Hello! have you ever played game that is Browser Based Text Online RPG? Wanna try?
Its Legend of the Green Dragon Online @ Netgames. The game have turn system,
every day you get 10 turns, gameday is 4 hours of real time. You can train in the forest,
explore houses, shops, PvP, Arenas, Tournaments, Clan system, Random Events etc.
Game running about 1 month, and we have 400+ registered players. We are updating game very
often, new events, areas, etc. Server is hosted on best online gaming community www.netgames.lv
Join now and have FUN.
Game website:
http://dragon.netgames.lvGame Forum:
http://netgames.apollo.lv/forums/index.php?s=4af93f43c3a88a6091b01621b8a71151&showforum=201Game Chat: server: irc.lv
New mmorpg afelhem . Open beta . If ur interested send me your email and name i will invite you !