Ok one night i just scrolling through the list's of endless mmorpg's//
whilst i cross them off my in mind check list, i stumble across Voyage Century
(i noticed the rating 8.2) after dl this Game overnight,
i havent stopped playing it since, i still finding new things in the game that seem
different from MOST eastern mmo's
::Thing with korean mmos is that they are all the same nerly, everyime i go onto a
korean based game, first thing i look at are the crafting, i expect to see from a GOOD mmo is somthing like mining/smithing/woodcutting or whatever, but then its just somthing real gay like "OH COMBINE ORS U KILL FROM GRINDING INTO UR WEAPONS LIKE 9 TIMES TO MAKE A SUPER DOOPER WEAPON!!!!!!!!"""::
thats just real lame, most kr mmo's are like that..
BUt THIS GAME iS like RUNSCAPE 3 or whatever..
lol even though i hated rs
thing about this game is that u dont just grind>!!!
u have FUN!
mmor are all about fun GOD dammit
not how shinny it looks but how you love to play it
there is always somthing that you are looking forwad too
this game deserves a better rating still..
here are my problems with other mmos... (JUSt my opinion ok )
""i have played all the one's listed here so dont think i dont know
btw im not a fn noob (even though i sound like one)
World of Warcraft (play it at your own risk if you want to sign ur life away that is...
communty sucked no one ever tlaked hardly high level players think they are the best coz they got 50 pizza boxes stacked up enxt yto their hard drive"
Guild wars (its good for a group of frineds and for a casual gamer, nice but can get boring..)
Maple story (wtf that game dont even deserve a fn rating... so grindy for no pking? like a combat style habbo hotel kinda game)
Hero online (the rating is not right got a few things that rmeind me of wow but nothing like it just another kr grind game sadly
silk road just the same nerly..
Martial heros ... no.. grind
Khan online ..my second mmo afer runescape.. it dosent deserve a ps2
community fn rules even though i was on the filipino servers lol alright game
but not the best ... kinda like a grind game ..kr game it is...
Runescape: probably the longest mmo i ever played during the old days when i was making my first steps into becoming a mmo player..
it is the base of all my decision when choosing a mmorpg ..
i hate i now though rofl
MU online: its alright kinda like diablo but a grinder game too ... why!!
FLYFF: whats so cool about flying? .... laggy!!/grind
Conqure online, its alright the people that created only made it for money
they are very lazy .... Conquer 2 !!! omg .... hardly a change lol i was expecting my warrior to have a fn horse instead the interface is blue now...
alright grindy and its a player dependant game ... always join partys to lvl up no fun... pking is cool
Eudomons online just as the same but with pet things ... boring too
Kal online ...WTF MORE GRINDING>!~!!!
Knight ONline GRINDing on a skate board!!! grind grind
thats it for now i cant be bothered to put more mmos up coz hard to remember all the names..
Well JUST SAYING THIS GAME is living up to my expectations ... only gay thing is
the tiny lil glitch things and the translation
oh and the site need a make over, looks like another conqure online imatation lol
so yeah
and never say never (8)
TEH S4murai ...... yakuza
MY in game name is YakuzaShinobi
MMORPG Master PRO whatever..
i play games to escape reality
games with high graphics and everything loose the meaning you play games to play in another world why play them when it just looks like rl?
when your trying to escape rl
..or u can take drugs? ...
"say no to drugs kids"
I'm also pure supporter of this game.
Because?Because it's so different from other MMO's i've liked(Silkroad and Guild Wars) it has so much to do and you don't have to do endless grinding for lvls,you don't have to be fighter at all and that's something what attracts me, i enjoy planting seeds and making something from them.
This game is definetly for me and if i have to rated i could give it a something near 90(1-100) it has still some problems but if it continue to go better i'm pleased
I also hope that the developers add meaningful content outside the Med. as it is becoming quite crowded and people are pushing beyond Algiers now en masse. The city seige update is highly anticipated. Hopefully all will go well with that.
