I've been playing off and on for 4-5 months. The game has no hook, nothing that makes you want to push forward. I will say I love how big the world is, but that is about all I like about it. Fighting, can't get much more boring.
Performance has improved some on my x2 Amd 3800 with 7800gt 256meg video card and 4 gigs of ram. On a good day I might get 18 frames, while in other areas I might get 7 which turned it into a unplayable slide show.
I've played a lot of games, UO, EQ, EQ2, Wow, SWG, Daoc, Asheron's Call and a few more I could name. Other then the huge world Vanguard has, thats the only point it has going for it. Lots of classes.. perhaps to many as they began to meld and become bland. Diplomancy is repetitive and unexciting. Crafting does have a lot of potential, player housing is also a nice touch.
If quests are important to you then this game isn't for you. So far they have been your basic kill ten of these for very little experience or rewards and it just makes it not worth bothering with.
Despite what Sigil says about Casuel players, I don't think this is going to be good for casual or solo players. Go back to EQ days.. and that is what you'll have. You need groups if you want to have the nicer items.
Basically I just didn't find the game fun. Thats what I play for ...the fun factor and all the older games I named i've played were a lot more fun to me. But this is how I feel. It doesn't mean that is how everyone that plays it will feel.
I think the worse thing about the game is that it is NOT ready to go live. I think we all remember SWG being pushed out by SOE before it was ready and its been a train wreck every since from them trying to fix it.
"It is better to die on one's feet than to live on one's knees,"
I've been in beta for quite some time, i quit a day before it became open beta, even though the devs said "Jan 4th wll not be open beta, it'll probally be sometime next week". The games just generic and has nothing to really offer but a bland sandbox,
"It is better to die on one's feet than to live on one's knees,"
I disagree. As far as the graphics go, I've helped about 20 people inagme improve there fps by atleast 15 through just a couple changes that don't degrade quality.
Synergi elsewhere you stated:
"Well gosh, I thought I was the only one that felt EQ was one of the most boring games i've ever had the misfortune to play. For 4 years I tried to 'make' myself like it. Never happened."
Forgive me if I am wrong but that sounds like an inconsistency as you have also said "... all the older games I named i've played were a lot more fun to me. But this is how I feel."
I have played in Vanguard beta, it has been challenging, intriguing and very beautiful, frustrating and laggy sometimes as well, but that's only to be expected in beta. Will be interesting to see what will transpire as the population develops.
As for the "fun" factor, surely that grows as you make friends, join guilds, create housing and generally get more immersed in the game,
not easy to do in beta.
Maybe having played so many of these types of games the glitter is rubbing off and you're finding the "entertainment" factor harder to conceive! Hopefully you will find the sort of game that keeps you interested but, for myself, I think Vanguard has a lot going for it. Time will tell!
Vanguard is for the hardcore MMOG gamer.
It will not be released with any fun in it.
They won't ever be patching in any fun.
Main Entry: 1fun
Function: noun
Etymology: English dialect fun to hoax, perhaps alteration of Middle English fonnen, from fonne dupe
1 : what provides amusement or enjoyment; specifically : playful often boisterous action or speech <full of fun>
2 : a mood for finding or making amusement <all in fun>
3 a : AMUSEMENT, ENJOYMENT <sickness takes all the fun out of life> b : derisive jest : SPORT, RIDICULE <a figure of fun>
4 : violent or excited activity or argument <let a snake loose in the classroom; then the fun began>
synonyms FUN, JEST, SPORT, GAME, PLAY mean action or speech that provides amusement or arouses laughter. FUN usually implies laughter or gaiety but may imply merely a lack of serious or ulterior purpose <played cards just for fun>. JEST implies lack of earnestness in what is said or done and may suggest a hoaxing or teasing <hurt by remarks said only in jest>. SPORT applies especially to the arousing of laughter against someone <teasing begun in sport led to anger>. GAME is close to SPORT, and often stresses mischievous or malicious fun <made game of their poor relations>. PLAY stresses the opposition to earnest without implying any malice or mischief <pretended to strangle his brother in play>.
wrong. In closed beta, you have metrics for a smaller range of system specs. In open beta, it x3 or x4 the amount of hardware....
It's actually gonna help them.
However, i've played games that were fun in beta. To say the game will suddenly get fun because its live I don't see how that will happen.
I do agree that time will tell. And I seriously do hope it does get a hook and fun factor within the game because I do like a few of the elements. Having player housing at launch is awesome.. and as much as that is a draw for me.. to many other things are a complete turn off. But to each his own..
"It is better to die on one's feet than to live on one's knees,"