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Synthing HQ items.

I've been doing goldsmithing for a while, got it to 35 for very cheap and can STILL not HQ a copper ring (cap5).  I have done all sorts of research on this and have not been able to come up with anything a monkey couldn't have figured out.  I was wondering if someone could give me a little information on how Days/MoonPhases/crystal/skill will affect my ability to HQ an item. Thanks


  • TelakiTelaki Member Posts: 361

    Darksday & the Day Weak to your crystal are suppose to be good for HQ.

    Full Moon.

    There are crafting Tiers you break with your skill level to increase your HQ Rate, They are 11 Skill over, 31 Sklll over, and 51 Skill over.

    Since you're 35 and not 36 You're still on a Tier 1 So your HQ Rate is somwhere around 10%, Get it up to a higher Level, Or If you havn't been Use Synthesis Support.

    First Crafting Superstition:

    Using the approrpate Bar-spell (I.E. Barfire to give you fire resistance) will raise your Success & HQ Rate. This superstition was created because of the Elemnetal Resistance on the 2 Guild Items.

    Second Crafting Superstition:

    Facing a certain direction will increase skill ups/HQ Rate or Safe successful synths, The directions are:

    HQ Directions to face: (More breaks, more HQ results, more skillups)

    N: Light, NE: Dark, E: Wind, SE: Earth, S: Lightning, SW: Water, W: Fire, NW: Ice

    Safe Directions to face: (less breaks and skillups)

    N: Dark, NE: Light, E: Ice, SE: Wind, S: Earth, SW: Lightning, W: Water, NW: Fire

    These directions come from the little Elemental Compassess, Theres an NPC in the game who can show it to you, But basically this is what it looks like.

    I don't think the superstitions stuff can ever be proven or disproven, But atm the argument is: "If it doesn't do anything great, But if it does do somthing and you havn't been doing it all this time, Then you're really introuble."

  • FishymuffinFishymuffin Member Posts: 9
    Thanks, I've been looking everywhere for information.  I've never heard of the Tiers thing, but I have that chart with the directions set under my favorites, so I've already seen it.  Thanks for the help. 

  • TelakiTelaki Member Posts: 361
    Refer to this forum for future crafting needs. 

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