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Why PSU is not as good and I,II,III,IV

SBC3SBC3 Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 372

1. EXP Rate- Way to low

2. Update Rate- To little

3. Every one looks just about the same...

4. Quests- Very few

5. You do the same missions over and over again. They even have the same boss on diffrent missions!!!

6. Not alot of people on alot

7. Item/Money drop Rate- EXTRA LOW I member in PSO I, II I would get rares alot

8. Shop Prices way to high for the low money gain

9. Very Slow paced

10. Its like its in Alpha testing or something which im sure it is...  But I payed alot of money for this crap for the ps2 and my bro for the PC all for nothing.


  • GameloadingGameloading Member UncommonPosts: 14,182
    I enjoyed Phantasy Star Online series a lot more then I enjoyed PSU.
  • TuskaiTuskai Member Posts: 3
    If i may post my opinion

    1.  Exp is easy to gain if your in a group

    2. They have updates about every month or 2.

    3.what game are you playing.  107 different hairstyles, about 30 different Shirt pant and shoes with chosable colors.  almost 100% character customizability.

    4.hmm mabye if your only looking at 1 group of gameplay.  there are about 13 chapters on offline and about 4 CHAINS of quests that take you though multiple different missions Online.

    5. Cant really argue there except on the boss thing.  your saying that the rank of the mission (C,B,A,S) are differrent quests.  there just varrying degrees of difficulty.

    6. there are a lot if your on the right Universe (server)  or at a decent time.

    7. Your supposed to MAKE your own items,  not farm for them but you can get rares on ANY difficulty. if your lucky your first item can be rare.

    8.There are such things as player shops but this brings me back to 7. MAKE your own items if the shops are overpriced.

    9.this game is about 75% Action.  Its only slow if you make it slow.

    10.its not in alpha testing.  Its a full Fledged Game.  If your computer sucks to much to play it its your problem.  9,99 for 1 month and 15Extra days for the first Subsription isnt that much.
  • SBC3SBC3 Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 372

    for your #10 I never said it runs bad I mean as in low content and also this is how it is diffrent from the others not rateing its self...

  • mbbladembblade Member Posts: 747

    well i got the game for the puter and didn't play it much at all. I didn't play online cuz i wasn't about to pay to play when i wasn't even sure i wanted to play it really. About an hour or 2 i quit and haven't played it since

  • rufusangusrufusangus Member Posts: 84
    Originally posted by Tuskai

    If i may post my opinion

    1.  Exp is easy to gain if your in a group

    2. They have updates about every month or 2.

    3.what game are you playing.  107 different hairstyles, about 30 different Shirt pant and shoes with chosable colors.  almost 100% character customizability.

    4.hmm mabye if your only looking at 1 group of gameplay.  there are about 13 chapters on offline and about 4 CHAINS of quests that take you though multiple different missions Online.

    5. Cant really argue there except on the boss thing.  your saying that the rank of the mission (C,B,A,S) are differrent quests.  there just varrying degrees of difficulty.

    6. there are a lot if your on the right Universe (server)  or at a decent time.

    7. Your supposed to MAKE your own items,  not farm for them but you can get rares on ANY difficulty. if your lucky your first item can be rare.

    8.There are such things as player shops but this brings me back to 7. MAKE your own items if the shops are overpriced.

    9.this game is about 75% Action.  Its only slow if you make it slow.

    10.its not in alpha testing.  Its a full Fledged Game.  If your computer sucks to much to play it its your problem.  9,99 for 1 month and 15Extra days for the first Subsription isnt that much.
    Keep lying to yourself, its what Sega fanboys do best. The game is Mediocre at best. As a free to play game, alot can be forgiven, but as a pay to play game, it is a complete joke. The ps2/pc servers were hacked so badly, that within 3 months there was irreversable damage to the economy.

    Thats where Sega screwed up; You see, they didn't keep up with thier competition. When they charge like an MMO, they better damn well deliver the quality current MMO's do. For God's sakes, the Japs didn't even include rudementry PVP into the game. The game itself is unique, but guess what, when you charge per month, your creating a new standard for yourself.

    You wanna know why people hate PSU so much? Look at what WoW. lineage 2, EQ2, etc give you for your monthly fee, then look at PSU. It's half assed as a pay to play game, and as bad as hacking got, there was absolutly no justification for them to charge a monthly fee.

    Don't agree with me? The server populations speak for themselves. The Xbox version is still doing well, but as a console game expectations are lower. The PC/Ps2 servers have constantly been losing players, subscription numbers speak for themselves.

    I should ask you, why would I play PSU? Why do you? The action based gameplay is a nice change of pace, and the rates i can deal with as i am accustomed to games like lineage 2 with extremely low rates; However, for my monthly fee i don't get a presistant world, hackers run rampant, the content is sparce even with the updates, and i can't even enjoy PvP because they left it out completly. Your playing PSU because of what you wish it would be, not because of what it is. Its a horrible pay to play game, and at best it make a half assed free to play game. The competition, pay to play or free to play, absolutly destroys PSU on EVERY SINGLE LEVEL.

