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University work help - pleease! (Networking)

I've got a bit of a problem, I missed a few lessons of networking at university and only found out yestoday an assignment had been handed out! I've got till monday to finish it and hand it in but theres a part in the assignment I really don't understand.

I've got to write about:

"An analysis of the limitations and significance of the sub-net masking process implemented by microcomputer systems."

I missed 3 out of the 4 lectures on sub-net masking so my knowledge of sub-net masking is very basic. I've tried looking on the internet at wikipedia and other websites but I just don't understand a word of whats on them.

Please could someone explain to me the limitations and significance of the sub-net masking process?

Any help would be very, very, very much appreciated!



  • paulscottpaulscott Member Posts: 5,613

    basically  you take your assigned IP address and drop it(the IP class).  

    then look at the subnet and change that to binanary  you'll get a number thats all ones on the left  followed by only 0's.   the ones are the researved spot for the subnet.  while the 0's are for the unique IP address  except for +1/-1 which are researved for broadcasts.

    didn't feel like finding example

    basically what subnets achieve is letting you isolate network traffic.  lets say you have a router and 200 comps around you could use the subnet mask of .192(.11000000)  and use the subnets  .00-000000, .01-000000, .10-000000, .11-000000  to make 4 subnets with up to 61 comps(.xx111111)(63 actually but space is reseerved for broadcasts) on it.  if you're on a differnt subnet than a comp you can't talk to that one.

    edit:  you're ofcours going to need to do reasearch on your own

    I find it amazing that by 2020 first world countries will be competing to get immigrants.

  • David_WolfpaDavid_Wolfpa Member Posts: 273
    I think I get it... is it like this?

    What are the limitations of the actual sub-net masking process? when you change the IP to binary then do the sub-net masking? Like is there any limit to anything or some IP address that can't be masked etc


  • paulscottpaulscott Member Posts: 5,613
    that works,  though you should still do reasearch.   try wikipedia(not the top article but the resources at the bottom after looking at the context)

    I find it amazing that by 2020 first world countries will be competing to get immigrants.

  • David_WolfpaDavid_Wolfpa Member Posts: 273
    Is the answer to do with the amount of IP addresses your limited to on your network? am I on the right track or completely off?


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