I just made that mistake. Of course, they do not tell you that you cannot download any file over 2 gigs with a FAT32 C drive, so I subscribed in vain. I was wondering why I kept getting a file won't initialize error message in the download manager. Oh well, live and learn.
Using FAT32 as a primary memory system is rather silly.
The limit is 4gb in fat32 for a single file.
But then again what OS actually uses fat32 nowadays, I can only think of win98 & some *nix versions. (If you are using fat32 with xp then change to ntfs which is much better overall).
What OS actually uses fat32 nowadays?
WinXP does if you upgraded to it from Win98. I have no choice but to keep one partition on my drives as FAT32.
Not that this causes me any problems because I created a partition large enough to accomodate Windows and don't use that part of the drive for anything else.
But FAT32 will be with me until I buy a full version of Windows, which won't be until they release the next version.
You should be able to download just fine from fileplanet using FAT32. Thats the reason you install there download manager.
I got a fix for it in any case. As its SOE hosted just like EQ all you need is 1 file and it will download the rest. So when they lift the NDA get someone to send you vanguard.exe and you can download rest of the game from SOE 1 file at a time like EQ does.
Heh - unless you have a proxy IP, in which case the only download manager I've found that can download the beta client is Download Accelerator Plus.
They can't tell me what's different about this file (it's the only FP file I can't download normally).
I disagree whole heartedly. Immersion has nothing to do with bumping elbows with every other person in the game to try and run a dungeon. There could be THOUSANDS of people on a server at any given time, and I doubt very much that there are enough level specific dungeons to appease that many people. This is going to cause so much of a headache once the game has been live for a good amount of time and people have all maxed out. Don't you guys remember the days of EQ1 raiding, and how people would wait HOURS for respawns?
Well seeing as the NDA is lifted ill give more info on how i feel the dungeons will be good enough to where they wont need instance zones.
First off there huge dungeons even low level ones 4-8 are huge. In thestra theres the storehouse, this place is HUGE. The spawn rate in these dungeons is fast enough to where it can support 5 or more full groups. This is 1 dungeon in 1 area. THeres tons and tons more around the world that are this level range. Brad has said he wants this game to be fun for ALL levels not just lv 50. This is a sure example of it. The dungeons are so awesome and big, you really gotta see it to believe me.