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Only D&L is Worse

Thinking of trying MXO, don't bother.

With that said, MXO has one thing going for it, it's not as bad as D&L. Not sure that's saying much. The game play is mind numbingly repeatitive, the combat is simple and unremarkable. The city is way too small and even feels smaller with these "hardlines" people use to instantly teleport through the city. The city has 4 districts, but 2 look identical, with the others being only slightly different. There is virtually no one in the game to play with, it's hardly an MMO.

There is no end game at all, the leveling process is beyond painful. Imagine doing exactly the same quest over and over...and over. The devopment team doesn't seem to eager to add an end game or content beyond short, uninspiried, roleplaying scenarios which are not something I think most of us are looking for in an MMO. The community has an elitist attitude and are very unfriendly. The customer service is terrible, but it is SOE so that should be understood. I honestly don't know why they charge for this game since it's obvious the funds aren't being reinvested. It's a good scam by SOE to milk hardcore Matrix fans. For everyone else in the world, it offers nothing.


  • SeanDavisSeanDavis Member Posts: 412

    This game, to a large part, was designed in order to offer Matrix fans (or interested ones, to be fair) the continuation of the storyline, apart from others through "live events" (the "role playing scenarios" you're talking about).

    Someone who's not interested in the Matrix, the storyline or role play understandably has significantly less reason to be interested in this game, because story and events are its main focus and purpose (even too little of a focus, if you ask me). That's just because there are people with different interests, and this game certainly doesn't answer to everyone's interests.

    Yea, there are other "selling points" like Interlock, realistic city, graphics or exchangeable ability classes, but one could say they just make up for technical and financial problems TMO has (I think).

    Haven't had much experience with the customer service, but from other cases I've seen they really don't seem to do a very good job.

    The levelling process sucks indeed, except you don't focus on it :)

    I think your statement about the districts is a great exaggeration, but that's matter of taste I guess.

  • SkyJackalSkyJackal Member Posts: 390

    The first thing i would like to point out is your post is largely subjective, which isn't wrong in any way per se, as long as others realize that the conclusions have been made based solely on your own experiences/tastes/actions. Thus it may very well be different for them.

    On the subject of 'mind numbingly repetitive' a popular phrase comes to mind, "what you put in is what you get out". That is to say if one grinds on the same thing ( in this case standard randomly generated missions ) then they obviously will gain an experience which is 'mind numbingly boring'. The thing to remember is there are other things to do, other choices available to break up the monotony. Ran a few standard missions and are starting to feel bored? Then go check out that exile hideout over there, fight the boss and see if the loots good for your class, it is? Then stay around killing mobs for some xp/info and wait for the boss to respawn, try to get the highest level item from there. That’s the monotony broken. Don't feel like doing more of the same again? Then go do some contact missions in the neighborhood at your current level (for fairly level appropriate xp and individual 'side questy' storylines) or go progress with those archive missions (which tell the story of the game so far giving pretty decent xp and, imo, are far more interesting and involving than standards). That’s the monotony broken. There’s tons of stuff to break up the grind, join a faction and have some good times with them (missioning with mates helps battle the grind so much in my experience), progress into other districts by hunting access codes, have a look at local collectors and see if the loots any good for you, if it is then go farm the mobs for a bit, check out the special loot available in your level range's construct and if its good for ya work at that.

    My single greatest piece of advice to anyone thinking of, or is, playing MxO is take things slow and enjoy the content around you. Don't rush to level and grind on standard missions - you'll 'burn out' before ya know it and never appreciate what else was there.

    The city being small is largely subjective, the hardline system is certainly unique and debatable as to ones tastes and preferences but mostly, from what i've experienced and heard, apart from maybe the somewhat large number and spread of them, looked at as a good system.

    Like Sean i find the comments on the districts as largely exaggerated, yes there indeed 4 districts but i wouldn't say 'identical' and 'slightly different' are at all accurate - if anything pretty much each neighborhood within the districts (except maybe the barrens - haven’t been there in a while) has their own architecture types.

    Population experience is dependant on a large number of factors including server, timezones, days of play, rl, which game areas you visit etc etc. Thus i would say it is pretty much an opinion unique to oneself. Like i said at the beginning, its most likely different for other people.

    See the above for your views on the community as well. You simply can not speak for all the players being that way, its a hugely individual experience.

    CS i can not comment on since i've personally never had to deal with them (which i would view as a positive thing in itself =P)

    And your closing statement of 'for everyone else in the world it offers nothing' is at its basic level your presenting yourself as knowing exactly how 'everyone else in the world' wants and would get from the game. A view that is, simply put, exaggerated and ridiculous given the shear level of human diversity on this planet.

    Oh and last of all, what is D&L? 

  • freiheitfreiheit Member Posts: 264

    Ahh yes, instead of doing the same exact mission over and over grind some mobs in the same zone that looks like evryhting else lol.

    See MXO has diversity.

    He's spot on about this game not appealing to anyone but hardocre MXO fans, why don't you think anyone plays it?

    I think gamers would prefer a game with content, seeing as that's the point of being a gamer, not a matrix fan.

    Your comments about the population are just a little more than misleading as is the rest of your rant. I love how he tries to dissmiss everything the guy wrote in a smug elitist manner. The best thing though, is when he tells him to take it slow so he doesn't have to witness the lack of end game. Yeah man take it slow while doing the same mission and grinding mobs, that's fun!

    Then he goes on to criticize this persons individual experience and vaguely imply that he's lying. Guess what, he's is reporting his experiance, that's the idea. I happen to agree as do many, many, others including the most recent review on this site.

    PS: The city is small.

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