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I started writing a story that made it look like SOE treared Players like they do money(well actualy I used to think $OE but NGE proves that it not just money but blimd pride too) and possibly a little FU sprickled on top
Plez let me know what you think... If you hate it call me PWNT NOOBLET , or jackass whatever a bad opinion is better than no opinion
WOW, I played PREcu SWG and it was well it was OK, Everyone saw the the games potent ional could land it in the record books.
Well the game basically set on the fire stewing with little to no attention by the Old Development who never even wanted to make a Star Wars MMO and honestly had no clue either, most came from Parker brothers. So what do they know unless you roll dice?
Youll hear people say PREcu Jedi and allot of other things were uber and they were right, but not because of what youd like to believe. The guy who slopped together the first game Ralf I think well he had a thing for Tie Girls, Turkish bathhouses and Gambling. Little of this was known at the time because Jedi didnt even exist. Well Ralf went on a 2 month binge in Bangkok and He lost a very large sum of money to a crime family later to be known as Jedi Gold Farmers of Uber Leetness.
They made a deal with Ralf to make Jedi Uber and rare so they could sell them on the E-Bay Black-market and not only that but took control of credit farming in SWG and controlled the entire economy. Soon these thugs were everywhere. They make player towns pay them "protection money" even. It got so bad you couldnt even leave your av-21 out or it would be gone when you returned people were afraid to log in anymore.
Well then SOE made a bold move, after years of planning in back alleys and dark rooms, fearing if they were made out their families would be killed, braved the odds to hire the one man with the moral fiber and Fortitude to stand up to these ruthless thugs, his name was Smedley.
His first order of business was to put them out of business. Without haste he scoured the world for the most elite crack team of MMO developers in the world, One even came from a Buddhist temple were he had been living in total silence and meditating on the perfect MMO experience for 25 years (now thats dedication) After that they all had to put their families in a protection program to be immune from the certain reprisal attacks from the Uber Jedi Order.
Well that faithful day was just about a year ago, now its SWG history that touched us all...... that the love for a game and the people playing it could push these exceptional people to stand up against hopeless odds and certain death to save peoples faith in a companies promise of SWG.
Smedley kicked the doors open with a thunder that some said could other come from a place like Texas. Smedley and the Dream Team had caught the old Development team off guard. Not sure what was going on they ran to the bathrooms to flush their blow fearing it was a raid. Now from this point the story is off record, now what is known is they purged SOE of the corrupt evil doers and are back in command.
Its true we have had to make a few sacrifices for SWG the Uber Jedi Order waged war in game, Performed hits on numerous CSRs as they were in route to help players on site. They also killed 80% of the player base in a war some though had no end many brave players sacrificed their toons in the name of SWG. The Jedi were just too strong and rich plus the old development team armed them with several lethal exploits.
After all the effort and loss of life it still seemed SWG was Doomed till one of Smedley Dream team Had a vision come to him in a dream, He said a voice called out.....Helios are the destroyer of worlds, ad you are the creator of worlds. He said it then became all Clear to him SWG had to be destroyed and he could create it.
Because he was 100% correct, He made Jedi Available to all players not just corrupt Triad crime lords and made credits worthless. Sweet justice could be heard in the formLOL I PWNT U NOOBLET" I actually shed a tear when we took back SWG and the players rejoiced waving their light sabers over their heads. But the final blow was to come.
After the In game threat was eliminated Smedley and his Dream Team cooked up a plan to Strike at the heart of the beast. It was the most bold and brave plan ever devised by a corporation based solely on behalf of the loyalty to their customers to deliver a promise made so long ago. Smedley knew he had the best people from all over the world but this was war and he felt he needed the skills and dedication that only one person alive possessed this persons name was Julios.
