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Tantra To Go Free To Play

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The popular Philippino MMORPG is, at the time of typing this, 19 hours from becoming a F2P MMO. The game will keep it's cash shop, but completely drop all monthly fees.

Exp rates will also be permanently increased to 10x their norm, to encourage new players to level.

For anyone in need of a F2P MMO, or just in MMO limbo (it's a boring season), I have to advise you to give it a try. I played Tantra for a period back when it first cracked in Open Beta, and I was honestly quite pleasantly surprised.

Anyways, I've found my home, or at least untill the next generation of MMO's hit. Hope to see some of you there =)

p.s. I really hope this wasn't already brought up, and if it was I apologise ^^


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