Can someone help me out with a few questions I have about Dark and Light:
- Do items wear out and break in this game (armor, swords, etc)?
- Can you have an apartment, house or bank to store items?
- Does your character, or pets / mounts, have to eat to stay alive?
- How does character leveling work? Are there classes? Is there a max level?
- Is there a limit on the amount of money you can have? (I am asking
because I evaluated a game that limited the max amount of money you
could carry based on your character's level).
1. Yes
2. No
3. Not really (regen goes down if you don't eat)
Cheater, 4 is 3 questions
4a. Kill stuff for combat xp, do quests + be part of a guild for social XP
4b. Yes
4c. Yes 100 i think..
5. no
but wait don't buy the game yet!
Let someone else answer your questions long form
1. Yes. Usually after every fight.
2. No. That would require the devs to know how to code the engine they stole.
3. Nope.
4. Kill a mob 30 levels or more higher than you. Then walk for miles and miles to find the next mob, if your lucky. You can do the quest that aren't broke. I think there are one or two of those. Max level? Not sure. Noone can stand it long enough to find out. Except mentally challenged fanbois and the devs themselves. I think the devs force themselves to play the POS, though.
5. No, there's no limit on money. But you'll be broke from buying weapons and armor after every fight.
All of these are subject to change as the devs fix them. HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn.t even say that without a straight face. Playing pick-up sticks or piercing your eyeballs with rusty clothespins will provide you with much more satisfying entertainment.