You might say I'm enjoying my experience thus far and am cautiously optimistic.
This is the part that worries me about VCO though. The game feels substantially less grindy and simply more fun than the normal cash shop games (from what I heard it's actually p2p in China so that may be the reason) so cash shop items will HAVE to give people some substantial advantage or only few people will bother with buying them, resulting in a low revenue for this game... and thus quite possibly its failure.
But I guess only time will tell
I personally have no problem with Item Malls. I use them. Due to the fact I subscribe to games like going to a movie or paying for dsl for entertainment its no big deal. I tend to pay about 7.50 U.S. Currency in a normal month on a F2P. This makes me competitive with the masses and I still save money over a p2p. Anywho I think VC was almost to fair with its Item Mall. With there model you deffinetly could achieve a successful guild with planning. Im not sure how they plan to stay profitable if theres not a huge need to use the mall....
Hey if it works for them it works for me
People will probably call me crazy for caring about the revenue of a "free" game but like ALL F2P games VCO is here to make money and if it doesn't make money it likely won't be here for long and that'd for once be a shame.
But then again, I didn't think Guild Wars's financial plan could succeed since I believed it to offer simply too much for too little money and still it worked out.
Im currently playing Maple Story, with many MMORPG's I get addicted at first but the games rarely keep me hooked for more than 2 weeks, the top ones were:
Runescape which I now ask why did I play that crap like most people who quit. I played for a year I think or 8 or 9 months.
Knight Online was like 3 weeks.
Silkroad: 2 weeks,
Flyff the most utter crap I have ever played: 10 minutes after waiting a freakin day for it to download.
Dark and Light : after waiting 2 days for it to download, I played for 5 minutes, It didnt seem bad, just barren, no other players and the lag I experienced was overwhelming.
A Tale In the desert was a cool game I though but I was on a trial so i played for 2 weeks i think it was.
Anarchy Online was cool for about 2 weeks,
City of Heros for 2 days,
D&D Online for about 1 week in total, it was ok but got really repetative,
Eternal lands was just plain boring, 5 days,
Project Entropia: a week,
EVE 3 days of sitting in front of rocks and clicking mine, the auto pilot did the lest and having a point and click game in space is fairly hard,
OZ World, ha that was just as bad as Flyff, it wasnt even an RPG it was just yay fish and kiss virtual girls: 2 minutes, the first minute was spent logging in and reading stuff.
Planeshift, I accidentally fell of a ledge in the first 5 seconds and after falling for about 2 seconds and hitting ground that was about 3 feet under me my character died so I spent the remainder of the 2 hours I played the game in hell trying to find the exit to no avail.
Puzzle Pirates 1 and a half weeks, its fun but you know kiddie and repetative, Rubies of Eventide, underpopulated and just kind of empty, I almost actually was freaked out by the vast empiness of the open plains when it was dark, 2 weeks it was fun but underpopulated and just didnt have anything to great in it, Shadowbane, Almost nobody playing it which meant that it was pretty much pointless seeing as the whole point of the game is to fight the opposing guilds. 2 hours on that.
Space Cowboy, 2 days, it was fun but also kind of repetative aka fly your ship shoot stuff turn it in buy parts for ship.
Turf Battle was kind of fun but it was also really weird. 3 days.
Wurm Online. That was a cool game because you could build your own house and it wasnt a grindfest, in fact i dont even think there is fighting in the game, but there was nobody that played it and it got kind of boring.
The thing in common with all of those games (except Wurm) is that they were just kill kill kill, It gets really boring, this game looks different because it combines combat along with trading if you dont want to fight and it also seems to have a community not 3 people who stay loyal to it like shadowbane and wurm and Rubies of eventide. And its fairly historical but according to the list of monsters you can kill, I dont think that King Kong ran around in the congo or that there were goblins on earth. But overall it looks like a cool game and I look forward to playing. Sorry if I got a little off topic.
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