I've seen these on other forums and always found them fun to read. Lets hear some good stories!
I got this username when I first started playing MMOs (Runescape, eww) and needed a name. My friend had a similar name (sort of) and I kinda just rhymed this with it. I remember it needed to start with an unusual letter, and V rox yo sox. Ever since then I've used this as my main roleplaying name.
As a sidenote, my original runescape name was Rhinohunter. I realize now that rhinohunter is obviously a better name.
Part of my WC2 CD-Key, was signing up for B.Net and didnt know what to use... so I looked at the serial key and bam... something that resembles a username.
Used it ever since
mod = cs clan
joe = my name
86 = my birthyear
it's terribly uncreative, I know. I usually only use it for account names for e-mails and such, but I signed up here with no intention of posting much.
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aaron = a
superman = faverite hero.
mane*= mane instead of man.
I'm a hardcore metalhead from the 80's.
Motorhead/Lemmy = God.
"Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb." -- Batman
My username is the name of a Phillipino kid's friendster account.
Keltic = Irish decent
1701 = Guess!
Lendek I made up when I was in 4th grade and just saw LoTR and though Lendek was what legolas was called. o.0
This one is used all over the internet. But they alls tole it from me. I am only Lendek on gaming forums.
permith-sounded like it'd be around for a while, later found out that it was an insecticide
rodaron-chose some vowels, and then shoved random letters(yes other vowels were allowed as I didn't feel like coding that in)
I find it amazing that by 2020 first world countries will be competing to get immigrants.
Meon - Absolutely no clue how i made that up.. but i recently realised you can split it into "me on" ..
(another name i use) Mr ZKT... just thought it sounded cool
(and yet another name) K1LL3R BL4CK... my friend is BL4CK D34TH so i changed it a little
so unorigional i know...
Broncos, nuff said!
"Because it's easier to nitpick something than to be constructive." -roach5000
Life is full of choices--dont make RS one of em
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature.
* Want to see how dumb you are? Click here to take the dumb test!
Favorite number is 8
Last name is Hammer
8hammer8 = 8 characters
"It is easier to be cruel than wise. The road to wisdom is long and difficult... so most people just turn out to be assholes" Feng (Christopher Walken)