To block a user, simply click block in the post header, the page will refresh, and now every post by said user will no longer render by default. Instead you will get a yellowish bar where the post would be, with the option to toggle the individual post if you still want to read it. Showing a single post does not change the users status of blocked.
Unblock will restore this user.
In "My Profile > Forums and Chat" there is now an additional field where you can overview the users that you have blocked, and choose to unblock users.
Obviously, Staff and Administrators don't offer the option of being blocked.
To block a user, simply click block in the post header, the page will refresh, and now every post by said user will no longer render by default. Instead you will get a yellowish bar where the post would be, with the option to toggle the individual post if you still want to read it. Showing a single post does not change the users status of blocked.
Unblock will restore this user.
In "My Profile > Forums and Chat" there is now an additional field where you can overview the users that you have blocked, and choose to unblock users.
Obviously, Staff and Administrators don't offer the option of being blocked.
To block a user, simply click block in the post header, the page will refresh, and now every post by said user will no longer render by default. Instead you will get a yellowish bar where the post would be, with the option to toggle the individual post if you still want to read it. Showing a single post does not change the users status of blocked.
Unblock will restore this user.
In "My Profile > Forums and Chat" there is now an additional field where you can overview the users that you have blocked, and choose to unblock users.
Obviously, Staff and Administrators don't offer the option of being blocked.
Fantastic, thanks!
Thank you, works like a charm, except that I shouldn't have the option of blocking myself.