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Work, work and more work has been the latest routine of my life. Long story short, I left my favorite MMO game (Anarchy Online) of four years because of real life issues, working more hours, and plain old boredom of the game. I am searching for a new stress reliever, i.e. a new MMO game. With so many major and lesser known MMORPG’s in the market, I do not know which to choose.
I have tried several of the “major” MMO’s, like WOW, GW, and EVE Online to name a few. I played WOW twice technically, once while I was playing Anarchy Online full time and I found it to be very simple and easy; especially compared to Anarchy Online. I recently played it again and somehow I started to enjoy it (trial version), maybe the lack of a full time MMO game allowed me to enjoy it for what it is and not how it stacks up against my favorite MMO.
I played EVE Online a long time ago (again during my playing of Anarchy Online), although I had a neutral feeling towards the game. I neither really hated nor loved the game, but I was and still am intimidated by the veterans in EVE Online. I didn’t get much help from veterans about the best ways to advance in the game and even the players that spent more time in the game than I were clueless to what to do besides farm rock.
Right now, I purchased all three games of Guild Wars, but I haven’t spent much time playing the original (I haven’t even installed the other two expansions yet). I purchased them simply because they didn’t require a monthly fee thus requiring me to actually play the game so my money wouldn’t go to waste.
I am excited about two new MMORPG’s coming down the pipe soon, Conan and Vanguard. Conan seems like it will be another great classic from Funcom, but I have been burned by them because they dislike fixing the issues in their games. Anarchy Online is a great example of a great game that has major quality issues. Even with the release of their fourth expansion for the game, the game still has the same old issues that may never get solved. Vanguard is one game I’m closely watching, as it may be the game that actually gets my money. Sounds a lot like Anarchy Online without the sci-fi theme and the world is suppose to be HUGE. I read the installation will be well over 22GBs and hopefully enough subscribers can fill the lands.
I am open to any and all suggestions, information, advice and etc from you fellow MMORPG lovers. Which MMO game do you think I should try, continue to play or stop playing?
Anarchy Online Characters:
Twinked lvl 218 Keeper
Twinked lvl 60 Enforcer
Super-Twinked lvl 157 Soldier
Founder and CEO of F.R. MediaWorks
after 6 or so years, I had to change it a little...
Vanguard plays out with the same limitations of game produces a decade earlier. While the graphic have been polished, the core stays caught in the stigma of UO and EQ. Conan, while slated for the second quarter, looks much more promising. The glimmer of fps/reaction based combat found in Morrowind and Oblivion seems to have found life within an mmo platform. The MMO halmark of rewarding endurance may finally be cast aside in favor of raw skill. Save your money for this one. Guild closed beta is wrapping up soon. Aren't you sick of etheral players, mounted men that pass right through one another without clipping? Realism has its place in fantasy.
I have heard rumors that SOE is launching the game too early, but from your advice, the game is shaping up to be great so I guess I'll be there on day one!
Anarchy Online Characters:
Twinked lvl 218 Keeper
Twinked lvl 60 Enforcer
Super-Twinked lvl 157 Soldier
Founder and CEO of F.R. MediaWorks
Anarchy Online was a great, albeit, buggy game when it was released. Coming from my experience with Funcom (four years worth) as a customer, they are into "quick fixes" instead of completely solving a problem. This type of customer service may or may not carry over to Conan. I do not dispute their ability to create great MMO games, only their lack of true work on fixing serious game altering bugs. For example, one profession (aka class) called the Adventurer in Anarchy Online is truly overpowered in almost all areas of the game, from PVP, questing to solo'ing. Anarchy Online is known to us vets as Adventurer Online simply because a truly "tweaked" Adventurer player literally cannot be killed in a 1on1 duel. I am not sure if the new expansion, Lost Eden, adjusted the balance as I haven't played the game since sept.
Again, Conan seems like a great game, but I have been burned by Funcom once and I do not wish to be set on fire again.
Anarchy Online Characters:
Twinked lvl 218 Keeper
Twinked lvl 60 Enforcer
Super-Twinked lvl 157 Soldier
Founder and CEO of F.R. MediaWorks
As for compairing it to Conan. Conan we know very little about aside from what its supposed to be like and what the things they want us to see looks like.
Im also a fan of getting in when it starts. Everythings new, and min/max'ing hasnt relaly begun yet. Its as close as you can get to that feeling of innocence you had with your first mmorpg.
after 6 or so years, I had to change it a little...