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World of Warcraft: Blizzard Banning Accounts



  • ZorvanZorvan Member CommonPosts: 8,912

    Actually, I believe the lesson learned is do not let friends play on your account, or do anything else that is against the rules. They did nothing wrong there. They strung you along long enough to get the details concerning you and your friend's wrongdoing and then banned you, which was and is their right in such cases. You do not have a legitimate complaint with this one. You were not wrongly banned and you fell for good cop/bad cop. Funny all the way around::::02::

  • JorevJorev Member Posts: 1,500

    Originally posted by Zorvan

    Actually, I believe the lesson learned is do not let friends play on your account, or do anything else that is against the rules. They did nothing wrong there. They strung you along long enough to get the details concerning you and your friend's wrongdoing and then banned you, which was and is their right in such cases. You do not have a legitimate complaint with this one. You were not wrongly banned and you fell for good cop/bad cop. Funny all the way around::::02::


    It's the same ploy cops use and it's justifiable to get all the information they can.

    Anyone who shares their account for whatever reason deserves to be banned.

    "We feel gold selling and websites that promote it damage games like Vanguard and will do everything possible to combat it."
    Brad McQuaid
    Chairman & CEO, Sigil Games Online, Inc.
    Executive Producer, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes

  • WishStoneWishStone Member Posts: 5

    I have another question here, and possibly mainly directed at everyone moaning about one certain item, be bit the IPs, or be it something else.

    Have you guys ever considered, that this is ONE of the cireteria used? That this is maybe just one point of several things that are checked by them?

    I know this might be a far fetch, but couldn't it just be that while the blues make a mistake sometimes (and useually CORRECT it, see the incident with the handycapped boy), couldn't it just be that "this guildmate they banned" actually wasn'T into fair play? Do you know everone who is online 100%?

    I have made many friends in the years I've been a guild master now. Most of the peope I consider a friend, I wouldn't know 100% if they wouldn't cheat.

    And as for everyone who complains that you "must buy gold to get anywhere"...
    I play 9 chars. I have a heathly RL, I work. That means, that in the last 2 years, not one of these guys reached lvl 60. I have an average of 100g at most spread around all of these chars.
    Still I do not feel like I cannot play the game, still I do not feel like I'm worthless and still I doubt that buying gold would make be a better player (as a gold selling company tried to make me believe while I was reading the articel just now). Gold is a medium, guys. But if you base your own worth, or the worth of your characters on how much pixelated gold they carry, then don't you think as well that something has gone wrong?

    Originally posted by MrBoots
    So the lesson is do not trust/help a blizzard GM. They do not keep their word.

    ...and this is just too delicious to not edit my posting for.

    How about "Do not trust your "friends" and read the agreements you
    enter when using your account? As mentioned a bit further up in my
    posting: You have AGREED and UNDERSTAND that one account will only EVER
    be used by one person.

    I don'T really know what you expected here? Say your friend did do
    wrong on your account... A: How would they know it wasn'T you and B:
    Why should they let any abuse go unpunished if they already warn you
    when you open your accoun that this is what can happen to you?

  • KasmarKasmar Member Posts: 198

    The bottom line here is, you do not have a given right to play an online game.  If the game publisher does not want you to play THEIR game, then they have the right to tell you that you can no longer play.  They do not have to give you a reason other than we don't want you here.  Having said that, no game publisher is going to ban anybody without good reason.  I would venture to guess that 99% of these players who claim they did nothing wrong know perfectly well what they did. 

    You do not have to use a third party program to get banned.  A good many players who get banned are exploiting a bug in the code.  It is amazing how many players will say, " if there is a bug in the code it is the game publishers fault for not fixing it and I can expolit if I want to".  Well, guess what, yes you can and you can also have your game account banned. 

    Players will say. " I didn't know it was a bug".  Listen, if you find something in the game that allows you to reap rewards without any risk on your part then it is most likely a bug and you should report it, not exploit it.  For instance, if you found a vendor that after you sold him a special item, he would sell you some other item for 1 silver but would buy it back for 100 gold and you were able to do this over and over and over, then that would obviously be a bug.  You would be gaining a large reward for no risk and the situation was  obviously not meant to happen.  If you did this again and again, (thereby exploiting the bug), then you should not be surprised when the game publisher says buh bye to you. 