Julios happened to work for Lucas Arts and pledged his life to the promise to deliver SWG to the players and His conviction was so strong that when others asked why risk your life for some stupid gamers, That he took the insult to the center of his soul and would strike the offender solidly across the face reminding them that his company made a promise to a lot of disappointed people that was stolen away from him before he could deliver it to them and swore to them that if he had to die in the process he would never let those poor people down again and disgrace LLC, SOE and the memories of all that fell in the war. People who provoked this reaction said the Fire of conviction they saw in his eyes changed their own lives forever.
Well the server shutdown went just as Smedley had foreseen the Uber Order of the Jedi laid in wait at the servers To make things worst the previous development team had booby trapped it with left over parts and chemicals from one of their mobile meth labs. The Uber Order had underestimated the conviction of these defenders of SWG one this time they offered them a deal of peace so they could reunite with their families whom they havent seen or heard from in a year and the sum of 20 million dollars apiece to retire to a private Island of the Coast of Fuji complete with fully furnished homes and personal Helicopters to fairy to and from the island.
The Order had just started to crack an evil grin as a prolonged pause came from the Dream Team. Smedley looked at each member of his elite party and as if they were one made their decision in absolute silence.
Smedley turned slowly to face the Order and Just before his eyes made contact, said," Well Sir thats a very generous offer and only a fool who made a promise would turn it down" and just then as their eyes meet the Orders grins faded and The dream team eyes seemed to glow with a fire that the Order could feel as if trying to burn the hate from their withered soles.
The Order was off guard and stunned not expecting the Dream Team to value their customers faith in them over all possession, even over their very lives and the Order saw it in their eyes. The Order had no such conviction and hesitated to attack. Then Julios let out a shriek rang out that echoed off the moon," For the SWG player base" as he raised his Sykes from its sheath. The Dream Team answered," We shall cut down all those who shall attempt to poison and corrupt our player base and you will know that our name are the DEVs when we lay our vengeance upon thee" and with that the Dream Team Reaped the Order as if they were the hand of god. Despite being outnumbered 2 to 1 they emerged victorious and completely unharmed
The room fell silent and blood flowed like a river down the stairwell everyone looked at each other with pride and put away their weapons. Helios couldnt wait to post the news to the SWG forums and see their reactions light the board on fire. Helios and the team all gathered around the laptop wearing smiles ear to ear thinking of the joy the play base would soon have. But just before he could hit enter a very slow and load clapping noise was coming from the servers. Julios instantly recognized the figure partially concealed in the shadow still clapping.
"Tiggs", Exclaimed Julios as his face tightened into disgust. "Well, well, well someone get that man a tracker paw." she replied in a condescending laughter. Smedley started reaching slowly for his weapon and Julios pushed his hand back slowly and just shook his head, no. Julios walked up to stand of with Tiggs; all the team could do was watch
This was Julios fight and it seemed as if it was predestined Both Julios and Tiggs knew destiny would call all their lives and they both figured out it was this day, right now in this very room.
Tiggs was a confident and cocky who had trained under the Orders strict supervision by its Elder Leader, One Hung Low. She was put in charge of misinformation to the community as the Order raped the lands.
But it was Julios who had noticed her in the waiting room just before her interveiw.he even set it up so he was asking the questions. He just felt that this was the person born for the position He wanted the community he so loved, to have a voice that would report directly to him so he could address the players concerns with speed and accuracy, He spent months teaching her the Lucas Philosophy handed down to him Its foundation is your customer is who bought your product and they are who use it, They are your guiding light and you are their voice and guardian. Protect your player base they are who matters and the only ones who truly care about our world and not our possessions and power those are two things that will devour your world and your soul before you even noticed it was there.
How could you do it Tiggs, How could you betray the player base like that after all we went through together. Did I fail you Tiggs? Julios no longer seemed angered, it seemed the notion that he could of failed Tiggs was the only reason for her misguided loyalty, and he didnt properly prepare her.
