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I am new to this game (as well as the whole MMORPG thing). I have had a character I have been working for almost two months. I have had several people help me along the way which has been invaluble. I have however seemed to have reached a point where my character is not getting any better. Please let me know if I need to just keep plugging along (it's getting boring), or if I have missed something along the way that would make a difference.
My character is a Paladin - Stats are as follows:
Swords: 100 (+120 scroll when you have the money)
Tactics: 100 (+120 scroll when you have the money)
Focus: 80
Resist: 100
Parry: 100
Chiv: 80
You get 700 skill points so you have enough room to add another skill and get it to 100 I might recomend Bushido for PvP
Next you need items for Chiv at 4/6 casting I pwn alot since my heals are so quick 3/6 is still pretty good and easily attainable.
look for jewelry with 1 faster casting and try to get them to have a value with fast cast recovery. Try to find a winged helm they are cheap and help alot to attain 3/6. And if you can find a shield that has 1 fast cast the shield might suck but with 4/6 you will be able to stay alive.
next is your stats the only thing that sucks with pallies is that we need a +25 stat scroll in order to be superb. After you attained one your stats should look like 90 str, 120 dex, and 40 int. wihtout it it gets though. For stats this post on stratics helped me alot I would recomend reading some posts on their board for pallies. But from experiance I have fun with my template.
Ok, now to answer your question =D Everything seems good but I can tell right away that you have trouble staying alive. Try to get 3/6 casting so you can use close wounds quit a bit. Good places for you to hunt will be Covetous kill harpys there till you get your chiv up and you should be able to survive and you make a decent amount of money here aswell. After once you have raised your skills and are able to kill things in there decently try Wrong. But dont go to far in kill the spawns at entrance so only kill Juka Warriors and stay away from the mages they will murder you. You should be able to gm your swords in here and the money is alot better than Cove. After your close to your template you will want to raise your magic resists. Go kill liches in the lich woods use Enemy Of One for these guys since nothing else really spawns around there oh and get a holy sword for these guys if you dont have one go buy the new uo box from eb/gamestop with the token in the box you can get the holy sword and if you can buy 2 boxes and get the royal leggins of embers with them. And if you can afford 3 boxes get the samurai helm. Those items will help you alot with everything. but be sure to claim your toekns before the 16th or else you wont be able to get these items anymore. After all of this go kill Dragons in Destard and make moneys. Also if you don't have a rune book look for one in luna some vendors sell dungeon rune books that have all the dungeons on them.
This game is very item dependent so you have to do alot of reading before you kow whats good or not for your pally use stratics alot. The forums helped me and my family alot when we needed to learn everything. UO is confusing but it's fun once you get it down.
Also what shard are you on? I am on Atlantic and would be happy to help you in game once I get back from my work study. Will be back in 2 weeks. Good luck and if you have any other questions don't hesitate to ask. And also check out the info and forums here this will help you with life in UO.