Iv got some more SWG2 love coming. Here are some more statistics. Out of the 107 casters so far a vast majority of 70.1% have voted in favor of a SWG2. Behind this pack are a measly 14% that dont. 15.9% were undecided.
These are some great statistics that only prove a properly mounted SWG2 is only natural for the community to embrace. With the right Dev team and proper communication SWG2 could be something sensational.
Originally posted by phosphoros Should add the option of "Yes, but only if SOE DOE NOT make it" If that's the case I'd very much like to see another Star Wars MMO.
Why do so many people hate SOE because of the NGE? It wasn't their decision to implement the NGE. LA was the factor behind the change.
Originally posted by phosphoros Should add the option of "Yes, but only if SOE DOE NOT make it" If that's the case I'd very much like to see another Star Wars MMO.
Why do so many people hate SOE because of the NGE? It wasn't their decision to implement the NGE. LA was the factor behind the change.
Oh man, not this argument again........
AntiNGE crowd response in 5.....4.....3......2...
"If we don't attack them, they will attack us first. So we'd better retaliate before they have a chance to strike"
like alot of others, If they made it Pre-CU, but added still "little" changes to improve it. Even if they didnt change anything, if they made it Pre-CU I'd drop WoW in a heart beat.
Star Wars Galaxies 2. Someone should make a Jpeg of it or flash/gif and post it in this thread.
Keep on Voteing. This thread has sparked some new inovations that could be well used and implemented into a SWG2. Some more numbers behind the poll 69.8% support SWG2, 14.6% voted Nahe", and 15.5% voted undecided.
As much as I would like to see an SWG2 based on Pre-CU. Its not going to happin nor by SOE. If anything, I wouldn't be surprised if Lucast Arts introduced a online version of Knights of the Old Republic roughly based off SWG only with KotOR game mechanics. Star Wars Galaxies 2? I doubt it, no matter how much they change and warp an Empire Divided, SOE won't be doing anything worth while to SWG anytime soon to bring back its old fan base, specially now that in the near future it will competeing with not only with the exhisting game World of Warcraft, but with Warhammer online, and from forums alot of ex-swg players seem to be flocking to Pirates of the Burning Sea and Lord of the Rings online. We can still keep our hopes up..I guess...
SWG 2 would be perfect if they just relaunched SWG from launch, and of course added vehicles/mounts and some of those cool things that were awsome changes. I mean SOE would be fine as a publisher, well actually...SOE should only be allowed to box the thing...and maybe BIOWare could pick up the SWG franchise...as the rumors point too...
Awsome ideas from the last poster! I agree the framework wouldnt need to be changed much from the orginal copy of software released.
The best way to decribe what SWG orginaly had going for it is what vanguard is doing now. Grouping was fantastic and inspired. It gave the player a sence of "what the hell is going to come next".
SWG 2, that would probably be Vanguard: SoH after a couple of revamps and three expansions?
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience"
Originally posted by Shayde Originally posted by phosphoros Should add the option of "Yes, but only if SOE DOE NOT make it" If that's the case I'd very much like to see another Star Wars MMO.
Cmon we need some more Star Wars Galaxies love in this thread. What other implementations would make a Star Wars Galaxies 2 a sucess. Id like to see some type combination with pvp/envirement put togather into one thing. Maybee more elaborate places to raid/group at like the Warren on Dantonie.
Originally posted by phosphoros Should add the option of "Yes, but only if SOE DOE NOT make it" If that's the case I'd very much like to see another Star Wars MMO.
Poor SWG this strugling one legged meat lump is about to drift out of corneila never to be seen again. Did any one else kill meatlumps outside of corneila for rug parts. I did. Never got enough parts to make a rug tho. If SWG2 comes out i cant stress enough how important meatlumps are not only to the comunity but to the surrounding wilderness. There like fertalizer meatlumps are. They only enhance the Star Wars feel.
i would love to see another MMORPG based on starwars, as long as SOE has nothing to do with it. Its suprising nothing is even rumoured, considering starwars is one of the most profitable franchises in history. Perhaps there are legal tie-ups and SOE holds the rights to Starwars online games and lucas arts wont let them make another one.
There was a new topic started that Im not seeing now on favorite weapons of Star Wars Galaxies that I posted on just last night. Its over herehttp://www.mmorpg.com/discussion2.cfm/post/1109819#1109819. If a SWG2 was to come out crafting would have to be like it was in SWG. Can any one list a better mmorpg crafting wise. None that I know of and I wasnt even a crafter in SWG. I was a swordsman, the moved onto pistaleer. I know tho searching for different things like power hammers for sworsdman, pistals for pistaleer, medic and bounty hunter droids that there hasnt been a crafting system that even came close to what was in SWG. Iv read Vanguard is supose to have a more then adequate crafting system so maybee thats something all the fans of crafting in SWG should be on the lookout for.
Did any one else ever use the skrilla machines in tatonie. You know the entertainer/shipyard with slot type machines. I did. I always would go spend hours hunting down like 10k credits only to lose it all in a few spins of the wheel. Thats gota be in a SWG2 too! The gambling machines!
