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Started playing this a week or so ago.
Initial impressions were along the lines of 'omg what have I just wasted hours downloading'.... but you have to have the patience to find your way around the initially pretty bad presentation (yup it reads like the proverbial chinese VCR instruction manual). Once you do that however, what lies beneath is a surprisingly good game with more depth than is first apparent.
The freeform 'sandbox' style won't appear to some but then I hate games that lead you down a linear path and have always gone for freeform games as my first choice. Plenty of ways to go and do things - I've been alternating between trading to make money and heading off to hunt NPCs (some of the 'adventure Islands' are quite entertaining) when I fancy a bit more action. Done a little bit of resource collecting and crafting and some land exploration too. The gameplay will be pretty familiar to anyone who played the original Sid Meyer's Pirates altough this game has a lot more in there than that game did.
Not sure why this game seems to be generating such a flame fest in certain threads below but if this type of game appeals to you and you are willing to take the time to get into it and not expect instant gratification and muchos hand holding its recommended. I have introduced a couple of friends to the game and they seem equally hooked - we're probably going to start up a guild soon
Especially surprising was to me how fresh the game felt, considering it originally was designed in Asia.
Ok if I was nitpicky I'd say that the game is a blatant rip-off of Sea Dogs, just with better graphics and much more content but since it is executed very well in itself I won't complain about that.
I am especially looking forward to the implementation of capturable towns so guild wars will get a meaning beyond just killing the other side.
Speaking of which, the game has quite a strong focus on PvP in general altough not all features for this are implemented yet, something that sadly has become pretty rare in the MMoRPG genre.
For now I am enjoying the simple life of a humble farmer in Alexandria (yes some people enjoy such activities)
I quite enjoy it also - tho i am mulling around like a complete noob (LOL I just discovered that the warehouse has bank boxes abd ve been playign for a week or so...) THe documention is pretty bad and the "Engrish" is sometimes funny (But usually condusing...)
Still, I am enjoying it and will soon be able to upgrade my ship level
"Censorship is never over for those who have experienced it. It is a brand on the imagination that affects the individual who has suffered it, forever." - Noam Chomsky