Well Julios, I have thought about that every time I ran out of money to count, but before I could reach a conclusion, Id have more that needed counting she replied. Julios blurted out in a voice both shocked and disappointed, But, It was never about the money, it was about loyalty ABOUT HONOR! You cant just go buy these things! They must be earned with distinction and credibility. Trust Tiggs Like the way I trusted you, and this is how you repay me, by telling me you betrayed all the people that believed in you, and what you stood for, all for a printed piece of paper? Tiggs they trusted you .I trusted you. Julios then slumped over riddled in pain of betrayal he never experienced before.
Dont be a fool old man, Its lots of paper and soon itll be a sweet ass ride and a plasma T.V. Look at me Julius , She said harshly, those wonderful players you love sooo much, Dont forget while you where hanging out at sky walker ranch I was in a stuffy room Locked in that forum like a damn animal, for gods sake Julios I even give away a paw as a reward for tracking me down like one, Your precious players are nothing but whining pussies, I cant win , I got beat, Why cant I be a Jedi, Why arent I the best PvPer,
Yeah Julios thats your heroes a bunch of sniveling pussy douche bags all I did is give them what they truly deserved a reason to shut the hell up, all it takes is a simple oh yes I see Ok We will make a CURB system so you pathetic losers can win without having to put out the effort of the guy who beat you,
I mean really Julios its not rocket science your players are pathetic sheep who need to be led to the slaughter house Her words cut through Julios Wounding him ever so deeply.
They are just misguided, there no real instructions.
Its their way of asking for help. Julios said defensively, if a severely injured man keeps asking for more morphine do you kill him with it. Everyone wants to be a winner but everyone also knows there are no winners without losers.
The Order was trying to make everyone assume they were a loser before they could get started, to try to balance the power to their favor they succeeded because the old Development team failed the players as you did, but as you can see, They have ultimately chosen the losing side the one without the players on it Julios then felt a surge of strength as he felt the hundreds of thousands of players urging him to get to his feet.
Tiggs was getting visually inpatient now, she popped her knuckles while she replied angrily to Julios, And look at you, my god your just as pathetic as they are, I bet you ask for directions before you read the road sign, I bet your weakass players dont even like to read Ill bet theyd like it if you just made at travesty of a game into a shot and loot boogey. LOL make it so dancers can join in on all that action Tiggs seemed to be very humored at the concept of destroying the vision of a complex world that Julios treasured more than life as if it pleasured her to hurt Julios and he saw it.
Oh I see this is about me not them, you want to hurt them to get to me, he in quested
Then with that a look over pure evil, and uncontrollable hate transformed her into a ravenous beast.
Enough of this mindless banter, You and your little party of merry do-gooders have just put me on the top of the Order instead of the years it would have taken me and nothing will stop me from a upper class lifestyle. NOBODY! She snarled out every word, flinging saliva wildly.
Die! Maggot! she screamed as she pulled out some homemade knuckelers and busted Julios a solid right hook that knocked him to his knees, Helios being a natural hero instinctively lunged to go help his friend, but Smedley told everyone that this is Julios destiny and only fate can decide the outcome.
Julios still dazed, received a kick to his temple that instantly knocked him out. Tiggs continued to land blow after blow on Julios
All Julios could make out in his mind was pitch black with flashes of light with each of Tiggs attacks, about five flashes later a faint outline of what appeared to be a CH followed by his faithful companion, Julios get up, I have faith in you just as you did in me all these years, If she thinks shes treated like a animal then make her think it no more his pet, a greater plains stalker then approached Julios got right in his face and screamed, I SAID GET UP NOW! the vision was surreal and shocked Julios into action.
As fast as he went down, he came back up Tiggs was still hitting him with all her might but the shock of his revival was all over her face. Julios grabbed her by the throat and lifted her into the air with superhuman might. He looked at her and she could see he wasnt in control that something was driving him.
