Ok, I hate politics, I stay out of political threads 99.9% of the time, and I definetly never saw myself making one, but this isnt really a regular political thread. Anyways....
Today when I got home from work, a RL Friend of mine started talking to me on MSN, telling me after he looses enough weight he is getting the hell out of here and joining the military. Ok fine, whatever.
So after that, I tell him that once my grandad's property sell's (he is giving me a split of the amount) Im going to move me and my wife to North Dakota, which currently has the lowest property in the US. I read an article on CNN last night, that in a city in ND, you can get a 4 bedroom, 2 1/2 bathroom house on a large plot of land for $136,000. Here where I live in Virginia, that same house on that same size plot of land will touch $600,000.
Me and the wife dont like people, we hate traffic, and we hate all the hustle and bustle, and we dont mind the cold weather, so the location is almost perfect. Me and her are going to take the remainder of the money after the house, and invest it in our own things, and we will be able to live off the rest of the money without working for a few years, while we wait to see what our investments/stock's do. That last part is a huge gamble yes, and it can pay off HUGE, and if the stocks dont play the way we want, we get jobs, nothing lost. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for me and her so why not strike while the iron is hot, you know? Anyways...
After I tell him this, he has the balls to tell me my idea is "an incorrect statement" and "there are places in the US that have lower property cost". To bad all the places he linked me to are in places where we DONT want to go. Then he goes on to have the gall to tell me I "shouldnt be making life changing decisions based on information from a biased news source" , refering to CNN.
This is a guy that praises GWB left, right, up and down every chance he gets, pisses on Democrats in general, dosent matter what generation, and refuses to believe Fox News is tied to the Republican Party. I have no political affiliation, I dont care. But what I do care about is him telling me how to run my life and telling me im making mistakes and I need to follow his ideals and his sources. I mean I didnt sit there and talk shit about him wanting to join the military, I could have told him hes nothing but a tool that wants to fight for a wrong cause backed by a warmongering zelot, but I didnt. I also could have told him hes just doing it to make his ex-Air Force ex-Ku Klux Klan grandfather happy.
Its a long read I know, and dosent really have much to do with politics as it does personal ranting, but what do you guys think? Should I just ignore it, or tell the guy to just shut the fuck up and get lost?
"There's no star system Slave I can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the Galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now."
Boba Fett
And on a random note, how exactly would that article be biased anyways? Unless they said, "blue states offer cheaper housing than red states" I don't get that point at all.
"There's no star system Slave I can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the Galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now."
Boba Fett
no kidding, houses around my area with 4 bedrooms and 2 baths cost upwards of $700,000. Honestly, I know very little, but isn't real estate one of the safest things your could invest in? rather than all stocks, buy some land/houses
If a house, or the land large enough to build a house, costs the same in Boston, San Francisco, and Chicago city limits as a semi rural less populated area then capitalism failed. Larger per capita population areas cost more for land or square footage. Less buyers lowers the price. Barring lake front or such land is just cheaper in less populated areas. If someone can't understand this just shake your head and move on.
I have people telling me to shop at the Walmart a within sight of my apartment because it is "so cheap". Guess they never shopped around because most items such as soap, milk, butter, wiper blades, and basically anything not in an ad or a sale end cap costs more at Walmart than the local grocery store and pharmacy. Cn't tell them they are wrong or they flip out. Ignorance ay be bliss, but it is rather costly finacially.