my theories on death: 1. when you die its just like when your asleep and its a neverending dream and if that is then we may already be dead. 2. your souls is recycled(not to be confused with any religions) into an insect just think about it theres billions of dead people and theres billions of insects. 3. your souls may be recycled into a new human body but you lose all past memories.
please post your own theories/ thoughts about death
I'm not religious.
remember to vote when you view/ post here.
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
as long as you know what i'm saying i don't really care/ bother with spelling too much.
and i don't exactly believe in reincarnation it's just a theory.(are you happy i spelled it right)
saying i believe in reincarnation is implying i'm religious wich i'm not.
You die, and then the worms come..
My mind has changed so much. Yet I'm still acting like I'm the same.
as long as you know what i'm saying i don't really care/ bother with spelling too much.
and i don't exactly believe in reincarnation it's just a theory.(are you happy i spelled it right)
saying i believe in reincarnation is implying i'm religious wich i'm not.
Yes, that makes me happy. But, believing in reincarnation doesn't mean you follow a speific religion. If I had asked if you were Bhuddist, then I would've been hinting at that. Reincarnation is just a theory.
as long as you know what i'm saying i don't really care/ bother with spelling too much.
and i don't exactly believe in reincarnation it's just a theory.(are you happy i spelled it right)
saying i believe in reincarnation is implying i'm religious wich i'm not.
Yes, that makes me happy. But, believing in reincarnation doesn't mean you follow a speific religion. If I had asked if you were Bhuddist, then I would've been hinting at that. Reincarnation is just a theory.
look how far you've brought this im quoting your quote of my quote. now on to what i have to say i never said that you are directly saying i'm religious it just seems like your implying it i know what you are saying now please stop correcting/ requoting.
My mind has changed so much. Yet I'm still acting like I'm the same.
Allright, I'll be nice and stop arguing with you, and actually contribute to your thread.
I'd love to believe in an afterlife (heaven and hell) but I just don't see that happening. Honestly, I just think that, when you die, you stop existing.
is anyone going to vote and post new stuff or is it just going to be arguing between me and Rreka'al arguing on both my poll threads.
My mind has changed so much. Yet I'm still acting like I'm the same.
My mind has changed so much. Yet I'm still acting like I'm the same.
That's not too bad... It beats burning up in hell I suppose. It's also pretty lousy thinking that forever... hold on, take a minute... wrap your head around that... forever.... not just a few thousand years... not just a few million.... forever, you will always be dead. You won't be able to think. Yikes. The thought scares me, but I'm almost positive that's how it happens.
Here is my theory
If your ugly now
Next life youll be hot
Here's a question I haven't been able to get an answer to. For those who don't believe in an afterlife, what does dying *feel* like? We may experience sleep or unconciousness, and that just feels like you suddenly wake up, remembering nothing. At no point do we experience "nothing".
For those that say it's just like before you were born, doesn't that leave room for reincarnation? Does the birthing of a new conciousness not dip into the same pool of nothingness that death sends you to?
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Yes, but probably in some third-world country where you have to whore your ass just to eat.
i can just as easily make my own "theory"
4. when you die, you end up in a land full of pink unicorns.
all we do know is we die, our body rots and we no longer exist.
no one knows what (if anything) happens after someone dies.
sucks, yes, i know...but reality often does. there's no reason to speculate or assume anything happens at all.
here's an easy way to think about it....where were you and what was it like billions of years before you were born?
"MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol"
"Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon
I want there to be an afterlife. I want to be able to know that if I die, or if someone in my family dies, they will have some type of peace, and joy, and eternal love to make up for all the crap the world throws at you.
I really don't think there is one, anymore. I used to believe in heaven and hell and the whole shebang. Sometimes my faith is renewed, but usually I end up with the crushing realization that if there was a god, a lot of things wouldn't happen to a lot of people. There wouldn't be depression, or bi-polarity, or Disassociative Identity Disorder, or war, or starvation, or a way for someone's body to block itself off so it can't do anything but feel pain and slowly starve...
I really want there to be an afterlife...
I'm planning about not caring that I'm dead when I'm dead. I probably won't ever know. I figure we're just going to end up dead, you know, eternal oblivion.
On reincarnation, I thought for a long time about it, and came to the conclusion that it won't be human reincarnation, if at all. Mostly because, if we have reincarnated before, I think we'd probably remember it. And if we didn't remember our past life, would it really be reincarnation? Sure, it might be a "Soul Transfer" type thing, but as far as personalities go, you would essentially be a different person, because of the new experiences without any of your old memories. Basically, if you can't remember your past life/reincarnation, was it really a reincarnation, seeing as how you'd be a completely different person? Plus, the birth rate exceeds the death rate. That would mean there would be a whole lot of new added to the old pool.
We barely remember who or what came before this precious moment;
We are choosing to be here right now -Tool, Parabola