I just noticed for the first time this game is ranked 6.3 on the rictor scale here at mmorpg. Is this some sick joke. I know iv read plenty of threads regarding the deveolpers decisions, but 6.3 is just to low for this game. I remeber when it was nearly 8.0 atop the top 5 mmorpgs on the entire released list. This type of slant in rank only means one thing. A SWG2! Only a great game can go from the top list to nearly the bottom in a few months. We need more SWG2 content on this thread!
i'm still bitter and a bit confused as to why LA didn't pull the IP, so i'm undecided, LA didn't ruin the game, but it fed its IP to the dogs, and made me skeptical as to their ability to pioneer any kind of MMO. even with the kings of UO and EQ behind it...
it was the titanic of MMOs, it wasa going to put them into the mainstreeam market, it was the golden child, everybody thought there was no way it would fail, it was the ancient rome, and all roads led to its success, it's still beyond me, how ANYBODY could end up killing it,
that's why there are conspiracy theories about the intent on SoEs part to destroy the SW IPs rep because jawa killed their fathers and raped their mothers...
I would support swg2 as long as Lucas arts pulls their heads out of their arses and SOE has NOTHING to do with it.
I would like to see alot of the features returned from the old system like:
1. Proffessions- I liked the pre CU 32 proffessions, it gave us options on what we wanted to do or be.
2. Houses/warehouses/shops- I would like to have a house where furnishings are not counted against the cap. That way an Artisan can make furniture and stuff to decorate the house, the cap killed this part of the proffesion when it was applied.
Warehouses for storing all the different material needed for different product would also be nice, was always running out of
room for all that crap. Shops for merchants to rent in all the cities would be nice, alot of buildings in places like coronet, theed
were visible but not usable, kind of a waste of space. Training guild halls a the perfect example of wasted space all that room
for 3 or 4 trainers, open up some more rooms, make the elevators work, and rent out the space.
3. Inventory cap-Should be based on proffesion, while all people should get a set number they should also get a modifier based on
size and type of structure and proffesion. Make containers markable so you know what you have in them and they should count
as 1 against the cap no matter if it holds 20 or 60 or 100 items.
4. Bring back the original attributes modifiers: health, strength, constitution, action, quickness,stamina, mind, focus, willpower.
5. Bring back all the animations for the proffesions that were removed. Tera Kasi had some of the coolest animations that went
with doing the moves and they were removed for no reason.
6. Buffing-while buffing was an essential part of combat, both pvp and pve i will focus on the pve as that is what i did the most of
there should be a cap on the level of the buff, if i remember this was introduced latrer on but my point here is that a level 30
should not be able to wade into a group of level 50 creatures and wipe them out with no problem.
7. Looting- The type of loot you get should be determined by the species your fighting, creatures drop hide/bone while NCP's drop
guns, armor, money, etc.....
8. Economy- While having a player driven economy is nice, there should be some type of % cap on the mark up price of items
that way a player who can only play on the weekends can still afford to play and not be priced out of the game.
9. Player cities- while a good idea, as we saw over populating a planet was bad, there should be a cap on the number of cities
allowed on the planets and their size so that hunting grounds are not destroyed. As planets near capacity other planets can
be added or opened up to allow room for expansion thus creating new content for the game.
10. Decay- Everything decays over time so turn it on.
While I know i have barely scratched the surface on alot of nerfing that went on, these are some of the things I remember that were thrown around in discussion in my guild. I would also like to note that I started playing SWG when it first came out so I lived through it all, good and bad. I know that there are many more improvements out there that would make the game great but I generalized most of my ideas. one other thing i would add is DONT RELEASE THE GAME UNTIL ITS READY!!!!!! There are many people who would love to beta test this so test it, listen to your testers and then test some more. Also the game should be programed for easy addition of future content.
Buckshot StarBuck Master Teri Kasi/Smuggler/Bounty Hunter Eclipse Galaxy
DAKSHA - the Weaponsmith
proud member of KDS
SWG- DAKSHA, Quietus, Decebal, Deceneu -retired
EVE - Daksha - retired
WOW - Daksha - retired
COV - Daksha - retired
EQ2- Daksha - retired
SOR- Daksha - retired
Vanguard - Daksha - retired
LOTRO - Daksha - retired
AOC - Daksha - retired
Warhammer - Daksha - retired
Aion - Daksha -almost retired
Waiting for SWTOR
Iv got some more SWG2 love coming. Here are some more statistics. Out of the 107 casters so far a vast majority of 70.1% have voted in favor of a SWG2. Behind this pack are a measly 14% that dont. 15.9% were undecided.
These are some great statistics that only prove a properly mounted SWG2 is only natural for the community to embrace. With the right Dev team and proper communication SWG2 could be something sensational.
Oh man, not this argument again........
AntiNGE crowd response in 5.....4.....3......2...
"If we don't attack them, they will attack us first. So we'd better retaliate before they have a chance to strike"
EnB Exiles
Star Wars Galaxies 2. Someone should make a Jpeg of it or flash/gif and post it in this thread.
Keep on Voteing. This thread has sparked some new inovations that could be well used and implemented into a SWG2. Some more numbers behind the poll 69.8% support SWG2, 14.6% voted Nahe", and 15.5% voted undecided.