Ok, so you want to be treated like an animal huh! How about like the little bitch you are then He said with hollow words void of any emotion. He then through her by the neck across the blood filled floor, she was headed right for the stairs going down, she thrashed her arms about but there was nothing to grab the blood made it impossible to stop.
She slid off the top step and fell and she flew past the first couple steps, she was completely at the mercy of gravity and looked like a rag doll as she tumbles her way down the sound of several snaps insured she wasnt going anywhere.
The Dream Team watched Julios in shock as he slowly made his way down the stairs after her, He seemed automated and his eyes just stared blankly in front of him. Tiggs was trying to crawl with her left arm apparently the only one functional. She knew her destiny had been fulfilled.
Julios grabbed her hair as he passed and started dragging her to the pools of blood that accumulated as he pulled her she just kept repeating, Youre wrong about me, I like players youll see . Then kept calling Julios the chosen one
When Julios got to the pools of blood her pushed her face into it till she stopped moving, He wasnt even looking at her in fact it seemed he was oblivious to all the events after he was knocked out. After Five minutes pasted Smedley told the others to give him a minute and he cautiously approached his friend.
When he got three feet from Julios, Smedley thought it best to ask from a distance, Hey buddy you ok Julios continued to stare blankly and after two minutes Smedley figured he want going to answer and just as he started backing up, Julios head slowly turn to face him, Smedley just gave him a reassuring look he was lost for words.
Julios stared at Smedley for a good minute longer; Smedley noticed a tear forming in his left eye. Do you think they will still believe in me? Julios whimpered on the verge of tears. Of course they will, I know I do Smedley said reassuringly.
Smedley and Julios made their way back to the Dream Team and they observed the servers some thirty feet away the as they gathered their thoughts, Helios uncanny powers of observation noticed some out of place external wires on the servers confirming tampering and possibly rigged with traps.
Smedley took command and advised the others that he had some explosives experience accumulated previously from his six tours of active duty with Julios and other should keep a safe distance so if something should go wrong the players will need someone they can trust to reorganize a team for the player base.
As they approached the servers, Smedley asked Julios why Tiggs called him the chosen one. Julios said he didnt know he had never heard it before, Smedley told julios that he though h had heard it floating around on the Bria server, But joked that maybe someday his dream will be realized and players will refer to him as the chosen one and Julios returns with saying he agreed that the player chosen one is best.
Julios then said to Smedley, Ill never forget what you said to me about the players still believe in me, Its what bought me back I Owe you one and I give you my word.
Dont sweat it as long as we treat each other like we are players then well always have each others backs to the end, Smedley replied and jokes about how they are players and maybe need to actually work more than 10 hours a day on the game.
Sure said Julios like I can get buy on 5 hours minimum play time.
Suddenly, Smedley got serious, they made a worst case scenario plan to toss servers down a exhaust port nearby he told Julios he disarmed bombs but this was more a meth lab rigged up by the previous developers and looked unstable Smedley examined one side and Julios the other.
It was noisy with equipment humming but a strange sound stood out and they looked at each other, Smedley yelled out, You hear that?
Julios turn to answer and saw a shadowy figure headed straight for Smedley, Julios sprung into action but was a good ten feet away. Smedley Watched Julios and could see his panic and was looking at the server thinking Julios tripped it.
For Julios, it was as if time slowed to a crawl as he raced to stop the blade bearing down on his friend. The man yelled out just as his deathblow was set in motion, I am Chosen One You No PWNT in Bria me, BY NOOB as Smedley turned to face his attacker He Recognized him as, One Hung Low the Orders leader, Then Smedley closed his eyes one last time as he meet his maker.
Smedley Felt a pain course through his body all the way to the bone and felt as if thrown, He tried to get up but he was paralyzed and couldnt move all he could do was barley hear the sound of electricity pops ad arching sounds. After a couple of minutes Smedley could crack his eyes open a bit and saw a figures slumped on a server and others were well on there way to going critical. As Smedley came too he heard Julio screaming they are going to blow, Get OUT OF HERE!
