Cain you are just one of people seeking attention that are really worthless in the mmorpg community. Do you really think games will change just because one person wants them to. They are the way they are by popular demand! People want to level in order to get a sense of superiority. What the hell is an mmorpg without level griding? Maybe we should remove all the mmorpgs and rebuild one just for you. The reason? Because you want what you want even though you will never get it. Because what exists is what people like.If you don't like it, maybe you should make you're own mmorpg. Or are you an idiot who likes to spit on other people's hard work. Make an mmorpg yourself than maybe your words would be worth a cent.
I agree that MMO's are the way they are because some games have proven to be popular and so everyone else copies it to one extent or another.
BUT "What the hell is an mmorpg wthout level grinding?" Have a little imagination, mmorpg's don't need levels, so they definately don't need level grind.
I want the ability to play as a Dragon or any other rare race that would make roleplaying fun and appealing as well as challenging gameplay
I want roleplay to be enforced by the devs and mods. I want people to respect that there is a reason RP is in MMORPG
I want the ability to customize my character I don't like looking like that l337 moron over there.
I want to be able to do diffirent things Flying in space and planets making pvp and pve have a new scope.
I want a MMORPG that is not a level grind but is a learning experince. I don't want to have to reach said level to compete I want to gain in skills and knowledge of the game to be effective in my style of play.
And most of all I want the makers of games to listen to me. Don't make a game then break it with BS and ideas you got from teenie kids and thier friends. Don't just make it cookie cutter and call it new. Make a world that is worth living in and then call it a MMORPG
cain,you should look up answers .com ref MMORPG you'll find some interesting information.It will explain a lot. good luck and happy hunting!
I agree that MMO's are the way they are because some games have proven to be popular and so everyone else copies it to one extent or another.
BUT "What the hell is an mmorpg wthout level grinding?" Have a little imagination, mmorpg's don't need levels, so they definately don't need level grind.
And necro!
Because I think there is still a need for a revolutionary MMO