Well I've been digging through the forums for close to two days now and thought I'd save everyone a TON of time by posting everything mentioned so far in a clear "guide"
Important to note that while this WILL work for many of you, it won't work for ALL of you (I'm rolling back my drivers and then defragging after this, but if that doesn't work, it certainly didn't work for me yet)
Also, I don't think that ANY of these tweaks are "supported" so before you do ANYTHING, make a copy of the file you are about to change and save it somewhere in the event that you need to revert back to basics.
I'll try to make this as clear and easy to follow as I can.
#1 GENERAL TweaksA) FIRST, be sure to defragment after install. Seriously, this has a HUGE impact on the game's performance.
Turn off your AV program and/or Firewall. I know you hate the idea of it but try it, if it doesn't help then you know you can leave it on.
C) Google the program RivaTuner 2.0 and set the card to force shading at 2.0. if anyone else figures this out please let me know. personally I think this program stinks.
THIS IS AN ADVANCED TWEAK don't mess with anything else unless you know what you're doing!!! (NOTE from anarchyart: I did not do this tweak, dont bother unless you're sure you know what you are doing)D) In the in-game settings, change sound settings to "Hardware"
E) In the in-game settings, set the resolution to 1024x768
F) In the in-game settings, turn off HDR
G) NVidia 6xxx series users, Tru using the older "71" series drivers.
Linky goodness (Link en francais)H) ATI users (I'm one myself) by far, ATI users with AMD proc's tend to be having the most problems aside from the Nvidia 6xxx users. I've been told to try the catylist 6.8 drivers (which can be found
Here) I am currently using these drivers and still have the older 6.7 driver install program, I can't find it on the web, but I haven't really searched for too long. the original filename is : 6-7_xp-2k_dd_ccc_wdm_enu_34826 so for those who want to try a driver rollback, there you go.
I) Also for ATI peeps, Rumor has it that the Omega drivers (
www.omegadrivers.net) give some folks SIGNIFICANT increases in quality and speed. UPDATE!!! My personal test shows only a ~1 FPS gain and what's worse is that the Omega drivers don't support OC'ing for the 1300+ series of cards. DOUBLE worse is that reverting back to the Catalyst 6.8 drivers no longer allow ATI tool to OC my ATI 1300pro and deleted my openGL drivers which the ATI installer didn't like re-installing (I know, weak card. Give it a rest already)
I) Someone previously suggested starting the client and then Alt+Tabbing to desktop, bringing up the Task Manager, Going to processes, selecting the VGClient.exe file and setting the priority to high. might work for some.
J) TURN OFF Hardware Occulsion while in the field and TURN IT BACK ON in town. The FPS gain in the field (for me) is close to 10!!!
#2 VGCLIENT.INI Tweaks (this is the holy grail!)go to:
[install drive]:ProgramFilesSonyVanguardinvgclient.ini
Open it using notepad and make the following changes:
AnisotropicFiltering=off (which supposedly works for NVidia folks VERY well)
Side Note: ALSO go into your card's propertied and change this there as wellUseJoystick=False (I don't know why but this did give me an extra 3-5 FPS)
UsePrecaching=True (For NVidia folks and some ATI folks, this is the holy grail)
UseTrilinear=False (For some folks this was an incredible boost)
UseCubemaps=False (I only noticed an ugly load screen, the game still looks fine to me)
ReduceMouseLag=False (this has worked for a few folks as well)
UseTripleBuffering=True (Only do this if you also set the vsync)
UseVSync=True (it gave me a few extra FPS)
UseSound=False (You lose the sound but can pick up nearly 5-10 FPS!!!)
Side note: instead of turning sound off you CAN set LowQualitySound=True instead!GlobalHardwareSkinning=True (gave me a noticable bump 2-5FPS-ish)
TextureDetailWorld=5 (this controls the texture details, raising this to 5-7ish can save you a significant amount of memory and reduce stuttering. This can range from 0-7, 0 being the most detailed textures to 7 being lowest texture detail)
RenderQuality=5 (Setting this to 5 sets the game into "very high" mode but coupled with a higher TextureDetailWorld setting, it will give you the special effects of very high with the memory requirements/stuttering of a low or medium settings)
(NOTE: Changing the in-game drop-down graphics settings to Medium or High (or whatever you change it to) changes BOTH RenderQuality and TextureDetailWorld to their default settings. The trick is to adjust all the in-game settings FIRST, THEN mess with the .ini settings for these two and don't flip between low/med at all in-game since that would reset this change)
Now look for the [Engine.NullRenderDevice] Heading.
There add the line: CacheSizeMegs=64
Out of every 100 men, 10 should not be there,
80 are nothing but targets, 9 are the real fighters.
Ah, but one, ONE of them is a warrior,
and he will bring the others home.
