Well basically SWG was my favorite game of all time and im wanting to give it another try. Ive come back since they implented this NGE and screwed up all the crafting professions well most of them. The only thing I didn't like about it which was about 3 months ago was the bugged quests. It seemed like everyone had their lvl 80 character except for me. Ive had my account since 03 so I know what changes this game has gone through. Basically im just wondering if they made this current leveling system any EASIER then it was 3 months ago? Most of the quests were bugged and I couldn't EVER get anyone to help me with them so I could level. The only suggestion I would get would be "grind grauls grind grauls." ok you can only take so many hours / days of grinding grauls intill your completely and uterly bored with it and just end up quitting which ive done 3 times now. Ive got my character up to 76-78. Now im wondering if its even worth going through the crap again.
I recently came back (About a week ago). To be brutally honest, I think the quests in SWG suck. It's kinda like a system that was put there as an afterthought, and reminds me alot of EQ2's quests (Which I also don't much care for)
Now with that said, I do find that I can level at a decent pace just going to the mining outpost on dant and just grabbing quests and running them. I find that if I take Creature quests: Pickets, Voritor HUNTERS, Bols, etc (Nothing that has ranged attacks such as quenkers or most voritors) that I can kill lairs very easily *I'm an elder Jedi* and that every two missions I get approx 1 block of xp, so to do an entire level I'd do approx 40 missions. Not too hard, and you can knock off about a mission every 5 mins or so *Give or take* so that's my method to getting from 80 - 90
I did do a few quests on kashyyyk early on when I returned, and I can tolerate that planet and some of the quests there, but I find that questing on mustafar is just too unbearable for me.
As far as gameplay, It has improved since the NGE was pushed out a year ago, it is DEFINATELY not as good as the pre-cu, and even the CU had more merits than this, but it has improved. I am back to basically pass some time until the WOW Expac and wanted to try out some of the new PVP content to see how it plays.
Hope this helps.