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9Dragons Pre-Open Beta Now Live!!

Hey everyone just got another mail from 9Dragons about the Pre-Open Beta



Thank you all for your patience! It has been much harder than we expected to get the changes made and the game back up and running. We really didn't want to come back on line until we were sure that we had fixed the major bugs we could see. (I'm sure you'll still find a load of minor ones - please tell us so that we can fix them.)


Still, the good news is that we are now back up and live and in our pre-open beta stage!  Barring unforeseen circumstances we do not expect to have to wipe the characters again.

Beta Testing Schedule


Let's confirm the pre-open beta process:


  • Servers came back online on 26th Dec at 16:00 BST

    • You can log on to play and set up your new characters. There will be no further wipes (unless there are some major unforeseen problems)

  • Mid January 2007- OPEN BETA BEGINS 

    • Open starts and there will be a patch with more additions to the game such as PK, F1 help system, a tutorial system and various other patches and game improvements



1) Downloading the client

·        Go to

There is a choice of three download sites. Fileplanet is probably the quickest but they will try and sell you a subscription. However it is a free service and if you follow the instructions below you should have no problems. If not go back to the above URL and choose either  fileshack or filefront.

For Fileplanet:

·        Click the "download this file now" button

·        Click the "don't have an account? Click here to get one" link near top of page

·        Complete the "register" details on RHS of page

·        Click the "no thanks" on the "get the most from your membership" page

·        Click "continue" on the profile page

·        Go back to

Click the "download this file now" button

Scroll all the way down the page and there are links to download free from FilePlanet servers


2) Setting up your account with Secure Account. Go to

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