Awsome ideas from the last poster! I agree the framework wouldnt need to be changed much from the orginal copy of software released.
The best way to decribe what SWG orginaly had going for it is what vanguard is doing now. Grouping was fantastic and inspired. It gave the player a sence of "what the hell is going to come next".
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience"
CS Lewis
Yeah id play it. I miss SWG 1 though, the good version.
Poor SWG this strugling one legged meat lump is about to drift out of corneila never to be seen again. Did any one else kill meatlumps outside of corneila for rug parts. I did. Never got enough parts to make a rug tho. If SWG2 comes out i cant stress enough how important meatlumps are not only to the comunity but to the surrounding wilderness. There like fertalizer meatlumps are. They only enhance the Star Wars feel.
There was a new topic started that Im not seeing now on favorite weapons of Star Wars Galaxies that I posted on just last night. Its over here http://www.mmorpg.com/discussion2.cfm/post/1109819#1109819. If a SWG2 was to come out crafting would have to be like it was in SWG. Can any one list a better mmorpg crafting wise. None that I know of and I wasnt even a crafter in SWG. I was a swordsman, the moved onto pistaleer. I know tho searching for different things like power hammers for sworsdman, pistals for pistaleer, medic and bounty hunter droids that there hasnt been a crafting system that even came close to what was in SWG. Iv read Vanguard is supose to have a more then adequate crafting system so maybee thats something all the fans of crafting in SWG should be on the lookout for.
Did any one else ever use the skrilla machines in tatonie. You know the entertainer/shipyard with slot type machines. I did. I always would go spend hours hunting down like 10k credits only to lose it all in a few spins of the wheel. Thats gota be in a SWG2 too! The gambling machines!
i'm still bitter and a bit confused as to why LA didn't pull the IP, so i'm undecided, LA didn't ruin the game, but it fed its IP to the dogs, and made me skeptical as to their ability to pioneer any kind of MMO. even with the kings of UO and EQ behind it...
it was the titanic of MMOs, it wasa going to put them into the mainstreeam market, it was the golden child, everybody thought there was no way it would fail, it was the ancient rome, and all roads led to its success, it's still beyond me, how ANYBODY could end up killing it,
that's why there are conspiracy theories about the intent on SoEs part to destroy the SW IPs rep because jawa killed their fathers and raped their mothers...
I would like to see alot of the features returned from the old system like:
1. Proffessions- I liked the pre CU 32 proffessions, it gave us options on what we wanted to do or be.
2. Houses/warehouses/shops- I would like to have a house where
furnishings are not counted against the cap. That way an
Artisan can make furniture and stuff to decorate the house, the cap
killed this part of the proffesion when it was applied.
Warehouses for storing all the different material needed for
different product would also be nice, was always running out of
room for all that crap. Shops for merchants to rent in all the
cities would be nice, alot of buildings in places like coronet, theed
were visible but not usable, kind of a waste of space. Training
guild halls a the perfect example of wasted space all that room
for 3 or 4 trainers, open up some more rooms, make the elevators work, and rent out the space.
3. Inventory cap-Should be based on proffesion, while all people
should get a set number they should also get a modifier based on
size and type of structure and proffesion. Make containers
markable so you know what you have in them and they should count
as 1 against the cap no matter if it holds 20 or 60 or 100 items.
4. Bring back the original attributes modifiers: health, strength,
constitution, action, quickness,stamina, mind, focus, willpower.
5. Bring back all the animations for the proffesions that were
removed. Tera Kasi had some of the coolest animations that went
with doing the moves and they were removed for no reason.
6. Buffing-while buffing was an essential part of combat, both pvp
and pve i will focus on the pve as that is what i did the most of
there should be a cap on the level of the buff, if i remember
this was introduced latrer on but my point here is that a level 30
should not be able to wade into a group of level 50 creatures and wipe them out with no problem.
7. Looting- The type of loot you get should be determined by the
species your fighting, creatures drop hide/bone while NCP's drop
guns, armor, money, etc.....
8. Economy- While having a player driven economy is nice, there should be some type of % cap on the mark up price of items
that way a player who can only play on the weekends can still afford to play and not be priced out of the game.
9. Player cities- while a good idea, as we saw over populating a
planet was bad, there should be a cap on the number of cities
allowed on the planets and their size so that hunting grounds
are not destroyed. As planets near capacity other planets can
be added or opened up to allow room for expansion thus creating new content for the game.
10. Decay- Everything decays over time so turn it on.
While I know i have barely scratched the surface on alot of nerfing
that went on, these are some of the things I remember that were thrown
around in discussion in my guild. I would also like to note that I
started playing SWG when it first came out so I lived through it all,
good and bad. I know that there are many more improvements out there
that would make the game great but I generalized most of my ideas. one
other thing i would add is DONT RELEASE THE GAME UNTIL ITS READY!!!!!!
There are many people who would love to beta test this so test it,
listen to your testers and then test some more. Also the game should
be programed for easy addition of future content.
Buckshot StarBuck
Master Teri Kasi/Smuggler/Bounty Hunter
Eclipse Galaxy