    Case in point, at some point you realize that this is 2007, you shouldn't be forced to ignore everything wrong with the game anymore to enjoy it. In the dreamcast days this game would have worked, but people have moved on, even if Japan hasn't. Lack of understanding this simple concept is the very reason why Sega has been losing market shares and losing ground for years now. You can't just take a good idea, half ass it and expect it to sell well; People have standards now for games, the market is alot larger and that kind of half assed bullshit isn't going to fly, no matter how much polish they throw on it.
  • YeeboYeebo Member UncommonPosts: 1,361
    I don't think comparing PSU to WoW or EQ II is a particularly fair comparison.  They are entirely different styles of game.

    GW and DDO are better comparisons, since they share the same hubworld/ instanced adventure areas structure.  I haven't played either of those, but I have the impression that GW is a lot better overall, and DDO gives you more free content for your dollar.  So, arguably, yes, PSU doesn't give you as much bang for your buck as these games.

    However, to me even those aren't very good analogues.  GW and DDO are turn based menu driven affairs, while PSU is a true action RPG.  Some players just don't like menu driven turn based games (which 99% of the multiplayer online RPGs on the market are).  If you really want "twitch" combat with RPG style loot whoring and stat development, as well as the ability to interact with hundresd of players (even if only in hub areas), there are actually few good options on the market.  Really surprisingly few.   I dare to speculate that the first game to really get this combo right will be a smash hit (Too Human is going to give it shot, based on what I've read....we'll see).  No one really has to date, but I'll tell you what I think of the main contenders so far.

    For me the best comparison is to PSO, or maybe Monster Hunter.  Both are pure action RPGs focused on gathering loot (ala Diablo) where instead of a menu driven interface to find games (like Titan Quest or Diablo II), you have hub worlds that you wander around in.  In the hub worlds you can meet peaple, chat, and join games (from a menu interface buried in the hub world, ironically). 

    Also, instead of point and click combat, you actually run around with a controller and hit things in the face with your sword by pressing a button. Learning the comboes, correct aiming, and timing of each weapon is a huge part of learning to play.   I can't stress enough what an important distinction this is to me.  It's why PSO held my attention for months and Diablo and Titan Quest  held my attention for weeks.

    Monster Hunter was amazingly deep and pretty, and I never had the patience to get into it.  The combat mechanics were clunky (no lock on GAAAA), but they got better with practice.  It was also free, but got exactly zero updates.  No character development to speak of, you basically are your gear.  The hub towns were also kind of sparse.  If I remember right only a few peaple could be in any hub town at once.  Of the three overall my least favorite (but I can see why someone would dig it, if you have a PS2 and can get it cheap worth  a look).

    PSO was shallow.  It was essentially Diablo in space with hub cities.  But they weren't even cities, they were lobbies.  No exploration worth speaking of outside of the adventuring areas.  It had additional activites such as a primitive soccer game, timed instance runs to qualify for super high end weapons (that took intense teamwork I should add), PvP matches, occaissional new missions to run, ect.  But essentially it all boiled down to collecting loot and killing stuff (which you could argue goes for all of these games I guess).  The combat was fun and fast paced.  The environments were gorgeous.   And the loot drop system was incredibly utterly addictive.  Crack on a disk really.  Overall my favorite of the three.

    PSU is PSO with more depth.  Character development is far deeper and more flexible.  The combos in combat are more flexible.  Hub areas are more like cities, with essential items you will never find if you don't explore them.  Each character has an apartment that they can decorate as they see fit, even setting up a store if they like.  The environments range from bland to gorgeous, but the overall art direction falls kind of flat to me.  Instead of finding items you find rare drops and recipes that you can use to make items. 

    And this last thing is what totally killed the game for me.  To even have a chance of making a rare item, you have to first level up your "crafter buddy" incredibly arduous process.  And then, you put all your rare as hell crap into him and have to wait an hour or more to see if he made the item.  And very often you will have just set your rare as hell crap on fire, as he will give you a health drink or something and say "ooh, sorry man."  In addition, even the best weapons are fairly weak when you first make them.   To get a good weapon you need to grind it.  And every time you grind a weapon there is a good chance it will explode in your face, becoming utterly unusable and potentially flushing hours of work down the crapper. 

    In other words, PSU improves on every aspect of PSO ....but one.  They took the most fun additive part of the game (hunting monsters for rare weapons and armor) and replaced it with a system that is a lot like paying someone to kick you in the nuts over and over again.  Yay.  For this sole reason, PSO still edges out PSU.  I have to agree with the OP (though not for the reasons he gives).  And it makes me a sad sad panda.

    Or the bright side, some players actually like the crafting system.  If you are one of those rare masochists, you will probably dig PSU quite a bit.  Nothing else very much like it on the market in terms of overall playstyle, setting, and depth. 

    I don't want to write this, and you don't want to read it. But now it's too late for both of us.

  • FoieGrantzFoieGrantz Member Posts: 5

    I like the style of gameplay, but most the criticisms about the world and variation the game gives are pretty much correct or at the very least understandable.  They should have at least allowed you to use your own character in the story mode, and made the story mode more generic to make sure it makes sense with a custom character.


    The Challenge Mode in PSO was awesome though.  If you could make it through that, props.


  • beyondangelsbeyondangels Member Posts: 49

    I enjoyed playing PSO to level 100+

    PSU has its draw backs but I still love playing it.

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