I just got a email stting that mmorpg.com got a reply from The Themis Group abotu or beta thing saying somthing about within the next 48-72 hours they will contact the winners with info needed to get into the beta test WOOT finaly :P
Well, I got mine too, and it was only a week ago that we won, so if I would have known it would have taken this long I wouldnt have complained as much as I did.
Err. . so is the disk still being mailed out or can we DL the client ? Not to look a gift horse in the mouth, but isnt this game going live in like less than a month ?
Originally posted by Gnarled Err. . so is the disk still being mailed out or can we DL the client ?
No. The email said that we should be contacted by Themis in the next 48-72 hours. At least now we'll know what is going on instead of guessing if and when we will get the CDs. Maybe they will also tell us if we can download it instead.
"Let me see if understand you... If I put my sword down and you put your rock down, we'll kill each other like civilized people?"
well since they did state that we should be contacted within the next 48-72 hrs. anyone have any idea as in which way by e-mail, phone, or mail? e-mail sounds more likely since phone would cost them too much lol and mail i am not so sure they want to spend overnight on 1 mail lol hmmm.... well nvm i answerd my own question
Originally posted by TurtleX on the estimated release date of ryzom, it seems pretty close. is that all the time we get?!
prolly not cause well this is beta and adding 500new people could cause other problems their not rdy for i played the open beta of knight online and when it came into open beta there was server overloads which caused some zones to crash on one server then the next day the server was idle they got it back up and running but then the day after that it went idle again heh so who knows we might have to the time of the est release or we might have up to a month more who knows :P
oh and what i get (correct me if im wrong) is that they will contact us within the next 48-72 hours meaning anywere from 1-48 hours and 72 hours at the latest hopfull they way i am understanding it is correct :P the sooner the better but if i have to wait 72 hours its fine by me either way i get to play
well im geting a job soon so if i like it during beta i mostlikly will go with it when it because P2P Graphics and nice but i hope i can turn down the frill detal and water detal although my processor and graphics card can handle it i need to buy another stick of 256 ram in the next few days heh :P
Seeking People Devoted to Thievery, Brigandeering, Piracy, Necromancy, Crafting, Pillaging, Merchandising, Smuggling, the Dark Arts, well you get the point.
Currently Recruiting: Dark and Light / UO (Metropolis Shard) / Wish Beta / Lejendary Adventure
------- Check out my side project http://lfger.com/ - a mobile lfg tool for any game, any time. -------
lag and server load is a HUGE issue and should be a concern for all mmorpg's. if us 500 people from here kill a server because of the extra people you can garnuntee delays.
Well, before I was like dying of some rare decease that made me not be able to type properly (Heh, jk), but noe I am much better.
Yeah, lag will be an issue, but like every other Beta, lag is eventualy fixed (somewhat?) to a point where it is playable, and also I doubt this will be a serious problem when the game starts, but eh, we are just going to have to wait and see.
A fronte precipitium a tergo lupi
Requiiem, Templar
"Let me see if understand you... If I put my sword down and you put your rock down, we'll kill each other like civilized people?"
Playing: WOW & GW
on the estimated release date of ryzom, it seems pretty close. is that all the time we get?!
lets hope not.
YA thank god i was wonderin becasue i forgot to put down my number for the address yuppie lol
yay we finally get to play i always wanted tp play hey do ever have to pay????????
--Currently Playing--
Earth and Beyond
--Waiting On--
STO(Long Ways away)
Ya.. I got e-mail too... that quenched my curiousity.... thanks admin
yup me to GO MMORPG.COM!!! Thnx for the beta oppertunities guys Us girls are better beta testers anyways
∙name: EViLD0G
∙clan: [EXE]
∙playing: EQ, SIMS, AC, AC2, DAoC, FFXI, AW, RS
∙planning: SoR
Don't ya eat the yellow snow!
Don't ya eat the yellow snow!
i think that with this extra 500, the biggest issue will be lag.
Seeking People Devoted to Thievery, Brigandeering, Piracy, Necromancy,
Crafting, Pillaging, Merchandising, Smuggling, the Dark Arts, well you get the point.
Currently Recruiting: Dark and Light / UO (Metropolis Shard) / Wish Beta / Lejendary Adventure
Check out my side project http://lfger.com/ - a mobile lfg tool for any game, any time.
Don't ya eat the yellow snow!
Well, before I was like dying of some rare decease that made me not be able to type properly (Heh, jk), but noe I am much better.
Yeah, lag will be an issue, but like every other Beta, lag is eventualy fixed (somewhat?) to a point where it is playable, and also I doubt this will be a serious problem when the game starts, but eh, we are just going to have to wait and see.