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The Forces of Order and the Forces of Destruction have clashed numerous times in the past, however, this battle raging forth currently is rumored to be the last great battle with only one side claiming victory.
The individual clashes between sworn enemies such as Dwarves versus Green Skins have always been the subject of folklore and tale. The seers and prophets have abandoned most old tales to warn the youth to prepare for a darkened sky and raven nights.
Children's toys such as dolls and games have been replaced with books and novice weaponry. Every parent fearful of the drumming sound of war that now looms could in an instant knock at their door.
The forces of Destruction, while three completely separate entities battling on different fronts have had units separated during the courses of battle and with the call of their brethren from the South and cities of Order bringing stragglers together to support their cause and their Gods a new breed of Regiment has started to surface.
Unlikely allies of chance, even on the side of Destruction using each of their strengths and gifts from the Gods to band together in ways never seen in the past. Not just in theory, but in physical units encompassing all the races of Destruction in one Regiment.
The freedom to kill and worship their God, refraining, within reason, from killing those around them in order to push forward against Order and prevail as the mightiest forces in the world.
Order of Supplicium (OoS) is one of these Regiments. A common vision of Order destroyed so the lives they know and are accustomed to are preserved and their glory, power and might expanded in the name of their God.
The Order of Supplicium is a Warhammer: Age of Reckoning Guild(duhh), we are a US and EU based Guild, and no, we wont be hoping all our EU members will be able to play on US servers, we have 2 divisions;
The New World(US)
The Old World(EU)
The US will play on a US server, and the EU on an EU server..suprise suprise. We will also be playing on an RP server, not because were all RP freaks, but because the community is generaly more mature, and we do have members (like myself) who like to RP.
Thats basicaly it guys, I'm out!
Reenala Darkraven, X.