    One of the often exploited bugs are pathing bugs.  If you find a spot where you can kill mobs over and over without any risk to yourself then that is a bug and you should report it,  not do it.  There is a game that had a few of these types of bugs.  There were spots where you could, using a special spell, cause mobs to run into and get stuck in a wall and then all you had to do was sit there and fire damage spells at them until they were dead.  This was obviously not meant to happen.  Many players were banned from this game for doing this exploit.

    Just keep in mind when you are playing an MMORPG.  The game publisher can say goodbye to you whenever they please.  So while you are playing you should always keep that in mind and not do things you know are not suppose to work the way you are using them. 

    If you are using third party programs to do things for you without any effort on your part, then don't be surprised when your account gets banned. 

    If you are doing things that interfere with other players playing the game normally, then don't cry when you get banned.

    It's just me, so open the door.

  • ClippitClippit Member Posts: 1
    Stupid people, to run WoW in Linux! That's the worst idea I've heard all month! Just keep away from the dark side. WoW is on the light side, and if you are not, then away you must go.
  • willgarwillgar Member Posts: 46
    As i am not a gold buyer, can some kind soul tell me what they use the bought gold for? All the top items are BOP or need a group of players to get, you cant buy faction with gold, herbs and potions are piss easy to gather... so what are all these supposed millions of gold being spent on then??? anyone? please....
  • kmilnerkmilner Member Posts: 35
    And I remember when this game came out they said they weren't going to be ban-happy. They would talk to people before bans went out. They were a different kind of game company that would listen to its player base. "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss" as the Who would say.

    What I think is funny is how they go around banning people right and left without even talking to them, yet do nothing about the level 44 orc warrior who has been in Thousand Needles for three weeks continuously.
    When I was there, 15 levels ago, he was stealing kills and even trying to skin my kills before I could skin them. He ignored constant requests to stop, so I reported him.
    "We'll look into this player's activity and investigate further."
    well, three weeks later, I can still do a /who on him anytime, day or night, and there he is, farming his little heart out. Same level, same location.
    Yeah, they can't ban him because he MIGHT not be a farmer, but they ban others left and right for what ever capricious reason they feel is adequate.
    Ban the cheaters and gold sellers, but do it evenly. And give them redress of grievences.Thats all I say.

  • Darkz0rDarkz0r Member Posts: 78

    Originally posted by kmilner
    And I remember when this game came out they said they weren't going to be ban-happy. They would talk to people before bans went out. They were a different kind of game company that would listen to its player base. "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss" as the Who would say.

    What I think is funny is how they go around banning people right and left without even talking to them, yet do nothing about the level 44 orc warrior who has been in Thousand Needles for three weeks continuously.
    When I was there, 15 levels ago, he was stealing kills and even trying to skin my kills before I could skin them. He ignored constant requests to stop, so I reported him.
    "We'll look into this player's activity and investigate further."
    well, three weeks later, I can still do a /who on him anytime, day or night, and there he is, farming his little heart out. Same level, same location.
    Yeah, they can't ban him because he MIGHT not be a farmer, but they ban others left and right for what ever capricious reason they feel is adequate.
    Ban the cheaters and gold sellers, but do it evenly. And give them redress of grievences.Thats all I say.

    Yeah, I remember when they made their little shiny promises.

    The game WAS good but then it became a massive thing with 582859829 users, this ruined it.

    Obviously Blizzard was ALWAYS slow to deal with EVERYTHING, they have an retarded inter-company structure and need days to respond to anything that gets reported.

    Ive always loved their games and enjoyed WoW for a brief time, but I just wish it goes out of business, really. The service is looking like crap.

    If the game expands that much they need to try and deal with it, hire more people or make more transparent systems to deal with problems. Obviously they cant do it.

  • OnijinOnijin Member UncommonPosts: 50
    "Only two people are EVER allowed to access the account (from the moment the account is created to the end of time). Who are those people? The first is the person who set up the account in their own name (you aren't allowed to set up an account in any name other than your own legal name). The second is one(1) of the children or trustees (under age 18) of the first person. Not Siblings, not parents, not spouses, not friends, not strangers."

