corporations with very specific goals. However, even joining such a corporation is entirely up to you. This isn't a game about "have to," it's a game about "want to." Join a corp, start a corp, mine ore, become an ore thief, produce, trade, invest- do what you love, the money will follow. Will it be easy? Probably not, but "simple" and "satisfying" are rarely words that appear in the same sentence.
And all of this from someone who's not really the target demographic of the game. I'm really not a PvPer, and I never have been. This game hasn't changed my mind about that, but it has proven to me that PvPers aren't the devils I believed them to be after reading gaming forums for years. On the contrary, while I find the PvE elements of the game to be rather monotonous and uninspired, I've found the community to be worth the price of admission. I may not find kill missions or mining to be terribly satisfying on their own, but I do enjoy donating the proceeds of those activities to a corporation full of people I like and respect, knowing they'll be put to good use. If a carebunny like me can feel at home in EVE, I think most people can. It just takes a little bit of patience to realize what it is you're looking for; once you do, finding it is the easy part.
it's never to late to start and in EvE Online the playerbase is more mature and friendly
Guides & Trials for EvE Online:
I see school let out early today. There some reason you're necroing threads?
"A ship-of-war is the best ambassador." - Oliver Cromwell
Here is what I did a year ago..
I created Fringe Financial. First thing was.. I made a toon that could mine and fight.. but mining at the time was top priority. I then recruited a few people from the corp chat. I also brought in a few people from various other game I had played.. Skilled up some leadership and social skills as me and my buds continued to pound the rock. and on my 4th day FRING was created. I decided new players would get hauler duties and we started going deeper and deeper into space. Shinzor Prime was put on the back burner so I could create Novax as the rat attacks were getting out of hand and no one with the ability to fend them off.. so in a week of starting FRING I had a pilot in a MOA (nothing special about the load out) and I was able to defend our ops from rats.. not to mention we were able to train other people into mining and hauling and put out our cannisters and soon.. it became an everyother night affair.. how I would split the money was miners recieved 30 percent of the take.. point men would recieve 10 percent and of course the loot.. and haulers would get 10%.. the other 50% went into the corp wallet. It also turned out that using the hauler system previously installed was not working too well so we upped the mining/hauling to 25% of the take and let defenders just keep the loot or reprocess it as they felt the need..
within a month FRING had its first barge and mining in .2 space with a pirate corp lookin out for us we also mined thier ice for thier POS which kept us safe.. the wallet standing was just over 100 million with each and every one of my 20 members outfitted to the max
Now FRING is 50+ strong worth a mint.. and still thrives.. I gave the reigns to a friend and decided it was pirate life for me
Lann555 It's never to late to start EvE Online
its growing in subscriber numbers each days
Guides & Trials for EvE Online:
"A ship-of-war is the best ambassador." - Oliver Cromwell
I hope you created a character with charisma a bit lower than the other attributes. As far as i can tell, it's still less effective/useful to have than all the other atts.
Assuming you have joined, enjoy Eve!