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New Winter's Twilight competition

With the success of our last competition, Pixel Bridge would like to give you the chance to influence one of the races that inhabits the lands of Atlenas. This is another good chance to see your writings 'up in lights' as it were, and affect a game in the making!

Maybe an influential figure will start out life in one of your stories? Maybe the politics of the past will manipulate the government of the future? Or maybe a pure and simple farmer's rise to power will end in betrayal and tragedy.

There are only two rules. You can only encompass a single race, no intermingling of races I'm afraid! The second rule is no intermingling of races... sorry, too much 'Fight Club'.

The winner will receive a month's free Veteran Status when 'Winter's Twilight' goes live and also have their story published on our very popular website. Quests and other Lore may even sprout from the roots of your story.

Please send all entries to clearly stating in the subject 'Competition'.

Happy writing everyone!!!

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