    Dunno about you all but I think that's a crock of horse-covered bull crap. 1) No other MMO states only you or a under 18 trustee or child can access your account. 2) You are paying their monthly fee for their services and mainteance of the server. 3) Your account to access the game is your own property they simply own the servers wich allow you to play of wich they keep maintained and make sure no one hacks/gold sell etc. It's your choice to allow your friend to use our account, your account name/password should be yours to share if you desire. Perma-banning someone for simply letting a friend use the account or any other trusted person is pure stupidity. I can understand powerleveling services and the such. But it's easy to filter out if the account is being PL'ed or not by simply speaking with the accused account user. Over all in my opinion this is a simply move like Bill gates would make, as Windows monopolizes the market. So it does seem the same with blizzard by forcing even legit loyal players to force them to buy more accounts just to play for a mins to hours a day when a quest is over. No other MMO has ever stated, has ever ruined the pure simple fun of letting friends play through YOUR OWN account, especially with such harsh terms as a perma-ban.

  • OnijinOnijin Member UncommonPosts: 50

    Originally posted by Samuraisword
    Originally posted by einexile
    That Blizzard has a policy forbidding players from allowing their *spouses* to maintain characters on the account for even the most casual dabbling pretty much negates any claim they have to moral high ground on anything. This is a part of life in which WoW, Blizzard, the law, and the public have no authority and no right to consider, comment, or enforce.

    Everyone should read these guidelines carefully. They are a bizarre insight into a dangerous hubris that could one day spell the death of the game - and they are a very strong argument for looking the other way in the face of any offense.

    Blizzard and most other MMOGs have the same"non sharing of accounts" rule.

    Blizzard and other MMOGs don't claim high moral ground. They believe sharing of accounts enables cheaters to be more effective, with powerleveling and use of bots which is the truth.

    Sorry if you can't use your spouse's account to chat with his guildmates. Get over yourself.

    Sorry but you're wrong. Try again when flaming someone to get over themselves. Perhaps you should go look at other MMO's rules :p none of them state such a listing especially with such harsh terms of punishment kkthxbye.

  • OnijinOnijin Member UncommonPosts: 50

    Originally posted by willgar
    As i am not a gold buyer, can some kind soul tell me what they use the bought gold for? All the top items are BOP or need a group of players to get, you cant buy faction with gold, herbs and potions are piss easy to gather... so what are all these supposed millions of gold being spent on then??? anyone? please....
    They spend the bought gold on twink gear for the low level pvp's to buy high end enchants so they can be uber 12-year olds with mommies credit card gankers :p That's sadly what they spend their hard earned real life money on.

  • WishStoneWishStone Member Posts: 5

    Originally posted by Onijin
    Originally posted by Samuraisword
    Originally posted by einexile
    That Blizzard has a policy forbidding players from allowing their *spouses* to maintain characters on the account for even the most casual dabbling pretty much negates any claim they have to moral high ground on anything. This is a part of life in which WoW, Blizzard, the law, and the public have no authority and no right to consider, comment, or enforce.

    Everyone should read these guidelines carefully. They are a bizarre insight into a dangerous hubris that could one day spell the death of the game - and they are a very strong argument for looking the other way in the face of any offense.

    Blizzard and most other MMOGs have the same"non sharing of accounts" rule.

    Blizzard and other MMOGs don't claim high moral ground. They believe sharing of accounts enables cheaters to be more effective, with powerleveling and use of bots which is the truth.

    Sorry if you can't use your spouse's account to chat with his guildmates. Get over yourself.

    Sorry but you're wrong. Try again when flaming someone to get over themselves. Perhaps you should go look at other MMO's rules :p none of them state such a listing especially with such harsh terms of punishment kkthxbye.

    Is he wrong now?

    All MMOs I have played so far (six of them) have stated that only ONE person, the owner, has the right to play it.
    Why? Legal reasons. If someone wants to go ahead and prosecute you for something that happend on your character, the name that comes up that the company has to spit out is the one who will get pressed. Saying "It wasn't me, it was my cousins, brothers, best friends, sisters in-law favurite grandchild" will not help. You were told that one person can play, and one alone.

    But seeing you seem to have other facts, could you give me the link to the TOS or ROC you think of? Most MMOs have them online, so you surely can provide?