Smedley could even answer let off move anywhere, it seemed that Julio intercepted Chosen One and they fell into the servers tripped almost all the traps at one time the arch glanced Julios but burned Smedley leg badly and the shock left him motionless. The Dream Team could just watch helplessly from a distance.
Julio figured out Smedley wasnt answering when he noticed his tongue hanging out and his body having aftershocks, He was in no shape to carry Smedley he wouldnt leave him. Out of options he looked at the servers they were arching Blue bolts of electricity more intensely as they approached critical, If they did go critical everyone would die, Julios figured out just then what his destiny truly was and in a split sec he accepted it and mustered all he had just as he reached for the server closest to the exhaust post.
Smedley called out, NOOO its a death sentence .dont touch those damn things. Smedley knew there was only one thing Julio was ever capable of and that was the right thing. Julio yelled in agony he grabbed the first server Smedley could see the bolts course through his body and even down his bones, He tossed the first down and ignoring the pain as he had no time he grabbed the second as he got it to the port his flesh was starting to smoke and his skin was splitting open in places he fell over just as he got close enough and the server rolled out of his limp arms and just barely had to momentum to roll into it. As it was about halfway down the first server blew and caused the second to detonate as well Julio couldnt move his head from the opening and the eerie blue energy enveloped his head. Burning him so severely he was unrecognizable, but was still alive. The Dream Team Rushed to his side as soon as they could they moved him next to Smedley.
Julios knew his time was running out fast but he had one thing left to do. He said muttered laptop the best he could but Helios was way ahead of him and was sprinting back Laptop in hand, He collapsed next to Julio and With tear streaming down his face he told Julios he better not die on him. Smedley confirmed the post was still typed out and just needed to hit enter. As Smedley Finger neared the return button Helios again saved the day and remembered to save the post. And sure enough Lithium lost it the first post.
Helios cut and pasted it while constantly wiping tears from his eyes, Julios was having steadily worsening tremors and Helios announced there it posted. As he said that Julio lit up for on last time. The explosion had left him blind and he eagerly with what little life he had left ask over and over whats it say, whats it say. The computer started to come alive with a ring for each reply that resonated in Julios head lie an orchestra playing a master peace. Before he tried to ask, Helios became to read one.
Man, You DEVS rock, I can call my great plains stalker out now and not have to fear a Jedi will turn him into stir fry , Also that Julios I know hes not a Dev but to use players who need someone to fix a problem or get one fixed hes truly the chosen one
Smedley was the only one there who knew that those two words meant to Julios, Did You hear that Julios He said you are the chosen one, Smedley looked a Julio and saw his charred lips curl into what would be his last smile, This was all Smedley could take anymore He became to weep uncontrollably, and the effect spread like wild fire threw the Dream Team. Smedley, Came to see Julios destiny unfold in a way he would never believe if not with his own eyes, and he realized peoples destinies are not big houses or to be famous or any of those big things people always identify it with, Its the little things that can only be earned because its not for sale. Its these things in life that judge you as a man and puts the value on your existence. Its as simple as a thank you from someone you never knew you helped.
Julio was never one to be flashy the dream team cremated him at Sky Walker Ranch and some guy named George thought Julios deserved to be a part of the game he gave up his life for so, and ever SWG disk made from that day forward had little of Julios ash embedded in it so he could watch over SWG players for an eternity.
It has also been said that Julios can be seen from time to time in SWG Disappearing in the blue energy that claimed him in life. Some have reported someone offering them free items when they were noobs and the person was gone after the trade window disappeared but the Items were still there.
One such claim was looked into by a CSR, Whom had closed all his tickets early and decided to go ask people if he could help, The Guy making the claim offered the items to the CSR n and he gave them to Smedley.
He has looked into each claim personally, This Set of noob armor is on display in the Julios Medical Center nothing special about them Unless you find that Chosen One a strange name for a crafter.