-Heraclitus 500BC
.. .... .- - . - .-. --- .-.. .-.. ... .-- .... --- .-. . .--. --- .-. - .-.-.-
Promote what you love instead of bashing what you hate.
just bumping this good thread
I miss DAoC
Currently Playing: GW2
Currently Following: Elder Scrolls Online
Games in my wake: Anarchy Online, Archlord (beta), Asherons Call, Asherons Call 2, City of Heroes, Dark Age of Camelot (SI to Catacombs), DDO, EVE Online, EverQuest II (beta), Guild Wars, Horizons, Lineage II,LORTO, Rift, RF Online (beta), RYL, Saga of Ryzon, Shadowbane, Star Wars Galaxies, Vanguard, WAR, WoW
While I won't be subscribing beta HAS been a joy.
Currently Playing: Dungeons and Dragons Online.
Sig image Pending
Still in: A couple Betas
Yup, they reduced lag a lot with beta 5. I was faster than ever last night. Beautiful! About 1900 on the server at the time too.
Agree, agree and agree. I hope the mods here will sticky it, it is bar none the most useful post regarding Vanguard. Makes it amazingly better and lets you see the true beauty of Vanguard without a brand new system.
On a side note, there are going to lots of fearful troll posts now guys. Please just ignore the troll posts, we know that Vanguard is phenomenal. No need to feed the trolls.
Hey np man, nice to see you're still around. Going to keep bumping this thread as I see people still haven't quite figure out to tweak the .ini file.
Agree, agree and agree. I hope the mods here will sticky it, it is bar none the most useful post regarding Vanguard. Makes it amazingly better and lets you see the true beauty of Vanguard without a brand new system.
On a side note, there are going to lots of fearful troll posts now guys. Please just ignore the troll posts, we know that Vanguard is phenomenal. No need to feed the trolls.
I don't care about Vanguard, but I could help but laugh at you. Anyone that has Scarface as their avatar or a movie poster of it hanging on their wall in their house is a moron.
Umm, it's in beta.
Also, with yesterdays patch, the lag was significantly reduced. Most ignorant people will make judgements on an MMO in beta and never come back based on those judgements. That is just a stupid person being stupid. Those just can't be helped, but I posted the tweaks just in case it will help people.
Great work Art,
One thing, no way in hades i am going to play any game that wants my Firewalls turned off to get a smooth performance.
Do you happen to know the specific Ports they are using?
If anyone is looking to get better FPS and performace at all these tweaks really work. I've noticed 200% increase in performace while maintaining a high setting. Try it out!
P..S after making the changes I was also able to adust some other options to a higher level even and keep the performance gain I got.
Umm, it's in beta.
Also, with yesterdays patch, the lag was significantly reduced. Most ignorant people will make judgements on an MMO in beta and never come back based on those judgements. That is just a stupid person being stupid. Those just can't be helped, but I posted the tweaks just in case it will help people.
Yeah, it's in the late stages of beta, as in it is supposed to release this month according to multiple posts from Brad. IE "MOST" major issues and optimizations should be done by now. I am not talking about beta, i'm saying why aren't they incorporated into what they plan to release in several weeks. If i buy a game, and it runs like hell, and I don't bother with it any more, i sure am stupid, stupid for buying it in the first place, LOL. Having a polished product is just yet another aspect of customer service. I'm happy the "adjustments" help you all play this game better, but I'm saying why should you have to? Those tweaks have been around a long time, several months, more than enough time to act on and address the issues that will help.....Shader Cashing - vgclient.ini
Add this line under "[General]" to minimize hitching: bUseShaderCaching=1
Should read:
My Sager 5760 Review
your right those tweaks have been around for a long time , there quite common tweaks that you should do to any computer as soon as you get it home . well if you plan on gaming that is . Its not just a vanguard thing lol
your right those tweaks have been around for a long time , there quite common tweaks that you should do to any computer as soon as you get it home . well if you plan on gaming that is . Its not just a vanguard thing lol Obviously Sigil is not in charge of adjusting your computer for you, so perhaps this has nothing to do with general gaming tweaks, but rather tweaks in the VGclient. I just figured everyone here was smart enough to figure that out. Obviously I can't make that generalization about everyone.....
your right those tweaks have been around for a long time , there quite common tweaks that you should do to any computer as soon as you get it home . well if you plan on gaming that is . Its not just a vanguard thing lolObviously Sigil is not in charge of adjusting your computer for you, so perhaps this has nothing to do with general gaming tweaks, but rather tweaks in the VGclient. I just figured everyone here was smart enough to figure that out. Obviously I can't make that generalization about everyone.....Ya your right i should have read that OP all the way through last time i seen it on a different forums it had a section on very common tweaks , my opologies sir lol
Kewl gonna try that tonight. Few more fps can't hurt.