  • HolyAvengerOneHolyAvengerOne Member UncommonPosts: 708
    While the orginial article doesn't really bring any new info or point of view into this debate, I think it's still worth asking the question.

    First, we might want to consider that these MMO companies are going to get the heat if they don't ban enough cheaters, and if they do ban cheaters in batches (as opposed to handpicking them), they're gonna get the heat as well for the innocents that get caught by accident. The reality is that you can't handpick and investigate every single case/account with such a large player base and low RPU (revenue per user), because that would prove too expensive and people don't seem to be ready to pay more than the now-standard 14.99/month.

    That being said, I'd much rather have a company that mass-ban accounts (yeah, even if *I* get caught by accident in the sweap) than a company that takes no or little action because they're affraid of their player-base reaction. I'd rather have to wait for a few days (or a week or two) before I can log back into my account, was I a victim of such an error, than to live with more bots/cheaters/rmt-ers.

    I think, at the end of the day, what they really need to make sure they have is a good level of communication when dealing with such issues, and wide-open channels to make it so (ie giving explanations on reason for ban/suspension to the account holder, opening exclusive email addresses for banned people inquiries/investigation, being up-front and announce when banning occured).

    AFAIK, a good level of communication along with semi-automated sweeps/bannings are the way to go, as they're less expensive and makes more sense business-wise -- and I think that's the very reason quite a few MMOs out there try to go that route... with mitigated results.

  • PorfatPorfat Member Posts: 364

    Originally posted by willgar
    As i am not a gold buyer, can some kind soul tell me what they use the bought gold for? All the top items are BOP or need a group of players to get, you cant buy faction with gold, herbs and potions are piss easy to gather... so what are all these supposed millions of gold being spent on then??? anyone? please....

    Actually you can buy faction.  Twillight texts for Centarion Circle rep.  Bijous and coins for ZG rep.   Dark Iron ore plus other things for Thorium Brotherhood rep   ...

    Having gold just makes the game easier.   Want to enchant your new BoP epic item having gold makes it happen.  There are many other uses for in game money.     That's probably why there is a demand for it :).

    Having said that I'd be very to see all gold farmers (the ones sell their labor for real money) and all gold buyers removed for the game ASAP. 

  • ShogooShogoo Member UncommonPosts: 88

    Yeah Ban'm all!


  • PorfatPorfat Member Posts: 364

    I'm all for punishing players who break the rules.  Including banning them.   Hell there are not enough bans given out.  When I don't see evidence of botting,  gold selling or even players making obsene* statements in public chat.  Then there are probably enough bans given out.

    I don't want to see truly innocent playerers get banned.   And neither does Blizzard (or anyother gaming company).   What would Blizzard have to gain from banning innocent players?  Nothing of course.

    I don't fear a ban and probably neither do the majority of players who play the game without breaking the rules.

  • Enforcer71Enforcer71 Member UncommonPosts: 780

    Well for one it is Blizzards game and they have the right to do what they feel needs to be done to protect the game and its subscribers.

    Like the editor noted it is hard to judge on the Linux issue or the so called logging into the game at a different location because there just isnt enough information on these 2 occurences. However if the ban is because your running an operating system other then windows then this is unacceptable.. but again we dont know the full story and for anyone that uses linex or unix knows you can do a lot more hacking or other things with these operating systems.

    Hopefully these issues are corrected but dont judge Blizzard on them until you get the information on what is truly going on. Unfortunately we may never know.

    Out of every 100 men, 10 should not be there,
    80 are nothing but targets, 9 are the real fighters.
    Ah, but one, ONE of them is a warrior,
    and he will bring the others home.
    -Heraclitus 500BC

  • nutwithgunsnutwithguns Member Posts: 1

    Originally posted by Rugster

    I've actually stopped playing wow because thier accounts system used for extending subscription only uses microsoft explorer, since i use firefox, i cannot resub, not that it matters, plenty other games to play... bf2142 for example.


              um not true i use firefox and have no problem with the account system. maybe it maybe something else.

  • HolyAvengerOneHolyAvengerOne Member UncommonPosts: 708

    Originally posted by nutwithguns
    Originally posted by Rugster

    I've actually stopped playing wow because thier accounts system used for extending subscription only uses microsoft explorer, since i use firefox, i cannot resub, not that it matters, plenty other games to play... bf2142 for example.

              um not true i use firefox and have no problem with the account system. maybe it maybe something else.

    I would tend to agree. Rugster, please ensure that you have the latest version of Firefox installed, as well as the plugins for Flash and Java, at the very least.

  • ExmondExmond Member Posts: 33
    Hating wow.  The new COOL thing to do!

    I couldn't even get through the first page without noticing some errors.  Im sure they have been corrected but..

    Blizzard banning Cedega users:  Nope.  Blizzard has been working with Cedega so its not the fact that people are using linux to run WOW.  It is because they are cheating and hoping Cedega covers it.

    Seriously guys, grown some balls, be your own person and don't follow the rest of the sheep.

    Stand tall and admit it, you like WOW.

    But you know the Viva Pinata is the REAL wow killer.

  • tehclamtehclam Member Posts: 11

    There is nothing wrong with farming and buying gold. If you have the money, do it. We've been buying gold since the game came out and have never been banned. Audits ? Yeah right. 4 of my 60s have over 35,000 gold on them each.

    My time > money. Boo hoo hoo I can't get the new rogue book. It won't drop. I lost the roll. So and so ninja'd it. Big deal. BOE items always drop in the AH. Believe me, BOP is just as easy - I have all the full sets for all my toons, once it comes time for the roll start whispering whoever is rolling against you - gold > rolling. You will win every time.

    Gold buying FTWs. Now flame away "purists". Bahaha.

    EDIT : Two things to look for when hunting for a new game to play. 1) Is there gold available for purchase and 2) death penalty. The obvious "fun factor" is a given.

    EDIT : Completely forgot about the faction. I went from 0 to EXALTED in less than 2 hrs from using the Bijous and Twilight Texts. All in all it boils down to time against money for me. And for, I have waaaay more money than time. Let's think about this. You log onto a farming site (I frequent 2). I purchase the highest amount of gold possible. It is delivered in minutes. Hmmm. Minutes or MONTHS of farming ? You decide. Like I said, if you have the cash, do it. Enjoy the game. Buy the pots, gear, etc., get burned out and move to the next game.

    I still laugh at the people running UBRS over and over and over and still getting nothing. MC, ZG, etc. are all the same. Remember, the loudest people AGAINST gold buying, etc. are usually guilty as hell.

    Get over it. If you get caught, move along...nothing to see. Just pray your new game has an ingame mailing (w/attachment) system. Ever try trading 100,000k in COH/COV ? Takes f-o-r-e-v-e-r.

  • vchorusvvchorusv Member Posts: 2
    Blizzard is guilty.
  • TorginTorgin Member Posts: 82
    "Blizzard is guilty."

    Guilty of making MAD MONEY!  image

  • HolyAvengerOneHolyAvengerOne Member UncommonPosts: 708

    Originally posted by Exmond
    Hating wow.  The new COOL thing to do!

    I couldn't even get through the first page without noticing some errors.  Im sure they have been corrected but..

    Blizzard banning Cedega users:  Nope.  Blizzard has been working with Cedega so its not the fact that people are using linux to run WOW.  It is because they are cheating and hoping Cedega covers it.

    Seriously guys, grown some balls, be your own person and don't follow the rest of the sheep.

    Stand tall and admit it, you like WOW.

    But you know the Viva Pinata is the REAL wow killer.

    Hah, you said "Hating wow.  The new COOL thing to do!", but that's hardly new, more kinda of an old, fun thing to do :P

    And about the part on "Seriously guys, grown some balls, be your own person and don't follow the rest of the sheep." I'm just gonna ROFLMAO on this one :)

    Thanks a bunch !! image

  • Jd1680aJd1680a Member Posts: 398
    This is sounding alot like a witch hunt for Blizzard.  Anyone who they think is a bot is automaticly banned without question.  That is not a good thing if the customer is legitmate.  I just hope alot of these wrongly banned players were to get together to do a class action lawsuit.  Since they are paying customers and is following the rules, there is no reason for blizzard to kick them off.  It is Blizzards problem and something the need to fix.  EULA is pretty paper thin when it comes between a few hundred people and a good lawyer to sue Blizzard for falsely banning people from a service they paid for.

    Have played: CoH, DDO EQ2, FFXI, L2, HZ, SoR, and WW2 online

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